The Toro Times
July 31-August 4, 2023
V. 6: September 16-September 20
Toros Triumph as Scholars, Leaders and Champions!
Dear Toro Families,
We had a tremendous turn-out for our Back to School Night! Thank you to our families that were able to be there-we know what scheduling it can take to move around normal life activities to attend school events. Check out the video highlights below!
Beginning this week, we will celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month. Lunchtime activities and morning announcements will include facts, information and ways to honor and celebrate the many Latinos that have contributed to our world to make it a better place for all of us.
Toros earned a Free Dress last Friday and we loved seeing them in their cute fits. We will be offering another opportunity for our scholars to earn a Free Dress-stay tuned. School uniform will be back in place again for Monday.
With Toro Tenacity,
Dr. Mónica Luther
Yorba Middle School
Coffee with the Principal--such a wonderful time to chat with our families!
Upcoming Events
- September 18: College Shirt Wednesday/Early Release @ 1pm
- September 18: Club Rush @ Nutrition
- September 20: OHS Feeder Night--join us at Fred Kelly at 7pm
- September 24: ELAC @9am
- September 25: Treats with a Toro 11-11:50
- September 25: College Shirt Wednesday/Early Release @ 1pm
- September 26: School Site Council 2:30-3:30pm
Soccer Schedule
Vote for SSC Membership!
Be an active member of our school community by volunteering to be a part of our School Site Council. There are 6 meetings that fall on Wednesdays 2:30-3:30pm*-you can participate virtually or in person:
Sept. 26* Thursday Meeting
Oct. 30
Nov 20
Jan. 29
March 26
May 21
Click the link below and get involved today! (No training necessary!) We need 3 parent representatives!
Club Rush
Students get to walk around to see and hear from different clubs Yorba has to offer on Wednesday, September 18th at nutrition. They will even get the opportunity to sign up for some fun and exciting clubs! Let's get involved Toros!! Check out below the clubs Yorba has to offer.
Need Uniforms? Need Spirit Wear?
- PE T-Shirt-$10.00
- PE Shorts-$12.00
- YMS Short Sleeve Shirt-$15.00
- YMS Long Sleeve Shirt-$18.00
- YMS Pullover Hoodie- $27.00
- YMS Zipper Hoodie-$30.00
- YMS Sweatpants-$18.00
**School Spirit Wear is available for purchase $10.00
We can accept cash or credit card.
Athletics Info
Girls: Practices Tuesday/Thursdays 2:45-3:45 with Coach Laurenson and Coach Pritchett
Boys: Practices Tuesdays/Thursdays 2:45-3:45 with Coach Guzman and Coach Padilla
Next Meeting 9/24 @ 5pm ZOOM link to come!
Congratulations to our PTO Board 24-25
President: Nathaly Barron
Vice President: Diane Bailey
Secretary: Hilda Rios & Brittany Diaz
Treasurer: Rena Mouawad
College Shirt Wednesday Starts This Wednesday! Wear College, Military and AVID
To continue fostering a College and Career atmosphere during middle School, Yorba Middle School students and staff participate in College Shirt Wednesdays! (including AVID & Military branch shirts).
School Policies 24-25
Cell Phone Policy 24-25
Thank you for reviewing our school's Cell Phone and Dress Code policies with your student.
We appreciate your support to ensure we are prioritizing an academic and healthy social emotional environment for our students.
Dress Code
School Uniforms and PE Clothes are available for purchase in the front office.
**Website for purchase COMING SOON
Further Information can be found in our student handbook, linked above.
Yorba Middle School
Location: 935 North Cambridge Street, Orange, CA, USA
Phone: 714-997-6161
Twitter: @yorba_DrLuther