SHS Principal's Newsletter

August 2024
From the Principal
Greetings Saxons!
As summer is starting to wind down, our thoughts at SHS are beginning to turn to welcoming our students back for another great year. The excitement of Schaumburg High School classrooms being filled with students and staff members for the 2024-2025 school year is immeasurable. After a summer without summer school at SHS we cannot wait to see all of our students this fall!
As you receive this newsletter, we will be in the closing stretch of summer break. Summer is a time for relaxing and connecting with our friends and family. I hope that you all have found time to do just that as we approach the start of the 2024-2025 school year. The first day of classes will be on Monday, August 12. In this newsletter, you will find information that you will find helpful as we transition into the school year.
We are looking forward to collaborating with you to support your child throughout this school year. If at any time you feel that your child needs additional support, or you have a concern, please do not hesitate to reach out to their classroom teachers, counselors, student services staff, or the administration at Schaumburg High School. We are all here to assure that your child has an amazing experience at SHS.
As we approach the start of the 2024-2025 school year, I encourage you to have a conversation with your child about the importance of a strong academic start to the school year. Students can get off to a great start by establishing positive attendance habits, being engaged in their classes, assuring that they turn in all their assignments on time and by studying for assessments. Getting involved in extracurricular activities is also a great way for students to make connections at Schaumburg High School and can lead to increased success in the classroom. Be on the lookout for additional information regarding the start of the 2024-2025 school year. In the meantime, enjoy the rest of your summer!
Brian Harlan Principal
2024-25 Registration and Health Requirements
As a reminder, school registration for this upcoming school year is still open!
Please make sure to register as soon as possible if you have not done so already. All parents must complete the annual registration process. All information pertaining to registration can be found here (Español) (Translation Page- All Languages).
This includes health requirements for freshmen (all must have a physical on file) and seniors (all must have proof of the meningitis vaccination). Contact SHSnurse@d211.org with questions.
Parking Lot Updates
Daily Student Entry and Drop-Off Update
This year students will be entering Schaumburg High School in the morning at two entrances: our main Entrance at Door 1 and at Door 2, which is located to the east of the main entrance. There have been some slight modifications to our parking lot traffic flow in an effort to improve efficiency of morning student drop offs. We will have additional staff in the parking lot for support the first week of school to assist with establishing these new procedures and assure student safety.
- Entering from Schaumburg Road: When you pull into the parking lot, follow the flow of traffic to the designated DROP OFF ZONE at the east end of the parking lot. DO NOT STOP TO DROP OFF STUDENTS OUTSIDE THE DESIGNATED DROP OFF AREA. This is to ensure student safety and to make sure students are crossing at the designated crosswalks. The DROP OFF ZONE is designated by paint and signs. Students will enter the building at DOOR 2. Please be mindful of students crossing the parking lot. Due to safety reasons, please do not drop students off on Schaumburg Road.
- Entering from Grand Central: When you pull into the parking lot, follow the flow of traffic to the designated DROP OFF ZONE near the main entrance (Door 1). DO NOT STOP TO DROP OFF STUDENTS OUTSIDE THE DESIGNATED DROP OFF AREA. This is to ensure student safety and to make sure students are crossing at the designated crosswalks. The DROP OFF ZONE is designated by paint and signs. Students will enter the building at DOOR 1. Please be mindful of students crossing the parking lot. Due to safety reasons, please do not drop students off on Schaumburg Road.
Parking Passes
A Fall 2024 parking permit is required to park in the student lot at SHS. Junior and Senior students with a Fall 2024 parking permit may park in yellow lined student spots in our student lot. Junior and senior students interested in acquiring a parking pass must fill out the linked form. The cost of the permit is $75 per semester.
Students parking in the lot without a permit may be subject to consequences that include but are not limited to school discipline, trespass orders, the removal of current parking permits, ineligibility for future parking permits, removal of school social privileges or towing of a vehicle.
District 211 has an agreement with Redmon’s Towing Services should removal of a vehicle be necessary in the SHS lot after warnings have been made.
Classroom Cell Phone Procedures
All classrooms at Schaumburg High School are cell phone free in order to reduce distractions and promote a positive learning environment for our students. Cell phones should not be used or visible once students cross the doorway into academic spaces. Proper use of cell phones will be permitted in the cafeteria, hallways, and the media center. Any violation that does not follow these guidelines will result in the tiered consequences outlined in the chart below.
Any subsequent violations will result in an email home; the student’s phone confiscated by an administrator; and a meeting with the student, parent/guardian, and school administrator will take place, which may result in extended loss of phone privileges..
Failure to follow school rules may be considered insubordination and could result in disciplinary action as outlined in the Student Conduct Policy.
Should you need to contact your student during classroom time, please contact the Attendance Office at (847) 755-4670.
Student ID Card Reminder
Student I.D. cards will be distributed to all students at the start of the 2024-2025 school year. Students are required to carry a current school I.D. card at all times.
Students may not embellish their I.D. card with any drawing or writing. Students must have their I.D. cards in their possession when participating in, or attending any school-related extracurricular activity. I.D. cards must be surrendered upon request of any staff member, including bus drivers and student supervisors. The card must be presented when boarding buses, entering the building at the start of the school day, checking out media materials, making up tests, gaining entrance to school activities and athletic events, and leaving the school for any purpose, and when accessing certain areas of the building.
A $3 fee may be charged to replace a lost or invalid I.D. card or school lanyard.
Saxon Lift
All freshmen students take part in a program at SHS called Saxon LIFT. Saxon LIFT is designed to acclimate our freshman students to Schaumburg High School and make peer and staff connections. The Saxon LIFT program focuses on mentoring students and running activities to build student capacity, reinforce academic and social skills, monitor student progress, set goals, promote student involvement, and establish a positive school culture. It also provides a means for students to receive additional academic support as they adjust to the rigors of high school. Each Saxon LIFT section is led by a staff and student mentors. They will meet with freshmen students Monday through Thursday for 20 minutes leading up to their 30-minute lunch period during the first semester. Saxon LIFT will not meet on Fridays, and all freshmen students will have a full 50 minute lunch period on Fridays.
Saxon LIFT will remain in place second semester for students still in need of academic support. Freshmen students that receive a C- or higher for all of their final course grades in the first semester will transition to a full lunch period every day second semester. Freshmen students that received a final first semester grade below a C- (D+, D, D-, or F) in any course will receive 20 minutes of academic intervention in Saxon LIFT Monday through Thursday second semester. There will be academic checkpoints every six weeks during the second semester. Students will then move into a full lunch period if they raise their grades, or into the academic support if their grades fall below a C-.
Additional details about Saxon LIFT has been shared at Summer Orientation Sessions held throughout the summer and Freshman Kick-Off event held on Thursday, August 1. Additional communications will also be sent to all freshmen parents throughout the year regarding Saxon LIFT from the Saxon LIFT team.
Booster News
Are you looking to get involved and have a positive impact on Schaumburg High School? A great way for parents to support and feel a connection to the SHS school community is through the SHS VIP Booster Club. For more information on how you can partner with other parents to support our students please visit the SHS VIP Booster Club website located here. Additional information, including opportunities to register for members can also be found on their MemberHub site.
The SHS VIP Booster club is excited to announce their Annual SAVERS FUNDrive coming up on Saturday, September 21 from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. at SHS! Clean out your closets, offices, and garages while supporting our students. Clothing, shoes, linens, electronic accessories, bedding and towels, toys and games, sporting goods, books, and small household items in good, clean, and sellable condition are accepted! Click here for more information!
SHS Parent Academy
Schaumburg High School is pleased to be continuing the Schaumburg High School Parent Academy for the 2024-2025 school year! The program will feature in person workshops for parents by both SHS staff members and community organizations. The presentations will include a variety of topics pertinent to parents of high school students. Please be on the lookout for more information about the SHS Parent Academy both in your email and on the SHS website soon!
Survey Link: Superintendent Search
District 211 is seeking input from parents and community members as part of our search for a new Superintendent following the retirement of Dr. Lisa Small in June 2025.
We value your input! Please complete the brief survey here: https://hyasurvey.com/D211
To change the survey language, use the drop-down menu.
The survey will automatically close at 11:59 p.m. August 20.
Thank you for your support!
Student Attendance
Regular daily attendance is essential to a student’s academic success. The information and experiences that a student loses from a day’s absence from the classroom can never be fully recovered. It is in the student’s best interest to attend school each and every day. Please reiterate the message that attending school every day is important to your student. Please try and schedule doctor appointments and other commitments after school hours when possible. The District discourages vacations that keep students from school because lost time from school places students at a disadvantage.
Please refer to the student/parent calendar handbook for attendance policies and procedures.
Student Partial-Day Excusal
Regular attendance is critical to student success in high school. We understand that occasionally students may need to leave during the day for appointments.
Please see the guidance below for students excusal for a partial day at SHS.
Excused During the Day:
- Partial Day Absence (Underclassmen): When a parent/guardian excuses a student from a class during the day, a parent/guardian must check in with the main office and escort their student out of the building.
- Partial Day Absence (Upperclassmen): When a parent/guardian excuses a student from a class during the day, that student must report to attendance for a pass prior to exiting the building.
Off-Campus Lunch: Only Juniors and Seniors have the option for off-campus lunch. Freshmen and Sophomores do not have off-campus lunch. Parents/guardians who are excusing underclassmen from a lunch period must check in with the main office and escort their student out of the building.
Please direct any questions to your student's administrator in the Intervention Office.
Student Late Start Days
The Board of Education approved 12 Student Late Start Days for the 2024-2025 school year to provide designated times for teachers of the same course within the same department to share their best instructional practices.
Classes will begin at 8:50 am at Schaumburg High School on these days. Please see below for the Late Start Days for the 2024-2025 school year. Please note all of these occur on Tuesdays.
August 20, 2024
September 3, 2024
September 17, 2024
October 15, 2024
November 12, 2024
December 3, 2024
January 14, 2025
January 28, 2025
February 11, 2025
February 25, 2025
March 11, 2025
April 1, 2025
District 211 has adjusted bus times on Student Late Start Days. Bus routes will begin approximately 80 minutes later than usual. The app MYRIDE360 will give you the pickup time on late start days. Click here to access information on how to set up the app.
Early Dismissal Days
A few school days each year are “shortened” to allow for school improvement activities, staff development, and special events. This year these dates are: Thursday, August 29 (Open House), Friday, November 8, Thursday, March 6 (College Night at Palatine High School) and Friday, May 9. Students will be dismissed at 11:50 a.m. on these days.
Attendance at Athletic Events
Schaumburg High School students get in free to all regular season athletic events in High School District 211. This excludes contests that are part of the IHSA playoffs or tournaments.
Please note that students must have their current SHS student ID for free admission.
Non-Schaumburg High School students under 14 must be accompanied by an adult when attending all SHS athletic events, including football games. Non SHS students under 14 who are NOT accompanied by an adult will be turned away. We understand that many middle school students enjoy attending high school sporting events, and we welcome their presence. By requiring adult supervision for younger attendees, we maintain a safe environment and foster a sense of community and shared responsibility. By enhancing the overall experience for all attendees, this ensures that everyone can enjoy the game in a secure and positive atmosphere. We will be collaborating with our feeder middle schools to assist in communicating this message.
Dates to Remember
August 12 IHSA Fall Sports Begin
August 12 First Day of School
August 14 Freshman/Sophomore Yearbook Photos
August 15 Junior/Senior Yearbook Pictures
August 20 Fall Preseason Athlete Information Night
August 21 Parent Academy
August 22 Activity Showcase Periods 4-7
August 29 Open House - Early Dismissal 11:50 a.m.
September 2 Labor Day – NO SCHOOL
September 10 Parent Academy
September 27 Homecoming Soccer/Football – 4:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. - Stadium
September 28 Homecoming Dance – 7:00 p.m. – Gym