Discovery Update
March 1, 2022
A Message From The Principal
Spring arrives in March and we certainly are ready for some nice days outside. Our playground has been pretty soggy this winter and has limited the area we can play in. It doesn’t hold us back though. We have been moving forward with our work through all of the exciting weather times. Coming in April is a new big toy for our playground. This will be an addition to the other play equipment we have. The installation will surely create some excitement around here.
We are reviewing our protocols for safety in our schools and will be following CDC and Health Department guidelines as we have been doing. Look for communication from Superintendent Alfano, your child's teacher, or myself in the near future. We are celebrating that our cases of Covid with students or adults in our school are very low at this time. Hopefully it will stay that way!
This Spring we are looking forward to hosting many fun family events including: our Discovery Kindness Challenge, Literature Festival, Field Day, learning celebrations, and parent conferences. We hope families will be able to join us for these activities. Please check for dates and times in this newsletter as well as on our website .
Regularly scheduled conference time will be March 9 - 11. Once again, we ask that you bring your child with you to the conference appointment. This way they will be able to share their progress and be part of planning for the remainder of the school year. Please remember that you may request a Zoom, telephone, or personal conference with your child’s teacher at any time.
Have a wonderful month,
Julie Bartlett, Principal
Discovery Primary School
A Message to Our Families During Difficult Times
We know that some of our students might be affected by the current events in the news and others might have heard nothing about the events. Our mission at Discovery will continue to be making school a place where all students feel safe and welcomed.
Here are some ideas to help your child:
Turn off the news and media when your child is present. This will allow you to monitor and control what information your child is hearing. It will also allow you to make sure that the information they are hearing is accurate and developmentally appropriate.
Take their Lead. If they don’t bring it up, you might choose not to talk about it with them. It can be hard for young children to process such large and complex issues.
Keep explanations simple. Sometimes grownups have a tendency to over share or explain which might be too much for children to understand.
For example, you might tell a child that what is happening in Russia and Ukraine is like two neighbors who are arguing and have been arguing for a really long time.
Another example, “Some people in another country disagree on what’s important to them, and sometimes war occurs when that happens. The war is not happening near us, and we’re not in any danger.” Talking to Your Kids About War
Point out the people who are helping. As with any terrible event, you can find people who are helping. Pointing out what those people are doing to help can help your child see there are good people even in bad situations.
Reassure them. Make sure that you tell your child that they are OK and that you are here to keep them safe.
Take care of yourself. Students learn their coping strategies by watching the grownups in their lives.
Here are some additional articles that you might find helpful.
When Bad Things Are Happening by Learning For Justice
Explaining war to kids as Russia invades Ukraine: What to say and how to say it by Fox News
Talking to Your Kids About War by Very Well Family
How to talk to children about war: An age-by-age guide by Today
Talking with Kids about War by Family Educationz
How to Talk to Kids About Violence, Crime, and War by Common Sense Media
If you have concerns that we can help with please feel free to contact our counselor, Jessica Blakeway at or (253)517-1200 .
One Hundred Days of School Celebrations
Important Dates
March 1-30 - The Great Book Hunt (See below for more detail)
March 2 - Early Release - Elementary Conference PrepMarch 7 - Late Start Monday
March 8 - Kindergarten Information Night 6:30 - 7:30
March 8 - PTO Meeting 6:30 - 7:30
March 9 - Early Release - Elementary Conferences
March 10 - 11 No School - Elementary Conferences
March 14 - Late Start Monday
March 21 - Late Start Monday
March 24 - Spirit Day "Color Challenge"
March 28 - Late Start Monday
Do you live in the Fife School District?
Do you have a child who will be 5 years old by August 31st, 2022?
March 8th Kindergarten Information Night 6:30-7:30
Explanation of the kindergarten program offered in 2022.
Registration process explained
Question and answer session
Join from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device:
Online Kindergarten Registration begins March 9TH 2022
Students must be 5 years old by August 31, 2022 to be eligible for kindergarten. Please check or click here to determine which school your child will attend.
Items needed for registration are:
Copy of student’s birth certificate
Complete immunization records (provider verified)
Emergency names and contact numbers
Proof of residency within the Fife school district (A copy of mortgage/lease agreement or utility bill showing the physical address will work for proof of residency.)
Online Registration forms filled out completely.
***For more information please call your child’s assigned school:
Discovery Primary 517-1200 or Fife Elementary 517-1400
*********** Family Fun Events ************
Looking For Gently Used Books for New Homes
*********** Read and Lead Update ************
Fife High School Pack the Stands
To learn about Fife High School Unified Pack click here
Omlife Vaccine Clinic
Omlife is providing a clinic for students and adults to be vaccinated against COVID-19 on Saturday, March 5, 2022 at Columbia Junior High School.
Omlife will be offering the following vaccines (prime series doses and boosters - 3rd and 4th doses per CDC guidelines. 4th Dose Recommendation
Boosters for 12+ are available for those who completed their vaccinations at least 5 months ago.
Pfizer for Ages 5+
Moderna ages 18+
Johnson and Johnson/Jan ages 18+
Pfizer booster is available for 12+ and Moderna for 18+ years and older.
Students under 17 must have a parent, guardian, or legal representative present at the clinic.
*Flu shots and TDAP (for 12-18 years) vaccines are also available. More information is provided on the Omlife link.
*All individuals must be registered prior to the event.
*Interested individuals may register at
Thank You Mrs. Smerer's Class for Singing "I Love Discovery" at the School Board Meeting
Discovery Primary School
Location: 1205 19th Avenue, Milton WA 98354
Phone: 253-517-1200