Wolf Call
An e-newsletter from Island Lake Elementary School
Friday, February 16
No School - Monday, February 19
A message from the principal
Greetings Island Lake Families,
Wow, what an amazing spirit week! Thank you to our families for supporting their children in participating. I want to also thank families and our PTA for the Green Mill restaurant night on Monday. It seems like it was well-attended.
Next week, we welcome families back to school for Communication Nights. We continue our conversations around each student’s achievement, while strengthening the partnership between school and home. These dedicated check-ins are invaluable, and I thank you in advance for making time to attend.
Kuendig Covid Update: this week the 3rd grader tested positive (on the 3rd test administered in three days). She’s on the mend, and all eyes now turn towards the 16-year old, who appears unaffected as of now…
This is a reminder that Monday, February 19, is a professional learning day for teachers, and students are not in session. We resume in person learning on Tuesday, February 20, 2024.
Kind Regards,
Attention Parents: 2024-25 Intention Form
Will your child/children be attending Island Lake School next year? In order to help us plan for next fall, please submit the 2024-25 Intention Form for EACH of your students attending Island Lake currently in grades 1 - 4. **Snail Lake has sent their own intention form for students currently in Kindergarten**
Please complete this form by Friday, March 1.
Attention 5th grade parents - Course selection is due!
Just a reminder that the Chippewa Middle School elective course selection was due, Friday, February 9. If you have not had a chance to complete it, please fill out the form below as soon as possible. Thank you for your help!
Science Fair Update!
- There is only one more Science Fair work session from 4:00-5:00 p.m. on Thursday, February 22.
- Science Fair participants: Are you almost done? You must be ready on the day of the Science Fair, Tuesday, February 27!
- Science Volunteers needed! Please signup below!
Run With the Wolves -- We Need You!
Do you love our annual Run With the Wolves event? Want to volunteer and be a vital part of your community and student's school activities? We are looking for a group of volunteers to lead planning for this year's Run With the Wolves, which is scheduled for Saturday, June 1. If interested, please reach out to the PTA at contactilpta@gmail.com for more info.
Yearbooks on Sale
Island Lake Yearbooks are ON SALE! Pre-Order Yearbooks now!
• Order online at: www.schoolannual.com
• Click on: "Buy My Student's Yearbook"
• Enter: Island Lake Elementary, Shoreview, MN
Any questions regarding yearbook, please contact islandlakeyearbook@gmail.com
Island Lake Student Directory
New year, new you! Take a moment to update the Island Lake PTA Student Directory.
The Island Lake PTA is happy to offer this directory through Membership Toolkit for the exclusive personal use of Island Lake families. It is a confidential list, and information is not to be used for solicitations, advertising, or mass emails.
New or returning user? Go to https://islandlakepta.membershiptoolkit.com/home to create or update your family information. For more information about the site and accounts, please see this document or email mike.kinsella@gmail.com.
Upcoming PTA Events
General PTA Meeting -- (UPDATED date/time) Monday, March 4 at 6:00 p.m.
Carnival Committee Planning Meeting -- Monday, March 4 at 7:00 p.m. (following PTA meeting)
Join MV Indian Education for Drum and Dance events!
Dates: February 20, March 5, March 19, April 2, April 16
Time: Drop in any time from 6:-00-7:30 p.m.
Location: Highview Middle School (2300 7th St NW, New Brighton)
*A light meal will be provided.
Island Lake Calendar
For up-to-date information on events happening at Island Lake, visit www.moundsviewschools.org/islandlakecalendar.
Monday, February 19
No School for Students
Tuesday, February 20
5th Grade Band, Large Group, 8:05-9:05 a.m.
Common Communication Night, 4:30-6:30 p.m.
Wednesday, February 21
5th Grade Orchestra, Large Group, 8:05-9:05 a.m.
Thursday, February 22
4th Grade Orchestra Combined, Large Group, 8:05-9:05 a.m.
Science Fair Work Session, Library, 4:00-5:00 p.m.
Common Communication Night, 4:30-6:30 p.m.
Friday, February 23
No Events Scheduled
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Yog xa tau kev pab thiab hais ua lus Hmoob thov hu rau Bao Thao: 651-272-0972. Haddi aad ubaahantahay faahfaahin dheerad-ah ama turjamaad, fadlan kala soo xidid Zeynah Abdulrazak lambaraka 651-262-4577. Para asistencia o preguntas en Español por favor contacte a Angel Toro: 651-724-2854 o Carmen Bender: 612-494-3895.