CSD Weekly, October 17, 2024
October 17, 2024

In This Issue
Please scroll to learn about:
CSD Ranks First in State for 2024 ACT Scores
- Highlights: Inaugural State of the Schools
- Update: 2024-25 Fit Georgia Assessment Waived for All Students
- Important Cyber Awareness Tip
- Community Partner News: Students Needed for City Advisory Boards and More
School Newsletters
Find out what's happening in CSD schools by clicking on the school's logo.
This Week's Highlight
Fox 5 Names Decatur Bulldogs High 5 Sports Team of the Week
Cheers erupted during an early morning pep rally at Decatur High School on Thursday, October 10, with the arrival of a Fox 5 Atlanta News team to name the undefeated (7-0) DHS varsity football team the High 5 Sports Team of the Week. A special high-five to the players, head coach William Felton, all the DHS staff, and everyone who partners with our student-athletes on the Blue & Gold Squad to help celebrate our students every week! Let's Go, Bulldogs!
Watch the trophy presentation here! (Video courtesy of Fox 5 News.)
District Dates and Events
Upcoming Events
- Digital Citizenship Week, October 14-18
- School Lunch Week, October 14-18
- CSD Flu Vaccine Events:
October 21, 3-5 p.m., Wilson Center, second-floor board room
- October 24, 3:30-5:30 p.m., BHMS and Decatur HS combined, DHS Hospitality Suite
- October 28, 1-3 p.m., Glennwood Elementary
- Dr. Whitaker's Fall Listening Sessions
- October 23, 5:30 p.m., Talley Street, Media Center
- October 29, 5:30 p.m., DHA Community Resource Center, 481 Electric Ave.
- Early Release Day, October 30
- Digital Learning Day, November 5
Wear It Pink Day is Friday, October 18!
The school community is invited to wear pink and conclude the day at the Decatur Varsity Football PINK OUT Game, which starts at 7:30 p.m. at DHS.
Cyber Awareness Tip
October is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month. For the rest of this month, CSD Weekly will include a cyber safety tip for our staff and community. This week, we encourage everyone to take advantage of multifactor authentication (MFA, sometimes called two-factor authentication) for any online resource supporting it.
MFA is already a requirement for employees with Google and Infinite Campus accounts. All members of the CSD community are encouraged to use MFA for their personal email, banking, gaming, e-tailer, and other online services. MFA effectively protects against account takeover and the loss of privacy or money.
"Empowering Parents for Drug-Free Futures!": A Drug Awareness Panel for Parents
The CSD student support services team invites parents to "Empowering Parents for Drug-Free Futures!": A Drug Awareness Panel for Parents, on Wednesday, October 30, 5:30-7 p.m., at the Wilson Support Center. Register for this event here.
"Secure Our Schools" Student Poster Contest
Students are invited to participate in a statewide cybersecurity awareness poster contest! The theme is "Secure Our Schools. Find specific ideas and requirements here. Submissions are due via this form by November 1, and entries must include the student's work and a completed parent verification form. If you need a printed verification form or require technical assistance submitting the work, please let your media specialist or (at BHMS and DHS) your instructional technology coach know.
District News
We're #1! CSD Ranks First in State for 2024 ACT Scores
Decatur High School's graduating class of 2024 earned the highest average ACT score of all 172 participating public school districts in Georgia, in addition to earning the second-highest average SAT score among all 182 Georgia public schools, outpacing metro and national averages.
DHS's 2024 average ACT score was 24.6, which increased 0.9 points from the previous year, positioning the district as a state-wide leader in academic performance. Additionally, CSD announced that its graduation rate increased to 95.25% for Decatur High School's class of 2024, up 1.20% from the previous year's rate of 94.05%.
CSD's graduation rate ranks second among districts in the Metro RESA region and is outpacing the 2024 state average graduation rate of 85.4%, according to the Georgia Department of Education. The increase in the graduation rate reflects the tireless efforts of students, teachers, administrators, and parents who contribute to an inclusive and supportive culture of achievement. Thank you to everyone who supports our students!
Pictured clockwise from top left: Superintendent Dr. Gyimah Whitaker delivers the State of the Schools address; co-presidents of the DHS SGA Jaemin Park and Kate Sherwood emcee; Chair, DHA Board of Commissioners Melissa Heffner, Mayor of Decatur Patti Garrett, CEO of Decatur Housing Authority Doug Faust, Dr. Whitaker, Decatur City Commissioner Kelly Walsh and BOE member Hans Utz; the audience featured CSD stakeholders and supporters; the Beacon Hill orchestra performs; Chief Turnaround Officer/Deputy Superintendent with Georgia Department of Education Stephanie Johnson, Dr. Whitaker and president of the Georgia School Superintendents Association Dr. Noris Price.
Dr. Whitaker Delivers First-Ever State of the Schools Address
CSD held its first-ever State of the Schools address on Friday, October 11. The event began with impressive performances from the Beacon Hill orchestra and chorus, accompanied by a presentation of colors by the DHS colorguard and a moving rendition of the national anthem by DHS chorus students.
In her address, Dr. Whitaker reflected on her inaugural year as Superintendent, emphasizing CSD's academic successes, the achievements of the All In Decatur strategic plan, and ongoing efforts to close the achievement gap. The audience also heard from Meagan Berardi, president of the Decatur Education Foundation, BOE member Hans Utz, BOE Student Representative Sophie D’Elena, and emcees Jaemin Park and Kate Sherwood, co-presidents of the DHS SGA. Thank you to our talented student performers and cadets and their wonderful teachers: JROTC teacher Col. Johnny Richards, orchestra teacher Mr. Bobby Crosby, and chorus teacher Dr. David Hirschorn.
Attendees included CSD stakeholders and supporters, local and State elected officials, senior leaders from the Georgia Department of Education, senior administrators from Georgia higher education institutions, four university presidents, business and non-profit leaders, and CSD officials. We appreciate everyone who attended!
Decatur High School Named to AP School Honor Roll
Congratulations to Decatur High School for earning the title of an AP® School Honor Roll for the 2023-24 academic year! The AP School Honor Roll recognizes schools that excel in encouraging students to enroll in Accelerated Placement courses. Students in AP classes are more inclined to pursue and thrive in college. Thank you to the teachers, counselors, administrators, students, and parents who understand the value and prioritize taking AP courses!
Decatur School Board and Decatur Commission Hold Joint Meeting, October 15
The City Schools of Decatur School Board and Decatur City Commission held an in-person joint meeting on Tuesday, October 15, at Agnes Scott College to discuss effective communication and collaboration strategies, early learning, and shared spaces. Attendees gave feedback about the proposed early childhood learning center and avenues for further collaboration between CSD and the City.
UPDATE: 2024-25 Fit Georgia Assessment Waived
CSD previously communicated that all students enrolled in a PE class in CSD would participate in the state’s new Fit GA fitness assessment this year. However, due to continued unresolved technical issues with the state’s new Fit GA platform, CSD has decided to waive participation in the Fit GA assessment for the 2024-25 school year. While some classes and students already participated in a pre-test, no classes or students will be post-tested this year.
Stakeholder Feedback Welcomed for FY 2026 Budget
The City Schools of Decatur is in the process of building the Fiscal Year Budget. We are interested in input from the community and all stakeholders on any budget suggestions, concerns, or questions that they may have. Please provide your feedback regarding your priorities for the Fiscal Year 2026 budget.
The 2026 budget calendar is also available for review.
Helpful Info and Resources
Keeping our School Communities Healthy
As we transition into the fall and winter months, respiratory illnesses like the common cold and flu often increase. These illnesses exhibit similar symptoms, risk factors, and preventive measures.
If your child has tested positive for respiratory illnesses, including COVID-19, flu, and RSV, please inform your school immediately to minimize spreading. Students may return to school once their symptoms have improved and they have been fever-free for 24 hours without using fever-reducing medication. If a physician prescribes an antibiotic, DeKalb Public Health mandates that students must follow the treatment for 24 hours before they can return. This responsible action is essential to our collective effort to keep our school community safe.
Please note that federal regulations protect student health information. The school administration will maintain the confidentiality of this information, sharing it only with DeKalb Public Health when legally required.
Additionally, please remember to adhere to the following precautions:
Remain at home if feeling unwell. If a fever is present, stay home for 24 hours.
Cover coughs and sneezes with your elbow or a tissue, and dispose of it immediately.
Avoid coughing into your bare hands.
Wash hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
Regularly clean commonly touched surfaces and objects.
These precautions and the actions outlined for returning to school after illness will help protect our students, ensuring they remain healthy, safe, and ready to learn.
CSD Launches ResolveCSD
CSD's Constituent Services provides a resource for stakeholders to address their issues and concerns. Part of Constituent Services is ResolveCSD, CSD's new process for elevating concerns that cannot be resolved at a school or department level. CSD believes that concerns are best handled as close to their origin as possible, starting with the school staff or principal. Learn more at the CSD Constituent Services website.
DOE Math Standards Explainer Videos
See the DOE math standards explainer videos by grade level here.
STAR Parent Webinar Recording Available
A recording of the STAR Assessment informational webinar hosted by CSD's Department of Teaching and Learning on September 17 is available here.
Additional resources:
All-In School Events
Witches!? In Salem?!
Find tickets here to this play from DHS Advanced Acting.
Decatur HS Girls Basketball Clinic
Decatur HS Thanksgiving Soccer Camp
Register here for half-day soccer camp for K-8 students, November 25-27.
- National Bullying Prevention Month, October 1-31
- Breast Cancer Awareness Month, October 1-31
- Crime Prevention Month, October 1-31
- Domestic Violence Month, October 1-31
- Learning Disabilities and Dyslexia Awareness Month, October 1-31
- LGBTQ+ History Month, October 1-31
- Digital Citizenship Week, October 14-18
- National School Lunch Week, October 14-18
- Wear It Pink, October 18
- Red Ribbon Week, October 23-31
Community Partner News
Decatur Parents Network
Many teens misjudge the risks of marijuana and are confused about new hemp-derived products due to changing legal landscapes. It's crucial for parents to be informed to discuss these issues effectively. An upcoming speaker series will cover the impact of these substances on teens' health, including early use effects, communication strategies about risks, and the rising prevalence of Delta 8, Delta 10, THC-0, and other accessible mood-altering substances. This speaker series is essential for parents concerned about their child's safety in today's complex environment.
- Thursday, October 24, 2024, 6:30-8 p.m. at Decatur High School - Learning Commons
- Friday, October 25, 2024, 9:30-10:30 a.m. at Beacon Hill Middle School - Media Center
Additional support provided by Decatur Prevention Initiative.
City of Decatur
Students Invited to Join City of Decatur Advisory Boards
The City of Decatur is accepting youth applicants for the Environmental Sustainability Board, Parks and Recreation Advisory Board, and the Better Together Advisory Board! Students who serve as youth members will have the opportunity to gain experience working alongside City staff to advise the City Commission and shape City programs.
Board members are asked to serve two-year terms, and youth applicants should consider their extracurricular schedules and whether they will be able to serve the full term of their appointments.
The Youth Statement of Interest can be found here. Interested applicants should send their completed forms to Andrea.Arnold@decaturga.com by Monday, October 28. Interviews will take place on November 6 and 7, and selected members will be appointed at the December 3 City Commission meeting.
Decatur Safe Streets
The Decatur Safe Streets Safety Action Plan, a City initiative housed in Decatur’s Public Works Department, is partnering with Decatur Safe Routes to School this October and November to collect input from parents and kids at various CSD Walk & Roll to School events.
The Safety Action Plan is an important City planning process that will help Decatur address safety needs for all roadway users, with the goal of eliminating traffic fatalities and serious injuries in Decatur. To learn more and provide input to the plan, visit decaturga.com/ss4a
City of Decatur Parks and Recreation
Upcoming DPR events include boxing Club (Decatur), game night (Ebster), and PorchFest Kid's Zone (Oakhurst). To learn more about upcoming events and programs, access the Playbook or visit their webpages:
Visit their one-stop-shop website for information about after-school programs, school holiday programs, and summer camps. To stay updated on all things Decatur Parks and Recreation, follow them on Facebook and Instagram or sign up for their monthly newsletter here!
Agnes Scott Pick-a-Sweet
Agnes Scott College is hosting its annual Pick-A-Sweet event on Thursday, October 31, 2024, from 5-7 p.m. on campus. This event is free and open to the community!
Student Poetry Competition
In honor of the DHS fall musical, Hadestown: Teen Edition, Decatur Performs is sponsoring a student poetry competition! Hadestown: Teen Edition is a jazzy musical that retells the myth of Orpheus' quest to overcome Hades and save his true love, Eurydice. Students are invited to share poetry about Greek mythology themes, fate, the changing weather and seasons, the dream world, and trying even if you fail.
The contest is open to all CSD students in grades three and up, and one winner each will be chosen from Talley Street, FAVE, BHMS, and DHS. Each winner will receive two tickets to Hadestown for November 13 or 14. Winning poems will be displayed in the lobby of the DHS Performing Arts Center throughout the run of the show, November 13-17. Buy tickets for the show here.
Students: Please submit your poem here by November 4.
Decatur Education Foundation
Supper & Sips Returns!
Grab your friends and neighbors and help us celebrate the return of Decatur Education Foundation's highly-anticipated fall FUNdraiser, Supper & Sips! Join us on Thursday, November 14, 6-10 p.m. at The Chapel on Sycamore for an evening of food, fun, and fellowship, all for a good cause. The Supper provides crucial support for DEF, allowing us to continue our work addressing unmet needs, providing enriching opportunities, and supporting our educators. Get your tickets today! Interested in sponsorship opportunities? Email Meagan@DecaturEducationFoundation.org.
STEP UP for Decatur Youth!
DEF was founded more than 20 years ago by a group of residents who wanted to ensure that EVERY student in CSD had what they needed to learn and thrive. Today, DEF's mission remains focused on Decatur's kids and educators, and we are still 100% reliant on the support of the Decatur community. DEF puts the community's contributions where they will have the biggest impact on our students, and DEF's Step Up Circle is a special group of supporters that allows us to operate programs like Lighten the Load, Teacher Innovation Grants, behavioral health support, arts programming, and so much more. There are also benefits - for both businesses and individuals - to joining DEF's Step Up Circle (beyond the warm and fuzzy feeling you get from supporting Decatur's kids!). Visit DEF's Step Up Circle webpage to learn more about the different giving levels.
City of Decatur Police Department
Beginning Monday, October 14, 2024, a warning period will begin for school zone speed limit violations. Violators will receive a warning in the mail marked in red. The live enforcement will start on Wednesday, November 13, 2024. Motorists exceeding the speed limit by 10+ MPH will receive a citation with a $100 fine for the first violation and $150 for subsequent violations. Photo speed cameras will be active on school days during school zone hours.
Season of Giving
A Season of Giving is a neighbor-led organization that brings joy to local children and seniors through gift-giving.
For assistance: To apply for gift assistance, please complete the online application by October 31. We are excited to support children through 12th grade again this year.
Sponsor a Gift: Donors can purchase gifts based on individual wish lists for children or seniors. If you would like to be a sponsor, please fill out the form at Sponsor.
Donate Directly: If you prefer, you can make a donation, and we will do the shopping for you. Simply Donate at our website!
Volunteer: We would greatly appreciate your help! If you're interested in volunteering, please go to Volunteer and sign up.
Need help or have questions? If you encounter any issues with the forms or have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at aseasonofgivingdecatur@gmail.com.
Thank you for your support and generosity of the Season of Giving!
Our Vision
We strive to cultivate an educational foundation that empowers students to realize their full potential, thrive as productive global citizens, ignite positive change, and create a more just and equitable world.
Our Mission
In partnership with our community, our mission is to inspire and enable student growth through meaningful and engaging learning experiences supported by highly qualified and caring educators in a safe and inviting environment.