Dolphin News
Taft Community School Newsletter, September 30, 2024
From the Principal's Desk
Dear Taft Families,
I hope you had a restful weekend. October has arrived! Where is the time going? As I've mentioned before, it'll be Halloween before we know it! My wife loves to decorate and my kids are ready for trick-o-treating! Fall season is in full effect. Mornings are cooler so please be sure to send your students with a coat in the morning.
As stated in previous newsletters, we have our goal-setting conferences this week, Sept 30 and Oct 1-4 from 12:15 - 3 pm. Teachers have reached out to parents to organize these conferences and will continue to do so. We request that parents bring their Taft student to the conference so that goals can be set together with the teacher. Because this is an important time for you and your student, we request that siblings not attend, if possible. Please note that we do not have school on Monday, Sept 30 and there is a 11:45 am dismissal from Oct 1-4.
A reminder to all that free dress for students is the last Friday of the month. We have noticed that several students are coming to school not wearing a uniform. Per our school policy and parent handbook, students are to be in full uniform every day. If you need help with uniforms, please visit our Family Center.Also, a reminder that students must check in their cell phones at the front office.
Lastly, Picture Day is on Tuesday, Oct 8. All students are to be in full uniform. Josten's is providing our Picture Day service and they have been emailing parents about this. All orders are done online. More information in the Picture Day section below.
David Camarena
Taft Community School
650-482-2416 ext 3755
School Site Council (SSC), Taft Parent Compact and Parent Involvement Policy
On September 16, 2024, our School Site Council (SSC) approved this school year's Taft: School Compact and Parent Involvement Policy. We request that all parents read and complete the compact and view the parent involvement policy.
These two items can also be found on our website in the Parent Hub section. Click on Parent Involvement. Our SSC agenda and minutes can also be found there.
Conference Week: Sept 30, Oct 1-4
Our goal-setting conferences are this week, Sept 30 and Oct 1-4 from 12:15 - 3 pm. Teachers have reached out to parents to organize these conferences and will continue to do so. We request that parents bring their Taft student to the conference so that goals can be set together with the teacher. Because this is an important time for you and your student, we request that siblings not attend, if possible. Please note that we no school on Monday, Sept 30 and there is a 11:45 am dismissal from Oct 1-4.
Picture Day is Tuesday, October 8
Picture Day will take place on Tuesday, October 8. All students are to be in full uniform on this day. The makeup session for pictures will be on Tuesday, November 12.
Homework and Daily Reading
Parents, please check your child's homework and make sure they are completing it as indicated by their teacher. Reading is an essential part of your child's education. Set some time every evening for your child to do homework and or read. If your student is still learning to read, please read with them as much as possible. The recommended time for reading and homework for each grade are below:
Kindergarten: 20-30 minutes
1st-2nd grades: 30-45 minutes
3rd-5th grades: 60 minutes
Counseling Corner
Counseling services are available at school to support your child’s emotional wellbeing. To submit a referral for counseling, please fill out the counseling referral form. The counselors will begin processing new referrals on September 3rd.
Lunch Bunch is a special recess opportunity that is designed to help students make friends through counselor-facilitated games and activities. Students are able to participate by nominating themselves or receiving a nomination from a teacher. All participation is entirely voluntary by the student. Lunch bunch is offered every other week during lunch recess. If you have any questions or would like to opt-out, please contact Lauren Abrahams at or 650-482-2416 ext 3745.
Parent Project classes will begin next week in the evenings via Zoom (flyer in English, Spanish). This is a great opportunity to learn strategies to strengthen your relationship with your child and practice skills for communication, positive discipline practices, and school success. To sign up, please contact Joselyn Bautista at or (650) 208-2257. Please see the flyers attached for details.
Taft Parent Committees and RCSD Budget Renewal Initiative
We are looking for parents to join our Facilities Master Plan Site Committee to gather diverse perspectives from across our school community. The committee will have a maximum of nine participants that includes staff and parents, plus the site principal. The Facility Master Planning process will involve at least two Site Committee meetings. These meetings will serve as key opportunities for committee members to provide input, discuss priorities, and review preliminary plans.
If interested in joining this committee, please email me at
Redwood City School District (RCSD) is also launching its Budget Renewal Initiative this fall, and parents, staff, and community members are encouraged to take an active role by applying to join the committee. This initiative aims to shape the district’s financial future as it transitions back to pre-pandemic operations, focusing on long-term financial stability while maintaining high-quality education for RCSD students.
The Budget Renewal Initiative prioritizes transparency, community engagement, and strategic planning. It comes at a critical time as one-time federal and state grants, which were vital in supporting all public schools during COVID-19 recovery efforts, are set to expire. With a second set of funds scheduled to end in 2026, the district is taking proactive steps to address future financial challenges. More complete details, please view Dr. Baker's newsletter.
Family Resource Center (Community School)
The Taft Family Resource Center is dedicated to supporting you and your child throughout the school year. Whether you need help with academic resources, after-school programs, food resources or community resources, we're here for you. Stop by our center anytime—we look forward to working with you and your family! Scan on the image or click on this link to know more about the following:
- Family Center Information and Flyers
- Second Harvest Food Distribution Dates
- Uniform & Backpack Information
- Mental Health (more information to follow)
- After School Partners: Casa Círculo, Boys and Girls Club Program (BCGP) and PAL Center
Jocelyne Arriaga- Community School Coordinator,
Julissa Gaytan Sanchez- Family Center Admin Assistant,
(650) 482-2847
Attendance, Arriving on Time and Reporting an Absence
The 2024-2025 school year has started and we want to encourage all students and families that attendance matters every day! Coming to school every day and on time is crucial for our students. It's very important for students to attend every day and we remind parents to bring students on time. We know traffic can be a concern but please make an attempt to get your student to school on time.
To report an absence, please follow the instructions on the link below. This is the new method of reporting your student's absence. The link below can be found on our Taft website under the Parent Hub.
Also, click below to read the Illness Letter issued by The RCSD nursing team. The letter details when to keep your child at home when ill.
If you have any questions, please call the school at 650-482-2416.
October/November Events
- Monday, Sept 30: Teacher Professional Development in the morning and Goal-Setting Parent Teacher Conferences from 1-4 pm, No School
- Oct 1-4: Goal-Setting Parent Teacher Conferences, Super Minimum Day, dismissal at 11:45 am for all grades. 1-4 pm conferences
- Tuesday, Oct 8: Picture Day. All students must be in full uniform.
- Wednesday, Oct 9: Kaiser Empathy Quest Theater (3-5 Grades)
- Wednesday, Oct 9: Second Harvest Food Distribution, 2:30-4 pm
- Monday, Oct 14: Indigenous Peoples Day, No School
- Monday, Oct 21: School Site Council 6-7 pm
- Thursday, Oct 24: Vision Screening for TK and Kindergarten
- Friday, Nov 1: Teacher Professional Development, No School
Important School Information 2024/25
- School Calendar: Please schedule family vacations around our school vacations.
- Bell Schedule : Please review so your child is dropped off and picked up on time.
- Student and Parent Handbook (English and Spanish): Please review our handbook and and try your best to have your child follow our dress code daily.
- Student Absence Reporting Form/School Messenger: Please use this in lieu of calling the office.
- School Lunch Menu ; School Brunch Menu Link
School Office Hours
Our School Office Hours for the 2024-25 school year are as follows:
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm
Thursdays and minimum days: 8:00-2:30
Student Pick-Up At Dismissal Time
Please pick up your student at the appropriate dismissal time listed in our Bell Schedules. As mentioned above, our office closes at 3 pm and our office staff end their shift at that time as well. We have no staff available after 3 pm. Students who are picked up after 3 pm will have to wait inside the gated area without supervision.
- Please do not park in the staff parking lot in the morning and afternoon. The lot is reserved for staff.
- Please do not block our neighbors’ driveways at any time.
- Please drop off your students in the front drop-off zone. No parking is allowed along the curb. If you are going to park and walk your child to the gate, please park on Bay Rd and walk to the main gate. The RCPD will periodically patrol mornings and afternoons. Administration will be there to receive your students. Once students are dropped off at the main gate, students will be directed to go to their designated area which will be supervised by a staff member. All visitors must check into the front office.
- All students need to be in full uniform and wear appropriate shoes every day unless it's a Free Day dress (last Friday of the month). Sandals and Crocs are not allowed on any day. Please refer to the Parent & Student Handbook for complete guidelines. If you need help with uniforms, please contact our Family Center.
- Please review Taft's Cell Phone Policy for Students. Students bringing a cell phone to school must check it in at the front office.
My Next Newsletter
Thank you for taking the time to read my updates. I will my next newsletter by Monday, Oct 14.
Taft Community School
Location: 903 10th Ave, Redwood City, CA 94063, USA
Phone: 650-482-2416