Towson High School Newsletter
January 31, 2025
Principal's Message
Dear Towson High School Community,
Your voice is important to us! The 2025 BCPS Climate Survey is available until February 28, takes five minutes or less, is anonymous, and is available in 20 languages for students, parents/caregivers, and community members. The survey can be taken from anywhere using a phone, tablet, or computer. If you are a BCPS parent/caregiver and employee, or if you have children in more than one school, you are encouraged to take the survey more than once to reflect these experiences. Students and teachers will take the survey next week.
Each year, we analyze the results from the BCPS Climate Survey and use the information to plan programs, supports, and initiatives for the upcoming year. If you have not done so already, please take the 2025 BCPS Climate Survey to ensure your voice is heard in our decision making.
In partnership,
Dr. Kim Culbertson
Student STARS
Tyion Rahman for demonstrating a strong commitment to his academics' 2nd marking period. Tyion has also consistently demonstrated a positive attitude in U.S. History and has also emerged as a leader among his peers, actively guiding and supporting classmates during classroom activities.
Varsity Boys & Girls Indoor Track & Field teams for their performances at the 64th Baltimore County Championships.
60 Art Students for winning 60 regional Scholastics Arts Awards!
The African Student Association (ASA) for hosting Food Wars in January!
Simon Carpenter for sharing his talents and expertise by designing the set for Footloose.
The student performers in our first-ever Broadway Cabaret for giving our school community a night of performances to remember!
Meadow Martin for agreeing to take on a leadership role in our technical crew as a freshman and sharing her talents to make our productions shine.
Liam DeMaio for continually making our performing arts program better in every way possible and for beautifully designing lights to make our Broadway Cabaret a top notch production.
Ariane Noual for leading as our student choreographer for Footloose and for giving our performers a wonderful audition experience.
Ari Alston, Alexander Dolcar, Adriana Exelby, Abbie Garrigan, A myJae Ludd, Mohammad Naeem, Chase Simmons, Parker Stanley, & Vann Weems-Lay for excellent performance on the Unit D EUA!
Royce Kirk, Noah Drane, Toby Adekoya, Peri Jackson, Yushal Naeem &, Eoghan Ireland for outstanding US History and Intro to Law class participation.
Jayla Patterson, Will Oven, Na'Tyra Floyd & Amelia Culbertson for being selected to represent Towson HS at the Hugh O'Brien Youth Leadership Conference.
Ra'Nard Noble for all your efforts and hard work in Algebra 1. We're all so proud of you!
Mimi Scott for supporting students in our FALS Program. Thank you!
Izzy Cofiell for believing in yourself and your constant dedication to learning as much as you can.
Ra'Shad Noble for prioritizing class assignments and focusing on your grades.
Ayaan Shams for being a positive addition to our Spanish class.
Nehemiah Tillman for his growth in Spanish class.
Mr. Olin for winning the Maryland Music Educators Association Outstanding Educator award this year!
Ms. Morris, Mr. Palumbi, Ms. Mercedes, and Mr. Buick for always keeping their rooms clean and tidy.
Mr. Tregaskis for going above and beyond to secure resources to help students achieve success.
Ms. C. McCusker for organizing meaningful and engaging PD experiences for staff!
Special Education Team for their thorough reporting of TPB!
Ms. Anias, Ms. Hancock, and Zareiff for supporting extra classes.
Ms. Fluharty & Ms. C. McCusker for being nominated for the BCPS Training Cadre.
Mr. Filosa for winning the first annual chili cookoff!
Mr. Worthington for organizing and hosting the annual THS Cabaret.
Ms. Mercedes for advising the ASA Club and assisting with the Food Wars event.
Ms. Mazurek for going ABOVE and BEYOND to ensure that students have what they need in order to be successful. We're so lucky to have you!
Ms. Houston & Ms. Mazurek for holding down the Resource Room effectively and smoothly. We appreciate you!
Mr. Greenebaum for his continuous efforts and support in helping students succeed.
Dr. Culbertson & Ms. L. Smith for making it possible for the office staff to participate in a team building lunch.
Parent/Community STARS
- Dumarton Middle School for joining us for collaborative PD on January 29.
- THB for donating bagels for our DMS/THS joint professional development day!
- Aveley Farms Coffee for donating coffee for our DMS/THS joint professional development day!
- Hannah's Cafe for donating French toast & breakfast potatoes for our DMS/THS joint professional development day!
- Chick-fil-A at Towson Place for supplying free milkshake cards to teachers that participated in our staff Chili Cook-Off!
- Dr. David Ross whose career presentation provided personal perspectives on his unique journey into orthodontics.
- Tim Tenne the founder of American Robotics (in Sparks, MD) for his in-depth career presentation that offered our students several insights about getting into the fields of robotics and engineering.
- The PTSA for being 5-star advocates for all students at THS.
MP2 Report Cards & Semester 1 Credit Recovery
MP2 Report Cards
MP2 Report Cards will be available on FOCUS on Thursday February 6 after 4:00 pm. Students will receive printed copies of their MP2 Report Cards in Period 1 on Friday February 7.
Semester 1 Credit Recovery
For school year 2024-2025 BCPS high school students enrolled in courses awarding 1.0 credit will earn 0.5 credit after a passing grade is achieved for Semester 1 (MP1 and MP2) and an additional 0.5 credit will be earned after passing Semester 2 (MP3, MP4, and final exam). The chart below provides a detailed breakdown of how grades are determined by Semester 1 (blue box) and Semester 2 (purple box). School Counselors will be performing credit checks after MP2/Semester 1 Report Cards are finalized and will recommend Credit Recovery options as necessary and available. School Counselors will begin with Seniors.
Athletics Spotlight: Boys Track Team - County Champions!
Varsity Boys and Girls Indoor Track and Field teams had a fantastic performance at the 64th Baltimore County Championship on January 21st. For the second time in two years and in school history, the Boys are County Champions! Theo Brown won the 1600m and 3200m runs, Hunter Parsons won the 800m run, Bronte Morton placed second in the 55m and 300m dashes, and Evan Cline was third in the 800m run. Jack Dobrosielski, Jack Fields, Hunter Parsons, and Evan Cline won the 4 x 800m relay, and Bronte Morton, Jack Fields, Jack Anderson, and Hunter Parsons placed second in the 4 x 400m relay to seal the victory. The Varsity Girls finished 6th in the team scoring led by Alex Lohse who won the 3200m run and placed second in the 800m run. The Generals run back into action on February 6th at the MPSSAA 3A Central Regional Championships.
Career Navigator Updates
Dr. David Ross Visit: Careers in Orthodontics
On Friday, January 17, Towson hosted a career informational session with Orthodontist, Dr. David Ross. Students learned about the various careers in dentistry and dental specialties like orthodontics. Dr. Ross offered a variety of personal anecdotes that afforded students insights into everything from college courses to finding the right career path.
American Robotics Visit: Careers in Robotics, Programming, and Engineering
On January 23rd, students attended an informational talk with Tim Tenne, the President, and CEO of American Robotics (AR). AR is a local company that specializes in drones (UAVs) and their use in collecting data and information. Mr. Tenne, a Naval Academy graduate, was able to provide attendees with insights into academics, like what classes are needed for today’s technology, industry trends, and the multitude of opportunities in the field. Students learned that the industry prefers candidates who are knowledgeable in various types of programing, but it would be best to have a deeper knowledge of fewer programming languages, then knowing a little about several different languages.
Upcoming Career Navigator Events
Upcoming events brought to you by your career navigator, Mr. Brotman. Students can scan the QR code on the door of 201 to sign up (or click the link on the Schoology announcement):
February 13th A second BWI/CCBC trip (limit 20)
- February 17th Classroom visits from JHU’s Physics and Astronomy department (Physics classes)
- February 19th CCBC Career Expo
- February 25th A trip to Everyman Theater to learn about careers in theater arts
Upcoming Standardized Testing
- Multilingual Learners - MCAP ACCESS – February 7-13
- 9th Grade Students - MAP Reading – February 5 & 6 in ELA classes
- Maryland School Survey – March
- 11th Grade Students - SAT DAy - April 2
Guidance for Students & Families on Immigration Enforcement at Schools
BCPS and the Maryland State Department of Education recently sent communications regarding immigration enforcement actions at Maryland schools.
Please check out the ACLU Know Your Rights resources that are in both English and Spanish. Also, the National Immigration Project shared Community Defenders training on January 29 in both English and Spanish.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Dr. Hobbs at shobbs4@bcps.org.
Valentine's Spirit Week
Black History Month
Throughout the month of February, THS and BCPS students and staff will celebrate Black History Month in order to honor the contributions African Americans have made, and continue to make, to American history and culture.
THS activities will include weekly Advisory lessons, a Black Student Union (BSU) Showcase Assembly during Advisory, a Spirit Week, and a Writing Contest.
Details for the 2025 BCPS Black History Month Writing Contest are available from English and Social Studies teachers. Entries are due by Tuesday, February 11. Prizes will be provided by The Education Foundation of Baltimore County Public Schools, and winning entries will be posted on the BCPS blog. Winners will be notified by Friday, February 28.
BCPS Student Career Expo - 2/19
Women Helping Women Free Conference - 3/1
THS Culture Fair - 3/21
Towson High School's Annual Culture Fair will take place this year on March 21st at 5pm, directly before the Senior Talent Show. All students are welcome to sign up to create a poster or trifold infographic that represents their culture. Students can sign up in clubs or groups as well as individually and are welcome to bring a food alongside their presentation. To sign up to create a presentation you can either reach out to the SGA or follow the link that has been posted on Schoology!
PTSA March Madness
Generals in Action
Class of 2025 Information
Class Activities
Prom & After-Prom Information
- Prom: May 17 at M&T Bank Stadium
- After-Prom: FREE After-Prom Party, 11:00 pm - 1:00 am, Bowlero Timonium
Senior Portraits
Class Dues
Senior Graduation Cap and Gown (Feb. 1st Deadline) & Other Keepsakes
Access Josten’s website to purchase your senior’s Cap & Gown and other graduation keepsakes.
Yard Signs & Banners
Click the image below to access website
College Application & Xello Support
Ms. Valian is available every Tuesday from 2:00-2:35 pm on Google Meet for Xello drop-in support for Seniors who have Release Time.
Class Advisors
Ms. Hancock (ehancock@bcps.org) and Ms. Kromsky (jkromsky@bcps.org).
Class of 2026 Information
Class Dues
This is a friendly reminder to pay your class dues. This will help fund our class activities and is required in order to attend Junior Prom. The dues are $25 and are due December 31st. You can pay them on OSP.
Class of 2027 Information
Ring Dance
- The Sophomore Ring Dance will take place on March 7th. To purchase at ticket to the Ring Dance, your child must have paid their class dues, no later than Feb. 21st. Class dues are $20 and can be paid via BCPS Online School Payment system. The link for this can be found on Towson High Schools webpage under "quick links".
- As a reminder, your student will need to have submitted a dance contract prior to February 21st and meet grade eligibility requirements to purchase a Ring Dance ticket. Grades will be pulled to determine eligibility on February 21st at 2:20pm. Dance contracts are available outside the front office at school. Dance contracts submitted for the Homecoming Dance cover the Ring Dance as well.
Ring Dance Attendance Appeal Process
All students are expected to maintain the 94% state standard in order to be eligible to attend Ring Dance. This attendance rate is regardless of whether or not the absences are excused. A student can appeal dance eligibility if the student does not meet the 94% standard and at least 5 of the absences the student has are "excused" in FOCUS. 94% attendance means that the student cannot be absent for 6 or more days from the start of this school year. If a student wishes to submit an appeal, they will do so through a Google Form which will be available on Monday February 17. A final decision will be sent to the email provided in the form by Friday February 21. Ticket sales open on Monday, February 24.
Department Happenings
Recurring Information
Student Supports
Students can receive extra support afterschool via Coach Class and Peer Tutoring. Coach Class is offered by each teacher, each week. Free Peer Tutoring is offered throughout the week by students and advisors of our national honor societies. All supports begin next week unless otherwise noted. BCPS also offers all high school students with free teen therapy through Talkspace.
24-25 Clubs & Organizations
Towson Clubs & Organizations
We encourage all students to be actively involved in clubs and organizations throughout the year. Please check out the club list below. Students that are interested in starting a new club should contact Ms. Smith at lsmith21@bcps.org.
Construction Updates
For the latest updates on the Towson High School Renovation/Addition Project, please click here. We are currently in Phase 0 - Temporary Modular Classrooms.
CAEAC Meetings
Attendance Matters
Research has shown that attendance is a leading predictor of academic achievement and adult success. Students who find attending school important are more likely to attain goals like attending trade school, college, or getting a job. By showing up to school every day, students develop a positive work ethic and prepare for future success by developing healthy and productive habits.
Our attendance goals this year are for students to maintain at least a 94% attendance rate and to reduce chronic absenteeism. A student that misses 10% or more of school days in chronically absent. By missing just 2 days a month, a student will be chronically absent. Use the "Attendance Tracker" and "Parent Tips" below to support your student in maintaining satisfactory attendance. Additionally, we will send parents/guardians a "Weekly Attendance Report" each Friday afternoon so you can track your student's daily and period attendance.
Absent notes must be turned in within 5 days from the student returning to school. Please review the Towson High School 2024-2025 Operating Procedures document ("Attendance" section) for information on Absent notes, including how to submit them on FOCUS. Teachers are not required to provide makeup work for unexcused absences.
Attendance Tracker
Parent Tips
Weekly Reports
Get Involved: Join a Parent Organization
Sports Boosters News
Exciting news- You can now use digital payments at concessions! The Towson High School Sports Boosters meetings are the 1st Tuesday of the month. Please consider joining to support our student athletes!
Opt-In for Text Messages
If you are not receiving text messages from the school and would like to, please text “Y” or "Yes" to 67587.
Important Links
Upcoming Events
February 6 - Report Cards on FOCUS at 4:00 pm
February 7 - Printed Report Cards Distributed in 1A
February 17 - Schools & Offices Closed
March 31 - Schools Closed for Students
April 4 - MP3 Ends & Schools Close 3-Hours Early for Students
April 14-21 - Spring Break - Schools & Offices Closed