Welcome to Kindergarten
Clinton Valley Elementary Family
Parents and Families,
Welcome to Kindergarten! Kindergarten is such a fun and exciting time in your child’s life. It is a time for exploring, learning, and growing. You will see your child mature in many ways: intellectually, socially, and emotionally. Kindergarten provides your child with an exciting opportunity to become part of a learning community. We look forward to getting to know you and your child.
Each year we host a kindergarten kick-off for all of our families. This will allow you to meet a few staff members, the classroom teachers, and myself. This will be a time for everyone to introduce themselves and allow you space to ask questions.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any concerns or questions throughout the year. This is the beginning of a wonderful year at Clinton Valley Elementary!
Principal Doyle
What We Believe at Clinton Valley Elementary
What We Believe at Clinton Valley Elementary:
Our mission: "Clinton Valley Elementary is a welcoming community where students, families, and staff take an active role in helping all succeed with high expectations in a positive and safe environment."
Vision: Our vision for Clinton Valley Elementary is “Motivating students to have success today so that they will be prepared for tomorrow.”
Kindergarten Kickoff
This year we will be having our Kindergarten Kickoff for incoming 2024-2025 kindergartners on Tuesday, May 21st, 2024.
6:00 p.m.
Please bring your kindergartener with you 🙂 They will visit their classroom and learn about all of the fun they will have! After the meeting, they will get the chance to ride on the bus with their family!
Our Awesome Kindergarten Team
What you should expect from Clinton Valley Kindergarten
You may not realize this, but as parents, we can begin preparing our children to read as early as infancy. How so? Every time we talk to our children, we use different words and vocabulary, model conversations, and demonstrate the overall use of language. Even though talking with your child may not seem like reading, it does prepare your "little one" to be a successful reader in the future.
Did you know that the more you talk with your child, the better prepared they will be for reading? It is important to know that there is a different type of "talk." It would not be considered conversational talk when we give commands to our children. Additionally, when our children overhear us talking to someone else, it does not have the same positive impact on their developing literacy skills as it does when we personally talk to them. To help best prepare your infant or toddler for literacy, be sure that they engage in frequent talk with you and not just overhear you speaking with someone else or engaging in basic "command" talk. (Command talk would be giving the child directions or asking basic task-related questions)
Multiple studies have been conducted comparing the literacy skills of infants, toddlers, and non and school-age children who engage in frequent conversations and talk with adults in their homes. These children have been shown to have bigger vocabularies and stronger comprehension skills needed for being successful readers. The results all point to the same thing. Talking to our kids and engaging in rich conversations gives them a head start for skills they will need in school and life.
Want to help prepare your infant or toddler for future reading skills, vocabulary use, reading comprehension, and overall literacy? Talk to them as much as you can each day. Use new vocabulary with them. Engage in rich conversations even at a very young age. Although you may not realize it, you prepare them for reading and literacy.