What is new at Aspire, LLC?
A transitions and leadership life coaching service
Aspire, LLC
Aspire, LLC opened on May 13th of this year, and Amy, the owner and life coach, is now wrapping up her education and training as a certified professional coach. Her business has become more defined, and she wants to provide you with information about Core Energy Life Coaching.
Read on to learn more about Core Energy Life Coaching Services.
Core Energy Work
We all go through many of these levels, probably six out of seven. The seventh level is considered a place of "euphoria," and while only a small number of highly aware and conscious individuals attain the 7th level, we all have access to it. Becoming aware of your energy, understanding the process of the energy, and learning how to shift allows you access to that final level. It is not a level of energy you can sustain, but you can experience it. Core Energy Coaching educates you on the levels and helps you move through them.
Amy Jacques
COR.E Leadership Dynamics Specialist
COR.E Transitions Dynamics Specialist
Understanding the energy levels and how you move through those can be helpful as one makes a transition. Transitions often come with decisions to make and adaption to the new. Changing can cause stress, sadness, excitement, and many other emotions. All of this connects to energy.
What is an Energy Leadership Index Assessment?
The ELI assessment measures the amount of anabolic and catabolic energy in a person’s core energy makeup under both ideal and stressful circumstances. It is a seventy-item web-based survey that enables people to rate themselves on beliefs, self-perceptions, emotional reaction tendencies, and behavior patterns that resonate energetically with the levels in the Core Energy framework.
The purpose of the ELI is to see how different energy shows up in your home and work life. It also examines how your thinking and life situations may create stress for you. Finally, it will uncover any internal energy blocks (GAILs) which are holding you back from success.
The assessment measures your current leadership ability (the potential for motivating and inspiring others from all aspects of your life but yourself to take positive and purposeful action and achieve success). Everyone is a leader, either by choice or by default - you lead your life. Your scores represent your current energy profile; they are not a predictor of the future. It also measures your level of engagement in life. (Engagement is how emotionally and intellectually involved you are in your actions and who you’re with). Your current level of consciousness, or awareness of your thoughts and emotions and the energy you live with daily.
Who are the clients coming in for Core Energy Coaching at Aspire, LLC?
Amy coaches clients to foster personal/ professional growth in life's transitions and leadership by becoming aware of energies and attitudes so shifts can be made to help with decisions, life/work balance, and overall happiness.
Aspire, LLC. is a goal-setting action-oriented service. Amy collaborates with clients to brainstorm, create and plan how to make moves forward. The focus is not on the past, as coaching has a "move you forward" philosophy.
- Clients are people ages 18-60+ experiencing a transition, working on self-discovery, or seeking leadership skills.
- Clients are youths 12-17 looking for academic confidence, friendship skills, identity, values, time to process their week, and set goals.
TOPICS Clients come in with:
- Learning how to live without your longtime partner
- Understanding and coping with an impulsive behavior
- Learning how to live independently from parents/caregivers (Adulting 101)
- School avoidance, setting goals, and following through
- Enhancing leadership skills to gain employment advancement
- Learning how to assert yourself, so people listen and understand what it is you need from them
- Building confidence to feel comfortable in personal/professional social settings
- Teachers leaving education to start something new
- And plenty of self-discovery through the Energy Leadership Index Assessment
There are kinds of struggles and challenges people want to work on, and this list is part of a limitless list.
OPRAH talks about how a life coach helped her get through tough times and find the path to her success. At 3 minute 22 seconds is when she talks about her life coach.
Amy Jacques, MS. Ed., ELI-MP, CTDS, CLDS
Amy works with adults ages 18-60+, and she also works with youth ages 12-17. For more information, visit the Aspire, LLC website listed below
Email: amy@aspireself.com
Website: www.aspireself.com
Location: 19 Main Street, New Milford, CT, USA
Phone: 860.222.0797
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aspire.amyjacques/
Twitter: @aspireself