The Bear Bulletin ~ Parent Edition
September 11 - 15, 2023
Equity - The the Standard!
Happy Sunday afternoon!
We hope you are enjoying this beautiful day!
A few things as we get ready for another amazing week at Willow Brook:
- Please be sure your child is present every day! We must have your child at school no later than 8:15am each day! Remember, attendance is crucial to your child's success!
- MVP Benchmark Testing is right around the corner! Please join us Tuesday before the PTO meeting at 5:00pm to discuss the MVP Benchmark, share old MVP tests and discuss what we do with the results of the benchmark. Students will receive Bear Bucks if they attend so be there!
- We have included Student & Parent Flu Clinic information below. Please share with your families.
- We are excited about our upcoming Family Movie Night this Friday! See below for details, along with information about our PTO Meeting this Tuesday evening at 6:00pm.
- We also included the Weekly Breakfast & Lunch Menus below. We do offer ice cream on Fridays. These items are $1.00. These items cannot be charged to an account; however, you can place money on your child's account for these items. Also, change will not be provided but rather placed on your child's account after they purchase an item.
Please be sure your child(ren) is rested and eats a healthy breakfast each day! It is imperative your child gets at least 8 hours of sleep each night to be fully rested and ready to learn!
If we can be of any assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at any time!
The the Standard.
Mrs. Jenifer L. Laurendine, Principal,
Mr. Jason Nussbaum, Assistant Principal,
Mrs. Kim Miller, PLC Coach,
Core Value of the Month - EQUITY!
Important Upcoming Events!
- Fire Drill
- 4th Grade PLC - 8:40 - 9:25am - Room 220
- 3rd Grade PLC - 10:40 - 11:25am - Room 220
- 1st Grade PLC - 12:10 - 12:55pm - Room 220
- Kindergarten PLC - 1:10 - 1:55pm - Room 220
- 2nd Grade PLC - 2:20 - 3:05pm - Room 220
Tuesday, September 12th
- District Website Committee - 8:00am - 3:30pm - Laurendine - WBES Conference Room
- District Wide Tornado Drill - 9:00am
- Morphology UT PDSA Training - Interventionists - 1:00 - 3:30pm - SAB Boardroom - Madden & McEahern
- Test Taking Tip Parent Meeting - 5:00pm - Cafeteria
- PTO Meeting - 6:00pm - Cafeteria
- USAble Open Enrollment - Staff Lounge - 8:30am - 3:30pm
- WBES Progress Meeting - Virtual - Laurendine - 8:45 - 9:45am
- 3rd Grade Girls Lunch Bunch 11:45am - 12:15pm - Secret Garden or Conference Room
- STEM Innovator's Meeting - 2-4:00pm - Livesay's Room - ORHS - Chenot & Collins
- Right to Read District Discussion - Various Locations - 2:30 - 4:30pm
- 4th Grade Math District Discussion - Tan's Room - 2:30 - 4:0pm
Thursday, September 14th
- USAble Open Enrollment - Staff Lounge - 8:30am - 3:30pm
- Kid of Promise for Honesty - 9:30 - 10:30am - Gym
Friday, September 15th
- Representative Fritts Visit - 9:30am - 12:00pm - Collins & Admin - WBS Conference Room
- Girls Lunch Bunch w/ Ms. Peters - 12:50 - 1:20pm
- Attendance Parent Conversation - 7:50pm
- Family Movie Night - Front Lawn - 8:00pm
Be a Thermostat Teacher!
Flu Season Is Upon Us - Flu Vaccine Information
In an effort to remain healthy, take advantage of this preventive health service! The annual flu shot clinic will be on Wednesday, September 20th from 2:00-5:00pm in the SAB Board Room. Please bring the completed consent form (included below) and your pharmacy insurance card.
If you would like a paper copy to complete, please have your student pick one up from the school nurse's office or complete one when you arrive at the clinic. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Madison Branham at (865) 425-9031.
Parents - Register Your Child for Well Child Visit TODAY! Three easy ways to register below!
MVP Testing - Parent & Student Meeting!
Perfect Attendance & Dojo Winners of the Week!
I wanted to share the picture to the left with you! Mrs. Rhyne sent this as our 3rd graders were at recess at the time of the weekly announcement! This shows the excitement of our students in wanting to reach for the crown and meet our behavior/attendance expectations!
With our continued focus on Attendance, we will also begin randomly selecting a student each month and we will give their family a gift card to a local restaurant! Parents, your partnership is crucial to ensure your child(ren) is at school, on time, every day! If we can help you in any way!
Weekly Perfect Attendance Winners
Weekly Class Dojo Point Winners!
Perfect Attendance Percentages Per Class - 9.5 - 9.8
Please see Perfect Attendance for each grade level/class below!
Congratulations to Ms. Walter's 4th grade class for having 95% this week! Keep up the amazing work!
- Aldridge - 56%
- Halcomb - 53%
- Naeve - 44%
- Williams - 63%
- Shute - 74%
1st Grade
- Addis - 78%
- Chenot- 78%
- Miller - 79%
- Whitehead - 65%
2nd Grade
- Harris - 75%
- Blair - 72%
- Campbell/Stewart - 71%
- Overton - 68%
- Sensibaugh - 53%
3rd Grade
- Collins - 86%
- Grande - 75%
- Kent - 91%
- Rhyne - 80%
4th Grade
- Freels - 79%
- Okert - 81%
- Tan - 84%
- Walter - 95%
Fall Intersession 2023 Registration!
3rd Grade Field Trip to The Muse!
Mrs. Meidl's Book Nook and Curation Corner!
Good afternoon!
Please see the grade level newsletters for RESPONSIBILITY, linked below!
If you have any questions, please reach out to Dan Schwartz at 865.425.3202 or via email at
Erin's Law
Dear Parents,
This year the Oak Ridge Schools curriculum includes the implementation of SB 856, more commonly known as Erin’s Law. This is a state-mandated, age-appropriate sexual abuse awareness and prevention education program for students K through 12th grade. The program teaches children how to address or report abusive behavior such as safe and unsafe touches and other physical and emotional abuse. In grades 6 - 12, we will be using Vector Solutions, an award-winning K-12 training platform, to deliver curriculum developed by leading experts. In grades K - 5, school counselors will be delivering curriculum provided by The curriculum is tailored for each grade level, ensuring age-appropriate content and delivery.
Because some of the content is sensitive in nature, we wanted to make you aware so that you can continue these important conversations at home and be prepared to field questions from your student that may arise. There are excellent resources designed for parents through the Erin's Law website.
For further information regarding Erin’s Law please visit: If you have any questions about the content of the program, feel free to contact our Student Success Coordinator, Callie Painter at or (865) 425-9053.
Oak Ridge Schools
See You Friday Night!!
WBES PTO/Title I Events Calendar
September Breakfast Menu!
September Lunch Menu!
Forward Together - WBES Goals - 23.24!
ORS Community Flyers - What's Happening?
Communication is a KEY to Success!
Join Us on Social Media!
Willow Brook Elementary
Location: 298 Robertsville Road, Oak Ridge, TN, USA
Phone: 865-425-3202
Twitter: @WBESbears