Dolphin Family News
September 16, 2022

June 14th, 2024
Upcoming Dates:
Monday, June 17th: Regular start Monday (8:10am), but EARLY DISMISSAL @ 1:10pm
Tuesday, June 18th: LAST DAY OF SCHOOL- Early Dismissal @ 11:40am
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Please check out all the Summer Activities that are happening around Sumner! The Free Summer Lunch program will also be participating in a 'Take One- Leave One' book program!
Flat Toycen
Your student will be taking home a Flat Toycen to bring home and share all the fun on your summer break! Please snap a picture of your student with Flat Toycen on your summer adventures and post it to the DVE Facebook Page.
SUN Bucks
SUN Bucks (Summer EBT) is a new federal program that will provide qualified students with $120 to purchase groceries while school is out this summer.
The district has already notified families of students who automatically qualify for the program. Families should make sure we have their current address on file in order to receive the SUN Bucks EBT cards, which we anticipate will be mailed in June.
If your child is not currently eligible for meal benefits but your family may qualify, now is the time to apply through SBLSD. Applications will be accepted through Aug. 31. Two ways to apply:
Electronically through Skyward Family Access (preferred method)
Printable paper application (Spanish, Russian, Ukrainian); return to your child’s school or scan and email it to child_nutrition@sumnersd.org
For questions regarding SUN Bucks, please call the Child Nutrition office at (253) 891-6450.