Palo Verde High Magnet School
August 2024
Welcome to Palo Verde High Magnet School! If you are a new student, we would like to welcome you into the Titan Family and we’d also like to welcome back our Titans who have returned. We hope you’ve experienced some successes, met some new friends, said, “Hi,” to previous friends, and are learning a little bit about the Palo Verde High Magnet School culture. It’s been great to be back on campus and we are excited that we’ve had a great start to the year thus far. We appreciate everyone’s flexibility as some changes have been made to a few students’ schedules.
As a reminder, attendance is super important, so keep going to your classes, and communicate with your teacher(s) if you have to be absent. You must always carry your student ID on you, so be sure to stop by the Business Office to get yours if you haven't done that yet!
We have a motto here – Be 212°! At 211° water does nothing, but when it reaches 212° it begins to boil. With boiling comes STEAM and STEAM has the ability to power a locomotive. Just Go That Extra Degree and be 212°!
Curriculum and Grading
Palo Verde High Magnet School offers several educational strands, which include our College and Career Readiness curriculum, as well as our STEAM curriculum. In addition, we offer the following Career and Technical Education (CTE) Programming: Engineering, Computer Science, Digital Communications, Film & TV, and Sports Medicine.
Students earn 0.5 credit for each semester of a class they pass with a D, or better. Pima Community College credits may also be earned while at Palo Verde High Magnet School.
GPA is computed by giving equal value to grades EARNED in a ½ credit course. Points are awarded as follows: A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1, F=0. Advanced Placement classes are weighted, and each grade awards an additional point. Rank in class is required by colleges and universities on transcripts. Class ranking is determined each semester beginning with the first semester of the 9th grade, when total grade points begin accumulating.
Open House and College and Career Night
Mark your calendars for our combined Open House and College and Career Night! This even is taking place Thursday, August 22nd from 5:00-7:00 p.m.
We ask that you reference your student’s schedule (and classroom numbers) through the ParentVUE app, or have your student write it down for you before you arrive. We will hand out maps of the campus and other important information upon your arrival, but will NOT have copies of students’ schedules printed.
Open House will begin promptly at 5:00 p.m. with a short address in the Auditorium. After the Welcome, you may circulate around campus freely to meet your students’ teachers. This is not a time to talk about individual students, but rather a time to hear about classroom procedures, expectations, and what teaching and learning looks like in each of your students’ learning environments. Seniors and their families are encouraged to participate in our College and Career Night, which will take place in room 101.
Please park your vehicles in the main student parking lot along Calle Betelgeux and enter/exit our campus through the gates between the Auditorium and Fine Arts/Little Theater building.
We hope to see you!
In The Spotlight! Girls Flag Football
Palo Verde now offers Girls Flag Football! Check out this KGUN 9 video all about it. If you are interested in joining, please reach out to Coach Jo Ortiz at: momhoops@yahoo.com
Bell Schedule and Hall Passes
Students, don't forget to utilize StudentVue to request your hall passes, as well as passes to see your teachers during Conference Period. Teachers may request your presence during Conference Period as well. It's super important to have your required Chromebook with you each and every day, as well. If you still need one, please head to the Business Office from 7:30-8:00 a.m., or during your lunch time.
Titan Student Council (StuCo)
Our First Spirit Week is only two weeks away! Beginning on August 26th, we will have five spirit days and our first Spirit Assembly. The theme of the Spirit Assembly is Class Colors! T-Shirts will be on sale in the Business Office for all classes. T-Shirts are only $12 and the class wearing the most T-Shirts at the assembly will have goodies thrown in their section as prizes! Third period classes will be competing for prizes as well. Dress up for every spirit day to make sure your class wins the party! Look near Four Corners and the Cafeteria for posters with information about each spirit day!
Counseling Corner
The University of Arizona Application Workshop days are rapidly approaching! If you would like to apply to the U of A please contact Ms. Vazquez in room 101.
It is recommended to sign up for text reminders from our Counseling Team. Please see information below explaining how to sign up.
Our Palo Verde Counseling Team has their very own Instagram page. Please follow them for updates, tips, reminders, and more! Follow them @PVHS.COUNSELING
September 14th
During 2nd Period in the School Cafeteria (More details coming soon)
September 25th (for admitted students) (More details coming soon)
Marissa Owens
Last Names L-Z
Wanda Buchanan
Last Names A-K
Andrea Vazquez
College and Career
Dan Ireland
Exceptional Education Department Chair
Ecology Club
Palo Verde's Ecology club is planning to have a busy year. We are maintaining the storm water basin lined with native plants, caring for our desert tortoise, using our greenhouses to grow starters and plants, and planting our raised beds with winter foods. Through a collaboration with Arizona Game and Fish, the UA Fish and Wildlife club, and a local wetland expert, we plan to complete a major renovation of the wetland pond area. This will involve removing the fish from the pond, cleaning the pond and surrounding area, and replacing the fish into their new home. We also plan to apply for a grant from the US Fish and Wildlife Service to purchase a pump that will keep the water in the pond moving. All of this work will provide a beautiful place for Palo Verde students to learn about plants, animals and insects that live in the Sonoran Desert. We are always looking for new members, so interested students just need to request a pass to room 109 during conference period to come join the fun!
Calendar of Events
August 21st - Professional Learning Day - No school for students
August 22nd, 23rd, 26th, and 27th - U of A Application Workshop Days
August 22nd - Open House Night (5:00-7:00 p.m.)
August 22nd - Senior Information Night (5:00-7:00 p.m.)
August 22nd - Title 1 Meeting (5:00-7:00 p.m.)
August 26th - StuCo Spirit Week (Pajama Day)
August 27th - StuCo Spirit Week (Anything but a Backpack Day)
August 28th - StuCo Spirit Week (Crazy Hat Day)
August 29th - StuCo Spirit Week (Throw Back Thursday)
August 30th - StuCo Spirit Week (Class Colors Day)
August 30th - Fall Sports Assembly
September 2nd - Labor Day - No School
September 17th - College and Career Night at TCC
Athletic Information
We offer a variety of sports at Palo Verde:
Fall: Football, Girls Flag Football, Cross Country, Girls Volleyball, Swimming, and Cheerleading
Winter: Basketball, Soccer, Wrestling, Cheerleading
Spring: Track and Field, Softball, Baseball, Tennis, eSports, and Boys Volleyball
You will need a few things to get signed up. Once you've completed the first three, you're good for the entire school year.
1. Only for students new to high school sports. AIA Brainbook and Opioid online class. AZPreps365 Academy
2. An AIA Doctor's Physical dated no earlier than March 1, 2024, turned into the activities office. AIAOnline
3. New students create an ATS profile and complete the four registration forms. Returning students log on to your profile using your existing username and password. ATS Athlete Portal - Login (atsusers.com)
4. Before being placed on a roster pay the $65 participation or complete an EEF fee assistance form. This can be done at the site.
GIRLS FLAG FOOTBALL: Jo Ortiz: momhoops@yahoo.com
SPIRITLINE: Marissa Owens: marissa.owens@tusd1.org
AD/CROSS COUNTRY/TRACK: Jason Karn: jason.karn@tusd1.org
CROSS COUNTRY: Tim Riley: timothy.riley2@tusd1.org
FOOTBALL: Jamal Chatman: jamal.chatman@tusd1.org
SWIMMING: Tracy Nunez: tracy.nunez@tusd1.org
GIRLS VOLLEYBALL: Matt Dyck: mattdyckaz@gmail.com
BOYS BASKETBALL: Anthony Smith: anthony28.smith@gmail.com
GIRLS BASKETBALL: Mario Ybarra: mybarra32@gmail.com
BOYS SOCCEER: Derek Moya: derekmoya@gmail.com
GIRLS SOCCER: Jim Mentz: james.mentz@tusd1.org
SOFTBALL: Anne Vargas: vargas.marie99@yahoo.com
BASEBALL: Jim Mentz: james.mentz@tusd1.org
TENNIS: Miguel Urcadez: miguel.urcadez@tusd1.org
BOYS/GIRLS TRACK: Tim Riley: timothy.riley2@tusd1.org
BOYS VOLLEYBALL: Shannon Huetter: shannonhuetter@gmail.com
ROBOTICS: Brian Farlee: jim.farlee@tusd1.org
BAND/ORCHESTRA: Vanessa Eastman: Vanessa.eastman@tusd1.org
CHOIR: Cori Peterson: cori.peterson@tusd1.org
eSPORTS: Dan Ireland: dan@ireland@tusd1.org
Athletic Department Office Hours: 8am-3pm.
Tax Credit Options
TUSD Food/Beverage Policy
Students, please take note of TUSD's Policy Regulation Code: IHAM - R1, which states, "Meals and beverages from home should be for individual use and not group consumption." We cannot allow sharing of food and/or beverages while on campus.
Please also note that we do not allow food deliveries during the day. This includes deliveries from Grub Hub, Door Dash, etc. If you'd like to bring food from home, it must be kept inside your backpack, and not shared with other students.
TUSD's 2024-2025 Code of Conduct
What is the Code of Conduct? The Code of Conduct is a guide that outlines expectations, rights and responsibilities of students and staff. The entire Code can be found on the TUSD Code of Conduct website. We encourage you to review the Code of Conduct, especially the sections pertaining to tardies, tobacco/vaping, and disrespect. Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about the new Code of Conduct!
Communication is KEY!
ParentVue: https://parent.tusd1.org
School website: https://paloverdehs.tusd1.org
Facebook: https://facebook.com/PaloVerdeHighMagnetSchool
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/PaloVerdeHighMagnetSchool
Email: Teachers' email addresses can be found in ParentVue
School Community Liaison
We are so lucky to have Mrs. Donna Walker as our School Community Liaison! . If you are in need of school supplies, personal supplies, or even books, Mrs. Walker will do everything in her power to help you out!
Title 1 Meeting
Palo Verde Vision and Mission
Email Palo Verde High School
Palo Verde High School Website
Location: 1302 South Avenida Vega, Tucson, AZ 85710, USA
Phone: 520-584-7400
Facebook | Instagram