Linden Middle School Newsletter
February 2022
Dear LMS Familes
In January our LMS students took the mid-year NWEA ELA & Math Benchmark tests. Please talk with your child about their progress on these assessments compared to their fall tests. Students will also have an end-of-year benchmark test in May. The NWEA goal is to identify students academic strengths and weakness. This data helps us to progress monitor, track student growth, provide areas of focus for instruction, and identify students for intervention programming.
Dates to Remember
Feb 2 - LCS Board of Education Meeting at 7 pm LHS
Feb 2-3 - Grade Level Meetings to Review SOAR Expectations
Feb 4 - LMS Homeroom SOAR Expectations Activity
Feb 10 - LMS Pre Festival Band Concert at 7 pm LHS
Feb 16 - LMS Choir Concert at LMS 7 pm
Feb 18 - LCS Professional Development Day - No School for Students
Feb 21 - President's Day LCS No School for Staff and Students
Feb 22 - LMS Trimester 3 Begins
Feb 25 - LMS Report Cards Posted on StudentVue & ParentVue
Please Help Keep LMS Clean
Education Development Plan (EDP)
Say hello to Xello! We have transitioned from Career Cruising to a new college and career readiness software program called Xello! All 8th Grade students are required to take the EDP class during one of their 8th Grade Explore hours. Next year, LMS is looking at adding a Career class for 7th-grade students utilizing the 7th-grade lessons in Xello.
Click on the link below to read the EDP Parent Letter, learn about your student's Education Development Plan, Xello, and more!
Attendance Incentive
Linden Pride
Linden Strong
Mt. Holly Ski & Snowboard Fridays!
Hitting the slopes
Fun with friends on the hills
Ready for action
Quarantined Students
Linden Middle School
Email: cthomas@lindenschools.org
Website: https://middleschool.lindenschools.org/o/lms
Location: 15425 Lobdell Road, Linden, MI, USA
Phone: (810) 591-0710
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LindenCommunitySchools/