News for the Nest
Clayton Family Update for May 3, 2024
Upcoming Events
🍏💗 Teacher Appreciation Week 💗🍏
Monday, May 6
Final AR Deadline at midnight
3:30 CAC Meeting in Library
Tuesday, May 7
Roth/Cole Field Trip to Westcave Preserve
Wednesday, May 8
- Happy Birthday Ms. Walker, Kindergarten Teacher!
Burke/Ebert/Fanelli Field Trip to Westcave Preserve
Thursday, May 9
6:00 pm Family Choir Performance
Friday, May 10
9:15 Kinder Field Trip to Scottish Rite Theater
Looking Forward
May 14 - 4th Grade Wax Museum
May 15 - 4th Grade Field Trip
May 16 - Volunteer Breakfast *corrected date*
May 17 - 7:45 am Schoolwide Assembly - visitors welcome; check in early at front office *corrected date*
May 23 - 5th Grade Graduation and... LAST DAY OF SCHOOL 😎
Zoom link for virtual info session May 8 at Noon - facility improvements
Library Update
Our spring book fair was highly successful; we profited even more than the Fall fair! The library will keep about $4500, thanks to all of your support. Our book fairs fund our library clerk's salary, and we greatly appreciate your help.
It's almost time for all library books to return to their summer home -on our Clayton shelves 🙂. During the week of May 6, all students may check out just 1 book, if they have no late books. All books should be returned during the week of May 13. As an extra incentive, on May 15, we'll begin a raffle drawing for students whose records are clear.
We'll send ideas to keep reading through the summer months soon!
Safety reminders for arrival
Pedestrians must use one of these three crosswalks
West side crosswalk (by portables)
Back crosswalk
Front crosswalk
Starting Monday, April 22, the back driveway will be open for parents driving cars to drop off their children from 7:30-7:40 only.
The back driveway is for students who can independently and quickly exit their vehicles. Safety patrol will not be present at the back to assist students by opening and closing doors.
Cars must pull up all the way to the front, which is the end of the 5th grade hallway.
Please leave the crosswalk clear for students walking to school.
All cars exiting to LaCrosse, including those using the back driveway, must turn right on LaCrosse.
If your child walks from the community center trail:
They will need to use the crosswalk by the portables/first grade wing, or the back crosswalk, from 7:30-7:40.
Staff will be stationed at the crosswalk by the portables/first grade wing to help students cross safely. Staff will also be stationed at the back crosswalk.
Requirements for Arrival and Dismissal if you drive a car
- pull all the way to the flagpole
- encourage your child to get their backpack and other belongings ready when you enter the driveway, so they can make a quick exit
- if you need to exit the vehicle to get your child out of their carseat, please park on LaCrosse Ave, then walk down the front steps to the front crosswalk
- drop off is quickest from 7:15-7:25
- school starts at 7:40
- always post your car tag and leave it posted until your child is in the car
- email Ms. Phillips if you need a new car tag (
Thank you for your support and patience during arrival and drop off
Volunteers make a world of difference! Please join us May 16
click image to RSVP
General Registration Is Open NOW
All returning students must register for the upcoming school year. If you missed registering during Priority Registration, please register now during the period of General Registration. Registering early helps us with staffing and class placement. Returning students do not need to provide enrollment documents, i.e. Birth Certificate, immunization record, nor a previous report card. If your child is not returning, please email
Trail of Resolution
The Trail of Resolution is a problem-solving path we will use at Clayton Elementary. The purpose of the Trail of Resolution is to address questions and concerns in an effective and efficient manner. If you have a question or concern, first contact the person who is directly involved in the situation. For example, if you have a question or concern about something in the classroom, first contact the teacher to seek clarification. Follow the trail if the concern persists.
Teacher → Assistant principal → Principal
RAVE = Recognizing All Valuable Employees
Has someone at Clayton gone above and beyond for your family? Austin ISD uses the RAVE platform to Recognize All Valuable Employees. To send someone a RAVE, use the link/button at the bottom of this newsletter. The employee and principal receive an email to celebrate their recognition. Thank you!