Update 10-27
Weekly Update 10-27
West Bloomfield Middle School Family Communication
Update #11: October 27, 2024
STUDENTS... we need your HELP
Think about a house motto or short slogan for your grade level.
Use this GOOGLE FORM (students need to use their Google login to access the form)
to submit your idea.
Thank you for all the submissions we've collected so far.
We will collect entries until October 31st and have a vote during the first week of November.
Girl Scout Survey Regarding Recycing
Students, please check your email for a survey to complete. One of our Girl Scout Troops is working on some initiatives aimed to create a Green School environment.
Thank you for your time.
Halloween Dance- Friday, Nov. 1st @ 6PM enter through Athletic Entrance
Buy your ticket in advance
Tickets on sale during lunch. The last day to purchase a ticket is WEDNESDAY, Oct. 30th.
$5 cash only
Students must pre-purchase a ticket to attend.
Tickets will NOT be sold at the door.
Students will enter through the athletic doors.
Once you're in, you're in. NO students will leave the building until they are picked up.
No rentry if you leave.
Pick up is at 8 PM. Parents, please be prompt.
8th Grade Parents- Check your email for Information on the Washington D.C. Trip
Mrs. Chang, 8th Grade Counselor is our trip coordinator.
Mrs. Carson is the Administrator attending the trip.
Thank you to all parents who were able to attend the virtual information meeting last week.
Mrs. Chang sent out an email with a re-cap including the slide show of details.
Deadline to register for the trip is NOVEMBER 6th.
WBMS Lacrosse
Join us this Tuesday October 29th for a FREE Lacrosse Clinic open to all 6th-8th grade WB students! Don’t miss this exciting opportunity to try out America’s oldest and fastest-growing sport before the spring season kicks off. No experience is necessary, and equipment is provided!
Space is limited, so sign up as soon as possible to secure your spot!
If you can’t make it, please scan the link so we can keep you updated about future Lacrosse events.
Please use home emails, Lacrosse can not access WB student emails.
Meet us after school on the middle school athletic field after school. Please dress for the weather, wear athletic shoes, and bring water. Be prepared to have fun!!!
Please contact WBBoyslax@gmail.com if you have questions.
Computer Class in the Courtyard
Mr. DeGrand's computer class met in the courtyard this past week. It was a beautiful fall day to take our learning out of the classroom and enjoy the beautiful fall day. Wireless technology allows us the flexibility to move about the school.
After-School Detention
We will have after-school detentions this week. Detention will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:15-4:15 in the Upper Teal House. If your student is assigned an after-school detention, you will receive an automated phone call with details regarding the date and reason for the detention.
Plan to pick up your student at the main entrance of the school at 4:15.
Please reach out to Ms. Barnes at haley.barnes@wbsd.org or (248) 865-4496 with any questions.
Late Start Morning Club - Late Start on Wednesday, October 30th
Late Start Morning Club is back! This program is to provide supervision for students during Late Start days if they need to be dropped off at the normal school start time. Our Morning Club begins at 7:45 in the Auditeria, and students will have access to a free breakfast, time to complete homework or study, and time to socialize with friends. If you would like to sign your student up for Late Start Morning Club, please complete the Google Form linked here. Enrollment in Morning Club is unlimited, and staff will check your student in when they arrive at school. Please reach out to Ms. Barnes at haley.barnes@wbsd.org or (248) 865-4496 with any questions.
Student Disciplinary Records
If you have questions about your child’s disciplinary record, please contact the principal.
David Gardner, david.gardner@wbsd.org
First Quarter Progress Reports are available on PowerSchool.
Upcoming Important Dates
Monday, Oct. 28:
After School Tutoring: 3:30-4:30 (pre-registration required)
Tuesday, October 29:
3:15 PM - 4:15 PM - After school detention - N228
4:15 PM - WB Green Girls basketball vs. Derby MS @ HOME 🏀
3:15-4:30 - Girls Empowered: in Upper BLUE (pre-registered for Session 2)
3:15-4:15 Yoga: in the Choir room (Girls Empowered Session 1 members)
3:15-4:15 Chess Club: room C227
5:00 PM - 8:00 PM - WBMS Parent Wrestling Meeting Club 🤼
7:00 PM - Band Concert 🎷🎺
Wednesday, October 30: LATE START
School will begin at 9:20, with parent drop off at 8:50
Bus Routes will pick up approximatley 1 hour later than the normal scheduled pick up time.
GSA meeting: 3:15-4:15, room C123
CASA meeting: 3:15-4:15, room N229
4:15 PM - WBMS Football vs. Warner MS - AWAY 🏈
Thursday, October 31st
3:15 PM - 4:15 PM - After school detention - N228
Friday, November 1st
PTO BAGEL SALE: Bagels $2, cream cheese 50 cents (cash only)
Student Council Halloween Dance 6-8 PM
Upcoming Important Dates:
November 5: No School for Students
6th Grade Field Trip to the WB Nature Center
All 6th grade science classes participated in the WB Nature Center experience last week. Students learned about the water cycle, effects of pollution and ways to recognize healthy eco-systems.
The naturalists guided our students through a simulation, allowed time for exploring the nature room, the outdoor hands-on exploration area, and took the students on a guided nature walk. Thank you to all the parent chaperones and our 6th grade science teachers: Mrs. Belli, Mr. Blatt, and Mrs. Dershem.
House Helpers
We've launched our Middle School House Helpers, a new spin on Elementary "Room Parents". At WBMS we have 6 houses: Upper and Lower Blue, Upper and Lower Yellow & Upper and Lower Teal. Use this opportunity to help out with activities, support our classroom teachers, spend time with students who might need extra support, help monitor hallways/bathrooms and be a friendly source of support for our students.
We love to have our middle school parents involved and engaged at the school.
Use this Sign Up Genius to select a day/time to help out in your student's house.
Please make sure that your iChat background check is up to date in our main office. Approval needs to be up to date the evening prior to your selected date. Ms. Jazmine will verify all iChat applications. Reach out for assistance: jazmine.paige@wbsd.org
Communication is Key
Student Safety is #1
Parents and students should promptly report any safety concerns they hear or see to one of the administrators.
It’s important that we work together to keep our school campus a safe place for all. When student safety is concerned, it's not tattling. Reports are kept confidental.
How to communicate:
- “Talk to Us” feature on our WBSD website
- Call the school office- 248-865-4480
- Email an administrator: david.gardner@wbsd.org, cindy.carson@wbsd.org, jermaine.evans@wbsd.org
As a reminder, students who record altercations or use recording devices inappropriately will face disciplinary action.
End of the School Day is 3:12 - Pick Up Promptly
PARENTS, we need your help. We do not have staff supervision for students who are waiting for a ride home. It would be helpful to have the front of the building cleared by 3:30. We appreciate your help with this.
Student Attendance is IMPORTANT and NECESSARY for school success. Our 7th hour classes run until 3:12, every day. Please make appointments and plans for after school activities that allow for your student to be present in their classroom learning activities until school is dismissed at 3:12. Please reach out to your student's counselor or administration with concerns or extenuating circumstances.
Families may choose to park in the lot & have students WALK to your vehicle. Be mindful of pedestrians in the parking lot when driving in/out of the lot. We cannot block the entrance/exit for the buses. Thank you.
Please be cautious in the car line. Students should enter the car on the passenger side of your vehicle. We cannot have students passing between cars and walking across the lanes of traffic in the car line. Please do not double park, leave the passing lane open for cars to pass through.
Students should enter/exit the car at the curb, through the passenger side of the vehicle. Thank you for protecting our students and caring for their safety.
Should you need to pick up your student early, please be mindful of the end of the day routines for students. If you are calling the office to change dismissal plans for your student, it should be done by 2:30 PM.
Lanyards ARE Expected EVERY DAY/ALL DAY
The expectation is that ALL WBMS students will wear their lanyard wallet on the front side of their body at all times throughout the school day. This is for safety and identification purposes. We will ensure that each student has a lanyard. In the event that a lanyard is left at home, the student will receive a temporary sticker to wear for the day.
The wallet may be decorated. DO NOT cover the the clear plastic window. DO NOT modify your ID card, this includes covering your face or smearing out the image.
You may choose to swap out the string, however the wallet portion is a requirement.
Photo ID cards - $5 Replacement FEE
Students are able to purchase a replacement ID card in the main office. $5 fee per replacement.
Lanyards are an additional $5 to replace.
Temporary ID Stickers
In the event a student leaves their ID & lanyard at home, your student should let their ADVISORY teacher know. A temporary ID sticker will be provided to wear for the day. If we see a pattern, parents will be contacted. Thank you for your support to encourage our students to practice safe habits.
Pre-order your yearbook today 🙂 The price is now $40
Next Meeting: JANUARY 23rd at 7 PM, WBMS Teachers Lounge
Our First Skating party of the year will be on November 13th!
Siblings are welcome!
Fun for the whole family
We’re excited to announce WBMS’s first annual Talent Show, happening this January! Get your kids ready to show off their amazing talents! We’d love your help to make this a huge success for both our students and the community. More details will be shared here soon, and keep an eye out for flyers and posters coming home with your kids. We’ll be holding auditions and rehearsals leading up to the big day.
We’re also looking for a few volunteers to join our planning committee.
Here is the SignUp Genius link with different roles, so feel free to choose whatever works best for you. (Parents and Staff members are welcome to volunteer)
Thank you!! Let’s create an unforgettable event where our students’ talents can truly SHINE!
West Bloomfield Middle School PTO
2024- 2025 School Year Officers
President, Renai Mayle
Co-Vice President, Monique Williams
Co-Vice President, Laarnie Magsombal
Treasurer, Sesilee Langs
Secretary, Amanda Oliver
Member at Large, Kristin Murray
Member at Large, Dianne Maury
PR, Terri Hoyer Compton
Please reach out to us via email if you have any questions or if you would like to share your ideas with us.
Athletic Information
Register NOW for Boys Basketball, Coed Swimming & Winter Sideline Cheer
Use the Final Forms site to register:
Questions regarding athletics may be emailed to the coaches, or Mr. Evans: jermaine.evans@wbsd.org
Parents, check your email for sports information regarding schedules, updates for the girls basketball teams, cheerleading, football and cross country.
Dear WBMS Families,
We are excited to announce that registration for our Winter 1 sports, Boys Basketball and Coed Swimming, is now open!
Boys Basketball (7th-8th grade):
- Registration is open on Final Forms and will remain open until November 16, 2024.
- More updates on tryouts will be provided soon, as some coaches are finishing their high school sports seasons. Once the tryout dates are established, we will notify all registered students and families.
Coed Swimming (6th-8th grade):
- Registration is also open on Final Forms and closes on November 16, 2024.
- Practice/tryout start date: Monday, November 11, 2024 (this date was adjusted to allow Coach Ronson to finish the girls' high school season).
- Practice time: 4:30–5:30 PM at the high school.
- Transportation: Students must find their own transportation after school to the high school.
Important Coed Swimming Updates from Coach Grace Tolen:
- Swimmers should arrive prepared on the first day with their swimsuit, towels, cap, and goggles. Since we only have a 1-hour practice, it’s important that everyone is ready to get in the pool promptly.
- The only "tryout" is the swim test on the first day, where each swimmer must complete 50 yards (down and back) without stopping and with their face in the water, demonstrating bilateral breathing.
- We will take a maximum of 60 swimmers who pass the swim test.
- A parent meeting will be held that week to discuss the season schedule, including team suits, swim caps, and apparel.
- For any questions, feel free to contact Coach Grace Tolen at [insert email address].
We look forward to a great season for both sports! Please make sure to register on Final Forms by the deadline. Further updates for boys basketball tryouts will be provided as soon as we have more information.
Math Pentathlon
Math Pentathlon Club is open for registration!
Would you like your child to strengthen skills in :
Active problem solving
Independent thinking
Math Questioning Skills
This program utilizes specially designed board games that promote all of the above characteristics and much, much more.
Here is a look at the informational presentation for details.
CASA - Chaldean American Student Association
CASA (Chaldean American Student Association)
All students are welcome to attend.
Contact Ms. Jabiro for more information: crystal.jabiro@wbsd.org.
Girls Empowered
Our second group of girls will begin their Girls Empowered Meetings this week.
Pre-registration was a requirement. Wath for your email reminder to confirm attendance.
Session One finished up last week. The girls made posters that will be displayed around the school. Nice work ladies!
GSA - Gender & Sexuality Alliance
All students are welcome to attend. Ms. Fatimah Muhammad, our school psychologist, facilitates this club.
Photography Club
Photography Club
Students are pre-registered.
Next meeting is November 7th with Mr. Inch.
Mr. Inch is located in room C132.
Rappin' About Reading Book Club
Please email Mrs. Abeska if you would like more information about the upcoming book club meetings.
The 2nd book was distributed & students will meet after school on November 4th.
Pick up students at 4:00 at the front entrance of the school.
WB Wrestling Club
West Bloomfield Wrestling Club focuses on developing the fundamentals of folk-style wrestling, while also focusing on the discipline and mental toughness that are needed to be successful in the sport.
Ages: Kindergarten thru 8th Grade (boys and girls)
Location: West Bloomfield Middle School Multipurpose Room & Gym
Season: November thru March
Coaches: Tom DeGrand, Carlos Acosta, Mike Zimnicki, James Hitchcock, Tim Burzynski, and Greg Goidosik
Contacts: Coach DeGrand (thomas.degrand@wbsd.org) or Andrea Frank (andrea.frank@wbsd.org)
Registration: CLICK HERE
Club Facebook Page: Facebook
Club Website: Club Website
Writing Club
Ms. Kim will be sponsoring the Writing Club.
Complete this Google Form to let Ms. Kim know you are interested in joining the WBMS Writing Club.
The first meeting is Tuesday, November 12th 3:15-4:15.
This group will meet every other week in Ms. Kim's classroom. C229
Students must access the Google Forms through their GMAIL account🙂
Fueling Kids Futures (new name for Blessings in a Backpack)
Dear Parents of West Bloomfield School District Students,
If your child is a student (3 to 26 years of age) in the West Bloomfield Schools, s/he can also participate in the 2024-25 Fueling Kids’ Future--One Meal at a Time program (previously known as Blessings in a Backpack). This program sends six non-perishable meals home each Friday of the school year. Its goal is to make sure that no child goes hungry on the weekend. Run by volunteers, there is NO cost to you.
To enroll in this program, please fill out this form and return it to your school office or email it to katherinesheiko@hotmail.com. This registers your child/ren in the Fueling Kid’s Future--One Meal at a Time program and alerts us to any allergies they might have. The first backpack of food will be distributed to your child at his/her local school the first week of October.
Administrative Team
David Gardner, Principal: david.gardner@wbsd.org
Jermaine Evans, Assistant Principal: jermaine.evans.wbsd.org
Cindy Carson, Assistant Principal: cindy.carson@wbsd.org
Dean of Student Services
Haley Barnes, haley.barnes@wbsd.org
Website: https://www.wbsd.org/west-bloomfield-middle-school
Location: 6000 Orchard Lake Road, West Bloomfield Township, MI
Phone: 248-865-4480
SAFE Line to Report Absences: 248-865-4482