Robert Hunter Report
Sept. 22, 2024
Robert Hunter Elementary School
Mrs. Jessica Braynor, Principal
Mrs. Lindsay Shirvanian, Vice Principal
Website: https://www.frsd.k12.nj.us/Domain/381
Location: 8 Dayton Road Flemington, NJ 08822
Phone: (908) 284-7620
Dear Robert Hunter Families,
Thank you so much for attending our Back to School Night! Your presence and support mean a lot to us and make a real difference in fostering a strong school community. We appreciate your commitment to your child’s education and look forward to working together this year to ensure their success. Together, we can create a positive and enriching environment for our students!
We hope to see you at our first PTO meeting this year on September 24th at 6pm in the cafeteria!
Warm regards,
Jessica Braynor and Lindsay Shirvanian
Pictures of the Week
Useful Links for Families
The Week Ahead
Monday, Sept. 23, Day 1
Tuesday Sept. 24, Day 2
PTO Meeting 6:00
Wednesday, Sept. 25, Day 3
Thursday Sept. 26, Day 4
Friday, Sept. 27, Day 5
Whole School Meeting Hosted by Ms. Pinto and Ms. Drew’s classes 9am (Families of these classes only are invited to attend)
Spirit Day - Wear RH Spiritwear or school colors, blue and white
Saturday, Sept. 28
PTO Clothing Drive 9:00-1:00
Save the Date:
Oct. 2 - After-school Club Enrichment Registration
Oct 10- School Pictures
Oct. 11- PTO Trunk or Treat
Oct. 25 - RH Walkathon
Oct. 31 - RH Halloween Parade (details to follow)
Whole School Meetings
We will have our first whole school meeting of the year on Friday, September 27th. It will be hosted by two of our 4th grade classes, Ms. Drew and Ms. Pinto. As the year progresses, students in Grades 1-4 will take turns hosting these monthly assemblies where we gather as a school to greet each other, sing our school song, discuss our whole school book, and participate in an activity. These meetings help build our school community. Parents of students in the hosting classes will be invited to join us for these meetings each month.
Whole School Read Aloud
Each month, Mrs. Braynor and Mrs. Shirvanian will read aloud one book to every class at Robert Hunter. This month, our book is called Isabel and Her Colores Go To School.
PTO Meetings
We encourage all parents to join us for our PTO meetings as Robert Hunter! Being a member of the PTO is a great way to get involved and be informed about what is happening at Robert Hunter School. A portion of the meeting will be an administrative update and an opportunity for families to ask Mrs. Braynor and Mrs. Shirvanian any questions. The first meeting will be this Tuesday, September 24th at 6:00pm. Meetings are held in the cafeteria.
Notes from Mrs. Cunniff's Health Office
Hi Parents! Vision screening will begin next week for all students. Please be sure your child has his/her glasses every day. If screening results are outside normal range, a letter suggesting further exam by an eye doctor/ ophthalmologist will be mailed to your home address. As always, coupons for free eye doctor visits and glasses are available for those children who are uninsured. Feel free to contact me with any questions. susanna.cunniff@frsd.us 908-284-7624.
Picture Day and Photo Permission
All students will have their pictures taken on October 10. Flyers will be coming home with your children. All students will have their picture taken, and their pictures will be included in the yearbook. If you would prefer that your child’s picture not be included in the yearbook, please email Mrs. Braynor at jessica.braynor@frsd.us. If you signed off that you did not give permission for photo release on Parent Portal, this does not include the yearbook. You need to email Mrs. Braynor separately if you would prefer that pictures of your child are not included in the yearbook.
Related Arts
At Back to School Night, Related Arts teachers presented information about their programs. This included Art, Music, Library, World Language, Physical Education/Health, and Coding/Robotics. Here is the presentation for your reference: Related Arts 2024-2025
A Message from Ms. Corfield, Art Teacher:
First, greetings from the art room, especially to our new Robert Hunter families! If you are new, you should have received an email from me inviting you to sign up for Artsonia, the world's largest online student art gallery. It's very safe, private and allows you to share your child's work with family and friends all over the world.There are a lot of other great perks that come with an Artsonia gallery. Take a look at the website. All the art rooms in FRSD are connected to Artsonia. If you have any questions or did not get a signup email, please let me know. You can reach me at marie.corfield@frsd.us.
Second, October is International Inktober Month, a month-long activity that emphasizes drawing every day. People all over the world create simple black and white drawings and post them on social media. Here at Robert Hunter we have an Inktober bulletin board. Starting October 1st, if your child wants to participate, all they have to do is choose a word from the official Inktober 2024 prompt list which is posted on my district website, create a simple black and white drawing of it, sign it and hang it on our official bulletin board. They can do as many or as few as they want. The point is to practice and enjoy drawing!
A Message from our Librarian, Mr. Slomczewski
My name is Greg Slomczewski, and I am the Robert Hunter and Barley Sheaf librarian this year. I alternate 6-day cycles between both schools. I am looking for volunteers to join the RH library and assist with several duties that will help keep our library well organized and running smoothly for our students.
Library volunteers will be scheduled during RH library cycles only (when students will be visiting the library for class and book exchange). This means roughly every-other week. And if you wish, you may volunteer during your child's library day and time, which is a part of the fun! Duties will include circulation (checking in/out books) and shelving. I'll provide on-the-job training.
If you are interested, please email me at gregory.slomczewski@frsd.us. Include your child's full name and teacher in the email.
Counselor Corner: A message from the School Counselors
Dear Families,
Welcome back to a brand new school year! We hope you had a wonderful and restful summer break, filled with fun and relaxation. As your elementary school counselors, we are thrilled to begin another exciting year with all of you!
This year is full of opportunities for growth, learning, and making new friends. Whether you're returning to our school or joining us for the first time, know that we are here to support you every step of the way. Our goal is to help each student feel welcomed, safe, and successful.
As the school counselors, our goal is to promote the social, emotional and educational growth of the students at Robert Hunter. By meeting with parents, collaborating with teachers and staff, and consulting with community organizations, we are working to meet the needs of the students in our care. We meet with students in individual, small group and classroom sessions to teach students how to understand and manage their emotions, develop skills for learning, and gain awareness of others’ feelings. We work together to problem solve and learn to make responsible decisions.
We look forward to partnering with you to support your child’s academic and emotional well-being. Please feel free to reach out to us if you have any concerns, questions, or just want to check in. We’re here to support your family as we embark on this school year together. Please click HERE for helpful back to school tips to help support your children this 2024-2025 school year.
Here’s to a fantastic year ahead filled with learning, laughter, and lots of growth. Let’s make it the best one yet!
Warm Regards,
Nicole Del Duca and Brianna Coates
School Counselors
Robert Hunter Elementary School
From the PTO:
24th Annual RH Walk-A-Thon Fundraiser - Friday, October 25th
Walk-a-thon season is here and fundraising has kicked off! Our "RH is the place to BEE!" walk-a-thon is coming up on October 25th, and we are excited to make this year's event our biggest fundraiser to date. Please visit https://pledgestar.com/roberthunterschool/ now to create a family fundraising page (or view our flyer/pledge sheet HERE), and remember to share with your family and friends!
This event occurs during the school day, and we're excited to be able to once again welcome parent volunteers to come cheer on the kids. Stay tuned for sign-ups in the coming weeks. Please note that for safety reasons only registered volunteers will be able to join the event.
Contact Emily Soonthornchai at emily.macphail@gmail.com with any questions.
Harlem Wizards Event Planning Volunteers Needed
Robert Hunter PTO was recently asked to collaborate with the other PTOs in our district on a community-wide Harlem Wizards event, set to take place in January at JP Case Middle School. The event will be for the FRSD community and will benefit the PTOs in our district. This event is in the very preliminary stages of planning, and we are seeking volunteers to represent Robert Hunter in the planning process. If you are interested in helping out, please email us at roberthunterpto@gmail.com
Paper Towel and Toilet Paper Tube Collection - now through September 30
Ms. Tremel's maker space club is in need of paper towel and toilet paper tubes. Kindly submit items to the front office in a bag labeled maker space through September 30.
PTO Meeting- September 24
Please join us in Robert Hunter's cafeteria at 6pm for our first PTO meeting of the year. Homeroom parents are required to attend the meeting for training. In order to ensure we have adequate pizza and refreshments for all in attendance, please ensure to RSVP HERE
After School Enrichment Club Registration Begins October 2
We are excited to offer chess, martial arts, games, drawing and a variety of other after school enrichment clubs this fall. In preparation for open enrollment beginning October 2nd, please ensure to update your membership toolkit account with your child's correct grade and homeroom teacher information. Login today at https://roberthunterelem.membershiptoolkit.com/. Click on the flyer below to see cub offerings:
Halloween Family Fun Night - October 11 (Rain Date October 18th)
We could use your help to make our 1st trunk or treat a success. Sign up to donate candy or decorate your trunk HERE. Please reach out to Sherri Biniaros (sbiniaros@gmail.com) or Madison Rosa (mmiller0509@icloud.com) with any questions.
Clothing Drive & Swap - September 28
Please signup HERE to help with our annual clothing drive and swap event on September 28th from 9:00am to 1:00pm.