LNE Weekly Update
Week of September 3rd-6th
🍎Happy Labor Day🍎
A note from Principal Tilley
Hello Dolphin Families!
Happy Sunday! Who doesn't love a long weekend?!? I want to thank all of our families who work and can enjoy tomorrow off. It takes a village to raise a child and we ALL work (or labor) hard to ensure our children are not only educated but cared for! Thank you parents, staff and community for all that you do for our children, our future! Hope you all enjoy, the much deserved, day off tomorrow!
Thank you and much love to you all!
Schedule for the Week (September 3-6)
3rd Grade Beginning of Grade (BOG) Test
Parents of 3rd graders please know that results will be coming home soon. Please remember this test provides our teachers a baseline, it is a State test, but helps our teachers identify next steps when it comes to reading instruction. The test is on 3rd grade material so it is not expected for your child to be proficient at this point. The teachers will be reviewing the results at parent/teacher conferences which will be scheduled soon.
Costa Rica Summer 2025
Thank you to all who have already signed up on tour to Costa Rica!
Now that a new school year has arrived and we're back in the swing of things, we wanted to provide one additional opportunity for all LNES families to learn about and enroll on this amazing experience.
Due to the overwhelming positive response, we are going to open 10 more spots, first come, first served! With new LNES families and a new interest from others, we expect these seats will go fast. If you are thinking about it, I encourage you to sign up ASAP, so you do not miss out.
To RSVP for the upcoming meeting, visit https://bit.ly/4g3wS6o.
All RSVP'd travelers will qualify to save $100!
Please do not hesitate to reach out to me with any questions that you have. You can also speak with EF’s dedicated Traveler Support Team online at https://www.eftours.com/contact-us or by phone at 800-665-5364.
Also, if your student has friends who have not signed up yet, feel free to pass this message along to their families, too.
We are very fortunate to offer our children some enrichment opportunities after school. Please understand some have grade level restrictions so ensure you fully read the flyer before signing your child up. A few guidelines regarding clubs:
- 3 unexcused absences/late pick-ups and/or warnings about behavior will result in your child being removed from that club
- Please ensure your child is truly interested in that club before signing up
- We cannot take everyone
If you have specific questions about the club please reach out to the staff member/community member who is over the club.
LNE partners with the two below you will need to reach directly out to them:
ATA Winners for Life
Soccer Shots
Run/Fit- Led by Mr. Greene
Beta Club- Led by Mrs. Dunker
Please use this link for more information- Click Here
Art Club- Led by Mrs. Sechler
Club will be every 2nd and 4th Thursday for 3/4 grades and 1st and 3rd Thursday for 5th grade. We will let out at 3:20 pm. There will be 12 available slots for each club.
If interested in signing up, please read and fill out the following form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfhBzaOI7EyC1BBUBREHi04W03rv618l-i4q8yasChwFadd9w/viewform
Battle of the Books- Led by Ms. Brown and Ms. Morris
Chess Club- Led by Mrs. Gaylor
Spanish Club- Led by Senora Parker (Nunez) co-led by Miss Caro and Senora Pasuy
Robotics Club- Led by Mrs. Cagle and Mrs. Crafton
Girls on the Run- Led by Mrs. Jeter, Mrs. Fox and Ms. Brown
Soccer Club- Led by Profe Marlon
Ukulele Club- Led by Mr. Music
Chorus- Led by Mr. Music
LNE Clothes Bin
A Few Reminders and an Area of Need
- Nurse Teal is running low on pants and underwear- when children have accidents we like to have extra clothes on hand. Nurse Teal could use some donations of pants and new underwear.
- Our doors open at 7:00am and the tardy bell rings at 7:20am- please be mindful of this, we need to start school on time. We dismiss at 2:10pm- please do not line up before 1:45pm- when cars line up early it blocks access in the event there is an emergency.
- Please be mindful of families who are walking and children riding bikes in the morning.
- Parents can eat lunch with their child and only their child. Please ensure to utilize the designated parent tables in our cafeteria.
General Information
- Please remember all transportation changes must be emailed to Amanda LaBarbera (amanda_labarbera@iss.k12.nc.us) and Nichole Tilley (nicholetilley@iss.k12.nc.us) by 1:00pm
- Students are only released to those with a valid ID and those permitted on the pick-up list as indicated by the parent/guardian
- 4th and 5th graders can be released without a parent present but please speak with your children about safety, using crosswalks and sidewalks- if they have younger siblings walking with them we need a note on file permitting the younger sibling to be released with the 4th/5th grader.
- Parents picking up children K-3 are required to have a walker tag otherwise be prepared to show a valid ID in the front office to obtain a walker tag for pick-up.
- Families who are not truly walkers should not park to pick up their child.
Car Riders
- For AM car, please continue to follow the traffic signs, be kind to our neighbors, adhere to speed limits and know if our doors are closed (in the front and/or out back) you need to walk your child in and check them in at the office. Remember K-2 students cannot be dropped off out back.
- For PM car, please ensure you have your car tag (it is green this year, families will need a new one each year) ready to go- if you need one and/or need additional ones please let Mrs. Ford know at molly_ford@iss.k12.nc.us. All students are picked up in the front of the school.
- Our buses are full, please know we cannot permit additions to the bus for playdates.
- Please allow 10-15 minutes before and after pick-up and drop-off times
- Any student who does not ride the bus for 10 days will be removed from the route.
- See the flyer to track the bus!
PTO Updates
- Get excited our Dolphin Dash kicks off on September 3rd- your child will be coming home with information about this exciting event. Also please be sure to follow our social media pages both the school and PTO will be posting all about it! Be on the lookout to sign-up to volunteer (volunteers must have a cleared background check- you can reach out to your child's teacher to check to see if you are cleared).
- Interested in being a part of PTO and/or helping out with some of the events this year? Reach out to our PTO at lakenormanelementarypto@gmail.com
Looking Ahead (September 9-13)
Parent/Student Handbooks
Important and Useful Links
- Cafeteria- https://www.k12paymentcenter.com/
- Technology- https://osp.osmsinc.com/ISS/
- Field Trips- https://osp.osmsinc.com/ISS/
- Class Donations- https://osp.osmsinc.com/ISS/
- Background Check (Chaperones and Volunteers): https://iss.quickapp.pro/forms/iss-volunteers-self-pay
Attendance 101
Our Focus for the 2024-2025 School Year!
We had a great year last year with LOTS of growth from our children but there is always room for improvement- nothing is perfect. This year at LNE our theme is 'Ain't No Mountain High Enough'. We are looking at how we can 'climb higher'. To be transparent with our families here is our focus as a school:
- Being intentional with our time
- Growing our relationships- greeting every child at the door, whether it is car line or at the classroom room, focusing on the relationships with our children
- Challenging our students with more rigor in our instruction- not more work but taking the learning deeper with our questions and activities
Iredell-Statesville 2024-2025 Calendar
Contact Information
Lake Norman Elementary
Commitment. Dedication. Excellence
Principal Nichole Tilley
Email: nicholetilley@iss.k12.nc.us
Website: https://lakenormanelementary.issnc.org/
Location: 255 Oak Tree Road, Mooresville, NC, USA
Phone: (704) 662-8261
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LakeNormanES