Birth to 5 Community Coalition News
Fall 2022
What is the CCSD93 Birth to 5 Community Coalition?
As a Birth to 5 Community Coalition, Community Consolidated School District 93 (CCSD93) , in partnership with many community agencies and businesses, strive to work with children and families from birth to five to improve each child's school readiness. We focus on the needs of the “whole child”. To that end, our coalition partners work together to identify the supports and services available in our community that speak to a child’s needs or the needs as a family. Priority is given to families who may experience barriers related to language, income level, limited or low level literacy skills, limited access to transportation, or unfamiliarity with processes related to accessing social/community services.
If you would like to learn more about the Coalition or our outreach events, please feel free to call us, visit our website, or follow us on Facebook and Twitter.
Click here to subscribe to our Newsletter
Autumn Fun!!!
Fall Sensory Bins: Fall sensory experiences for toddlers and preschoolers to enjoy the fall season. Such sensory bins are a fun and hands-on activity that do wonders for children's development. They help toddlers and preschoolers improve their fine motor skills and promote their natural curiosity with fall materials such as pine cones, leaves, or anything else that is autumn.
Pumpkiin Volcano: A great way to experiment with different ingredients and make predictions about what will happen. All you need is white vinegar, baking soda, food coloring, a small pumpkin and a grownup to help you! Follow the instructions and see if your predictions are right!!
Autumn Scented Playdough: If you are looking for amazing smelling autumn playdough for toddlers and preschoolers this easy playdough recipe is perfect! No cook playdough can be made in minutes and the spices added to this recipe make this scented playdough spot on for autumn. Add some leaves, pine cones or some leaf cookie cutters and children will be entertained for hours!
Join Us For Let's Play! Fall Festival 2022
When: Saturday, October 29, 2022
Time: 10-12
Location: Heritage Lakes School
Event includes "trunk or treat", face painting, storytimes, pumpkin patch and so much more!
Remember to mark your calendars!!!
Play And Learn With Me from Birth to 3!
Have A Child Between The Ages of 2 and 5?
Are you worried about your child’s speech, behavior or relationship skills?
Does anything about your child concern you?
Please contact the CCSD93's Early Childhood Center (630-307-3750) at any time to discuss how we can work together to support your children and your family.
We can:
monitor your infant or toddler’s growth and development in your own home
answer your questions about available birth to 3 screenings and 3 to 5 year old preschool screenings
answer questions about development and available resources
share upcoming coalition events and support groups
Additionally, you can access additional free developmental screenings and evaluations for children birth through age 5 at Easter Seals DuPage & Fox Valley through their Pediatric Health Equity Initiative.
READY ROSIE ...FREE Subscription!
YOU are your child's first teacher, so CCSD93 Birth to 5 Community Coalition is pleased to provide you with a FREE subscription to ReadyRosie.
Play is the child's work! It is through play that children, at a very early age, begin to explore and interact with the world around them. Through such interactions, children begin to develop a sense of who they are and what effect they have on their world. Play allows children to use their creativity while developing their language, imagination, physical, cognitive, and emotional skills.
Infants: Birth to 1 year
• Talk to your baby so he/she knows your voice and respond when he/she coos and babbles
• Place your baby in different positions so he/she can see the world from different angles
• Let your baby bring objects to his/her mouth to explore and experience new textures
• Show different facial expressions and gestures so your baby can imitate you
• Use a mirror to show different faces to your baby
• Play peek-a-boo
• Have a safe environment for your baby to crawl and explore
• Give your baby to a variety of age appropriate toys to explore
Toys to explore:
- YOU: YOUR fingers, nose, hair, etc
- Brightly colored baby-safe rattles, teethers, board or fabric books or other toys that are easy to grasp
- Toys that make gentle noises when shaken or swiped at
- Baby-safe, cube-shaped blocks
- Simple puzzles with knobs
- Toys that can be pushed and pulled—chunky car/truck, toy vacuum, etc.
- Wooden or foam blocks and bucket for filling and dumping
- Ring stack or stacking cups
Toddlers: 1-2 years
• Help your child explore his/her body through different movements (walking, jumping, standing on one leg)
• Give your child crayons so he/she can practice scribbling
• Encourage your child to interact with other children
• Create make-believe situations with objects(pretend to drink out of empty cup)
• Respond when your child speaks or asks questions
Toys to explore:
- Child-safe mirror
- Pop-beads or chunky interlocking plastic blocks
- Plastic spoon and cup
- Blocks
- Nesting cups/rings
- Shape-sorters
- Busy box with button to push, switch, and dial to turn
- Chunky wooden puzzles
- Musical instruments
- Sand/water play
- Art activities, such as painting or chalk
- Toy cars or trains
- Balls of different sizes to roll, throw, and chase
- Push toys
Preschool: 3-5 years
• Let your child to sing, dance, and try a variety of movements (hopping, climbing, swinging)
• Tell stories to your child and ask him/her questions about what they remember
• Give your child time and space to act out imaginary scenes, roles, and activities
• Let your child to move between make-believe games and reality e.g. playing house and helping you with chores
• Schedule time for your child to interact with other children to develop social interactions skills
Toys to explore:
- Stuffed animals and dolls
- Accessories such as baby blanket, bottle for doll, etc.
- Toy dishes, pots and pans, pretend food
- Toy cars, trucks, bus, or train, with little people that fit inside
- Toys that can be activated—like cars that roll forward when you pull them back
- Foam or wooden blocks, plastic interlocking blocks, or bristle blocks
- Chunky puzzles
- Memory-type games
- Shape-sorters and bead mazes
- Board books
- Songs and fingerplays
- Washable crayons and markers
- Pull-toys, stringing beads, and pop-beads
One idea would be to take a short walk with your child. Carry a small bucket or bag for your child to collect interesting items he or she sees from nature. Upon returning home, talk together about each item by naming it and describing it.
If your child is quiet or prefers to eat nature rather than describe it, that is okay! Your child can still benefit from spending time outside and talking about what he or she is seeing, smelling, or touching.
Click here or below for video link of Listening and Speaking
FREE subscription to ReadyRosie
Carol Stream Public Library
We help children in the CCSD93 community to arrive at Kindergarten ready to learn by providing opportunities and resources to expand their literacy. Research shows that the more children under age five are read to, the more prepared they are to learn to read when they enter kindergarten. Children who live in Carol Stream and have not yet started kindergarten are eligible for 1000 Books Before Kindergarten program. You’ll need a Carol Stream Public Library card to register for the program. Please visit the Youth Services Desk or call us at 630-344-6127 for more information.
Families can find us at:
616 Hiawatha Drive, Carol Stream, IL 60188
E-mail Youth Services at:
Phone Youth Services at: 630-344-6127
Library Storytimes
Below is a list of in-person storytimes available at the library.
Storytime for Little Ones (In-Person)
Babies and Toddlers
October 4, 11, and 18
10:00am - 10:45am
Terrific 2s and 3s (In-Person)
Babies and Toddlers, Preschoolers
October 5, 12, 19
9:30am - 10:00am
October 6, 13, 20
October 6, 13, 20
9:30am - 10:00am
October 5, 12, 19