Weekly Update
Holy Trinity Catholic School November 18th, 2021
The main entrees will be:
Monday- Mozzarella Sticks
Tuesday- Corn Dogs
Wednesday- No School
Thursday- No School
Friday- No School
ADVENT at Holy Trinity
This year's theme is Traditions Around the World
We will begin Advent with a prayer service on Monday, November 29th (Please remember to wear Mass clothes).
Daily devotions will be shared, helping students learn about different countries traditions and finding the countries on a map. (Please watch the newsletter for a summary of the countries and what the students are learning)
Students will participate in Reconciliation.
At the end of Advent we will be participating in a school-wide Los Posadas.
Operation Christmas Child. The shoeboxes will go to children around the world. Students can earn money at home by doing good deeds. Students will have a list of good deeds on an envelope where they can keep the money earned. For every $25 donated, a shoebox will be purchased, filled, and shipped to a child in need. (See the information in the Family Folder sent home today and the attached document below)
Matthew Kelly, along with Dynamic Catholic, have a daily prayer/reflection for Advent called, Best Advent Ever. If you are interested in this, look it up and sign up for emails. You will get daily emails with short videos and reflections. Consider keeping a journal of your own during Advent with your thoughts and reflections for the day. This is an awesome program!
Advent- Around the World
How will you celebrate Jesus' Birthday this year? Advent wreaths and calendars? A Christmas tree? Presents? Christmas carols? Family dinners? Relatives in town? Church services? Christmas programs?
Children all over the world celebrate in many of the same ways we do, but each country has its own special traditions and customs.
Throughout Advent we will learn about some of these different traditions and customs.
Week One:
November 29 Argentina
In Argentina, Christmas is celebrated by decorating homes with wreaths, Christmas trees, and Nativity scenes. Fireworks are set off and globos or floating lanterns float through the sky.
November 30 The Czech Republic
Christians in the Czech Republic fast from milk, meat, and eggs during Advent. This is a serious time as they prepare their hearts for Jesus. On Christmas they put fish scales under their plates for luck!
December 1 China
Christmas is not a public holiday in China because not many people are Christians. They have trees of light that are decorated with paper chains, paper flowers, and paper lanterns.
December 2 Italy
In Italy, a week before Christmas, poor children dress as shepherds and go around their neighborhoods playing flutes or singing. People will give them money to buy presents for their families because Christmas is a time to share Jesus’ love.
December 3 Japan
Many Japanese put up Christmas trees, decorate their home and buy expensive gifts for Christmas, but do not celebrate Christmas as a religious holiday. Christmas is more like Valentine’s Day and many people get married on Christmas day. Christians tell others about Jesus’ birth.
WELCOME Schrage Family
If you see them around, please welcome them to our awesome Holy Trinity School Family!
Have a safe, blessed Thanksgiving!
If you need Scrip before Thanksgiving, please place your order by 8 AM on Monday, November 15. We will not be ordering Scrip on Nov. 22. Thank you to everyone who supports Scrip.
If you currently are not purchasing Scrip, please contact the office with any questions and we will help you get started. The office sells Scrip daily via phone orders, just call the school office at 262 626-2603 and we will put your order together for you. Scrip can help reduce your tuition costs and support HTS!
Winter Weather Clothing
As the weather gets colder, please remember appropriate coats, gloves, and hats. Once the snow hits we will also need boots and snow pants! We do try to get outside as much as possible, and we don't want any of our students to be cold. Please contact the school office if you need help with winter gear!
Wreath and Poinsettia Pick-Up
The time is still being confirmed, but we are hoping to have pick-up between 3 and 4.
Watch for an email for a time confirmation.
Questions, please reach out to the school office.
Home and School Board Party
Come and support Home and School. Do some painting and enjoy conversation.
Tuesday, November 23rd, 2021
Christmas Parade
Christmas Concert
Holy Trinity is planning their Christmas Concert for Monday, December 20th.
We will have an afternoon concert at 1:00 P.M. and an evening concert at 5:30 P.M.
Murder Mystery
% Positive Out: 1.9%%
% Out due to quarantine: 3.94%
Please continue to closely monitor your family for symptoms of COVID. We are still seeing illness.
The Holy Trinity families have been doing well in keeping kids home when ill. Please do not let up and notify us right away. We encourage you to have a negative COVID test or doctor's note when you return as there are many different illnesses occurring.
This has been our best mitigation yet! – Closely monitor, track, and isolate the situation so that it does not spread to others.
Kewaskum Ski Club
Advisory Committee
Calendar of Cash
November 11th - Shannon Granger
November 12th - Cecilia Schumaker
November 15th - Carol Averill
November 16th - Don Leister
November 17th - Lois Dornacker
November 23rd - Thanksgiving Prayer Service (Mass Day Clothes)
November 23rd - End of Trimester
November 24th-26th - No School Thanksgiving Break
November 28th - Advent Begins
November 29th - Advent Prayer Service (Mass Day Clothes)
December 2nd - 4K, 5K, 1st, 2nd Grade Field Trip to Cedarburg Performing Arts Center
December 7th - Report Cards Sent Home 1st-8th Grade
December 20th - Christmas Concert
Teacher Wish List
A Note from Mrs. Longden
Happy Thanksgiving! We will not be having a newsletter next week due to the short week.
I know that everyone is excited about the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday. It is a time that we normally spend celebrating with family and friends. As we celebrate Thanksgiving this year, please keep in mind all that we are thankful for. This Thanksgiving, I am so grateful for our amazing school and church community and the support you provide for Holy Trinity School! Without you, we would not be where we are at today!
Let us be thankful in this season. Our school is so thankful for each of you who has shared your child with us, has donated to make sure kids receive a faith-filled education, has prayed for our success, and has sustained us in difficult times.
We ask that you continue to be with us and help us carry on this great ministry and mission of our faith making our school a place where all are connected to God in a greater way and that our children become confident learners and leaders.
As we celebrate the holiday of Thanksgiving, we can recall how important it is in the Christian life to give thanks. Scripture is full of passages about gratitude. The very meaning of the word Eucharist is "thanksgiving." Here are a few of my favorite Scripture passages about being thankful:
"I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds." (Psalm 9:1)
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." (Philippians 4:6)
"Whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." (Colossians 3:17)
In North America, one of the great autumn holidays is Thanksgiving. Both Canada and the United States reserve a day during the harvest season to give thanks to the Lord for the blessings he showers upon us. Through the years, this spirit of thanksgiving has overflowed to include gratitude toward other people as well. The holiday affords us, both as individuals and as a society, a chance to turn our attention away from the self-focused worries that tend to dominate our consciousness. Instead, we spend a day thinking about the rest of the world and how many good things we have received through the goodness of God's providence and the generosity of those who care for us. Gratitude opens our hearts and minds, refreshing them both and curing, or at least giving us a respite from, egoism.
Autumn is the perfect season for such a holiday. The abundance of the harvest always stirs up amazement and rejoicing. As hard as we work during the summer, the fruits of the earth and of our labors seem a bit more impressive than our own work could make them. The images of thanksgiving spark joy as well as humility: the cornucopia overflowing with fruits of the earth, the fallen leaves with their glorious but fading colors, the community of extended family and friends gathered around a feast-filled table. All that we have and enjoy comes from a combination of our own smarts and strengths and a whole network of people and factors far beyond our control.
Mrs. Longden
Holy Trinity Catholic School
Email: holytrinityschool@htschool.net
Website: http://www.htschool.net
Location: 305 Main St Kewaskum, WI 53040
Phone: (262)626-2603