THE BUZZ 2024 2025
October, 2024
Don't forget these important things:
What time does school start?
Students can be dropped off at 7:00. Please be aware we will not open the doors until 7:00 due to supervision needs.
School officially starts at 7:20. Please be sure your child arrives on time to be inside his/her classroom by 7:20.
Class dismisses at 2:20.
What about arrival and dismissal?
Students coming on buses will be dropped off at the front of our building and will walk to class after picking up a breakfast.
Students who are being dropped off by car will be dropped off on the east side of our building. Please follow the traffic arrows and loop all the way around the playground. It is best if your child departs the driver side of the car for safety. Children will enter the gym and then walk to class. Adults do not get out of the car, please.
Students will be dismissed to the car line from the east gymnasium door. If you are walking up to pick up your student/s, you may only use the sidewalk and display your family tag from that spot. Please do not walk up to the building.
- Parents must display their student's car tag at dismissal. Please continue to do this ALL YEAR.
- If an older sibling is responsible for a younger student, the older student will meet the younger child at the exit doors.
- Staff members will not allow any students to cross the street at any location other than the designated crosswalk at the intersection.
- Students are not allowed to go home/call home to get permission to go home with another student without prior knowledge and a note or phone call from parents.
- Students are not allowed to call home to request a different method of transportation at the end of the day.
- If your child has a change in pick-up procedures, please send a note to his/her classroom teacher AND call the office. This will reduce end-of-day confusion. The office is very busy at the end of the day and at times last-minute messages are very difficult to forward. Please alert the office no later than 1:30 PM. You must call the office. Tell the teacher is not enough, teachers miss messages AND can be absent.
- Students that do not ride the bus are not allowed to go home on the bus with another student. Students are not allowed to trade back and forth between buses. They must get on and off the bus at their designated pick-up and drop-off spot. Please call the Transportation Office if you have any questions at 523-0514.
- With parent permission, students in grades 3-5 are allowed to ride their bikes to school. Please wear helmets. Bike riders must walk bikes on/off school grounds and have a way to lock their bikes to the racks near the parking lot during the school day. Scooters, skates, or skateboards are not allowed on school property. Due to safety concerns, students in grades K-2 are not allowed to ride their bikes to school.
- Students attending YMCA will be dismissed to the YMCA Director/Staff Member at the end of the day.
How can I get involved?
Join PTA! PTA will have a table at SPSU- Sunshine Open Houset. ALL are welcome to join. You can sign up as a member that night. As a member you are NOT required to attend meetings, so please don't let that stop you!
How can I follow you on social media?
1. Sunshine Elementary Bees on Facebook
2. @SunshineBees on Twitter
Update your information in eSchool. We NEED your current numbers and email. I will use eSchool to push out email and texts. This is also the platform the district uses to push out information. To update please call or email Lorna. 417-523-5200 or
Thank you,
Tracy Daniels, Ed.D.
Sunshine Principal
421 E. Sunshine St.
Springfield, MO 65807
PH: 417-523-5200
Safety Update
Dear parents and guardians:
Over the past few weeks, school safety has been a topic of discussion in Springfield and across the country. Nationwide, rumors have continued to circulate related to social media posts. I want to assure you that we take every report seriously and follow specific procedures to thoroughly investigate them. We are thankful that our school police were able to determine that all reported social media posts were related to the nationwide trend and were not credible threats to any Springfield school.
Please remember, it is important to directly report concerns to those who can investigate rather than sharing on social media, which can cause confusion and impede the investigation. It is important to remind students that there are serious consequences for making any statement that could be interpreted as threatening. It is also inappropriate to joke about safety issues. Discipline, up to and including out of school suspension, could result.
If you are aware of a safety concern, please report it to us in one of the following ways:
Contact me or another school administrator.
Call School Police at (417) 523-2911.
Text the anonymous Tip Line at (417) 319-2901.
Working together, we can ensure that our school is a safe place for everyone.
Dr. D
Reading at HOME!
Here are some more GREAT ways to help at home: CLICK
Also take a look below!
From the Library
Here is information from Mrs. J Roe:
How did September attendance turn out?
Building- 93%
Kindergarten 91 %
First Grade 95%
Second Grade 95%
Third Grade 96%
Fourth Grade 91%
Fifth Grade 91%
Our goal is 95%. We almost made it. Please help us reach the goal for October.
Families! We need YOU to use our car tags for safety and for speed! Please write the LAST name of the child in orange in LARGE black letters. Dr. D has trouble seeing that far and in the event we have someone else calling names, the bigger the letters- the better! Write first name in the white area.
DATES on the way:
Oct 1-18- Penny Wars continues
Oct 11th: Picture Day (Dec 10 is retake)
Oct 14- PTA meeting at 5:30
Oct 17th: FALL FEST- See above for information!- SAVE THE DATE
Oct 18- No School for students.
Oct 21st: Conference week
Oct 21st: Book Fair week
OCT 28- Nov 1- RED week- see above.
Nov 1- Fall Party day in classrooms- teachers will give you more information.
Nov 4 AND 5- No School for students