Spanish Resources for Summer
MAY-JUNE, 2023
Hola familias de Lowell,
We hope this newsletter finds you well and that you and your family have a joyful and restful summer!
We wanted to take a moment to share what the students have learned this year and ideas to practice Spanish at home during summer.
Thanks again for all your support this year and see you back in the Fall!
Cuídense - Take care,
Señora Quesada y Señora Mitchell
We learned:
Respond to: ¿Qué ves? (What do you see?)
Basic calendar and weather
Body parts (la cabeza/ head, los ojos/ eyes, las orejas/ ears, la nariz,/ nose, la boca/mouth, los brazos/arms, las piernas,/legs, las rodillas,/knees y los pies/ feet)
Clothing (la camiseta/ T-shirt, los pantalones/ pants, las medias/ socks, los zapatos/ shoes, la chaqueta/ jacket, el suéter, los guantes/ gloves, las botas/boots, etc...)
La granja y los animales de la granja/Farm and farm animals.
Say ¡Hola! (hello) with different parts of the body (cabeza, ojos, orejas, nariz, boca, brazos, manos, piernas, rodillas, pies)
Try to figure out what day it is that day: ¿Qué día es hoy? ¿lunes, martes, miércoles, jueves, viernes, sábado o domingo?
Ask them ¿Cómo estás? (How are you?) and see what they answer or help them by saying ¿Muy bien, bien, más o menos or mal? with a thumbs up, so - so mid-way thumb or thumb down for bad.
Point to different objects and ask your child to name the color of the object in Spanish.
Practice counting in Spanish by playing a number guessing game or counting anything outside or around the house.
Practice saying what outfit you have on in Spanish. Start with Tengo (I have)... (the vocabulary is in the section above)
- Froggy se viste (book)
- De la cabeza a los pies - Eric Carle (book)
- Ponte los zapatos (song)
- Práctica de partes del cuerpo (game)
- Práctica de la ropa (game)
- Los pollitos dicen (song)
Primer grado/First grade
We learned:
- Los pasatiempos / hobbies (escuchar música/listen to music, montar en bicicleta/ riding a bike, jugar videojuegos,/playing video games, jugar básquetbol/ play basketball, pintar / paint, ver televisión/ watch tv, tocar un instrumento/ play an instrument, nadar/ swim, etc...)
- Las emociones /emotions (estoy/ I am... emocionado(a) / excited, enfermo(a)/ sick, asustado(a)/ scared, feliz / happy, triste/ sad, enojado(a)/ angry, cansado(a)/ tired, etc...)
- Las descripciones físicas/physical descriptions (soy / I am... alto(a)/ tall, bajo(a)/ short, fuerte/ strong. Tengo/ I have... pelo/hair castaño/ brown, rubio/ blonde, negro/ black, rojo/ red... ojos/eyes marrones/ brown, azules/ blue, verdes/ green, grises/ gray.)
- Los ayudantes de la comunidad/community helpers.
Practice at home:
- Say the date in Spanish - Hoy es el (day), (#/number) de (month).
- Ask your child what materials or supplies they have at school, their size and their color
- Ask what actions (verbs) they do in school (example: Yo leo, yo corro, yo juego, yo como, yo pinto, yo canto, yo toco un instrumento, yo escribo, yo escucho, yo hablo, y yo ayudo.)
- Ask them ¿Cómo estás? (how are you?) prompt them to use the new emotions listed above
Practice counting in Spanish by playing a number guessing game or counting anything outside or around the house.
Practice asking "¿Qué te gusta hacer?" (what do you like to do?) and see what they answer... They should start with "Me gusta..." (I like...). You can also ask them ¿Qué no te gusta hacer?"
- Describe yourselves physically and also, try and describe characters from their favorite books, movies or shows. Descriptions are listed above.
Extra resources:
- Las cosas que me gustan (video)
- Las cosas que me gustan (book)
- Oso bajo el sol (book)
- Si estas feliz (song/dance)
- Práctica de emociones (game)
Segundo grado / Second grade
We learned:
La familia/ the family - (la mamá/mom, el papá/ dad, la hermana/sister, el hermano/ brother, el hermano(a) bebé/ baby brother or sister, el abuelo(a)/ grandpa/ grandma, el perro/ dog, el gato/ cat, etc...)
La casa/ the house - how to describe different houses (sizes, colors, shape, some furniture)
Las partes de la casa - (la cocina/ kitchen, la sala/ living room, el cuarto/ bedroom, el garaje/ garage, el patio/ backyard, el baño/ bathroom, el comedor/ dining room, etc...)
Los quehaceres - (limpiar la mesa, sacar la basúra, guardar los juguetes, etc)
Practice at home:
- Say the date in Spanish - Hoy es (day), (#) de (month) de (year).
- Say the weather in Spanish (Hace frío, have fresco, hace calor, está nublado, hace sol, está lloviendo, hace viento, etc...)
- Ask ¿Qué clase tienes hoy? (what class do you have today) ¿En la mañana? (in the morning?)y en la trade (in the afternoon?)
- Ask ¿Cuál es tu materia/clase favorita? Response... Mi clase favorita es _________ porque me gusta ____________ (escribir, pintar, hablar, escuchar, cantar, jugar, aprender, hacer experimentos, leer, etc...)
- Ask ¿Qué comes en el almuerzo? (What do you eat at lunch?) Response: En el almuerzo, (yo) como __(food)___ (they can say the food in English).
- Practice describing your house or apartment. Walk around and describe the different rooms. Maybe even pick a toy and hide it in one of the rooms and the student has to guess what room of the house it is in and find it.
Extra resources:
- Mi familia (sign language)
- Las partes de la casa (song)
- Me voy (dance - Zumba)
- Mi encanto (dance -Zumba)
Tercer grado / Third grade
- proyecto "Todo Sobre Mí"/Project "All About Me"
- El alfabeto/ the alphabet - all letters in Spanish, their sounds, how to spell their names, friends' names and other familiar words in Spanish.
- Describir casas del mundo Hispano/ describing houses of Hispanic countries: color, shape and size
- Mi comunidad Watertown/My community Watertown
Practice at home:
- Go around your home and see how many things in Spanish your son or daughter can say. This includes colors, sizes, counting things, family members, things, parts of the house, etc.
- Encourage your child to say what school supplies they have or they need for school.
- Say the date and the weather in Spanish. Ex. Hoy es (day), (#) de (month) de (year). Ex. Hace frío, fresco, calor. Hace sol, está nublado, está lloviendo, está nevando, hace viento.
- If you know some Spanish, ask your child questions about their age, birthday, and favorite color: ¿Cuántos años tienes? (How old are you?) ; ¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños? (When is your birthday?); ¿Cuál es tu color favorito? (What is your favorite color?). Look to the section about for more questions that you can practice.
- Watch a show or movie they like and have already seen, but first change the language to Spanish. You can put subtitles in either Spanish or English to help.
- Spell each others, family members and friends names in Spanish. You can also look up on www.wordreference.com words in Spanish they do not know and they can practice spelling them in Spanish. Think of words they do know and see if they can figure out how to spell them.
- Describe your house or apartment. Walk around and describe the different rooms with color, size and shapes. They can also mention some things that are in the room if they remember the name in Spanish. Make a game, pick a toy and hide it in one of the rooms and the student has to guess what room of the house it is in and find it.
- Practice name of places in the community when you go for a walk or go around Watertown.
Extra resources:
Canción del alfabeto (song)
Memoria del alfabeto (game)
Basic questions (video)
La ruta maya (game)
Las partes de la casa (song)
Cuarto grado/ Fourth grade
- Describir casas/ describing houses: color, shape and size
- Las partes de la casa /the parts of the house: (el patio/ backyard, la cocina/ the kitchen, la sala/ the living room, el comedor/ the dining room, el cuarto/ room or bedroom, el baño/ the bathroom, el jardín/ the garden, el garaje/ the garage, etc...)
- Los objetos o cosas de la casa/ things from the house: (la ventana/ the window, la puerta/ the door, la alfombra/the rug, la estufa/ the stove, el refri/ the refrigerator, la lámpara/ the lamp, el reloj/ the clock, la cama/ the bed, el sofá, la chimenea/ the chimney, la mesa/ the table, las plantas, el espejo/ the mirror, etc...)
- Describir casas del mundo Hispano/ describing houses of Hispanic countries: color, shape and size
Practice at home:
- Play the game Guess the number. Think of a number between 0 and 50 and ask your child to guess the number (your child needs to say the numbers in Spanish!). Switch.
- Say the date in Spanish - Hoy es el (day), (#/number) de (month).
- Go around your home and see how many things in Spanish your son or daughter can say. This includes colors, sizes, counting things, family members, things, parts of the house, etc.
- If you know some Spanish, ask your child ¿Cuántos años tienes? (How old are you?) ; ¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños? (When is your birthday?); ¿Cuál es tu color favorito? (What is your favorite color?), ¿De dónde eres? (Where are you from?), ¿Dónde vives? (Where do you live?, ¿Cómo eres (físico o personalidad)? (How are you/describe yourself physically and/or personality)
- Walk around your home and describe the different parts of the house. What color, size, shapes does it have and what things are there? (Es... hay...)
- www.rockalingua.com is a great website to practice new and old material.
Extra resources:
Las partes de la casa (song)
Mi casa (song)
Hecha pa' ya todo lo malo (dance- zumba)
- Proyecto "Todo Sobre Mí"/ Project "All about me" profile project
- El Circunloquio/ circumlocution: students describe things they want to know the word of in Spanish through a variety of categories without using any English, not even the word itself in English.
- Nuestra salud/ Our Health - activities that are healthy for our brains and bodies.
Practice at home:
- Play the game Guess the number. Think of a number between 1 - 100 and ask your child to guess the number (your child needs to say the numbers in Spanish!). You can say más que(more than) or menos que (less than). Then switch. Do Make it more challenging by thinking about higher numbers if you see your child is ready for it!
- Go around your home and see how many things in Spanish your son or daughter can say. This includes colors, sizes, counting things, family members, things, rooms in the home, etc.
- Have your child describe you the weather (el tiempo) or say the date (la fecha) in Spanish. (Tiempo: Hoy hace ________ or está _______) (Fecha: Hoy es el _______, _______ de ________ de 2023.)
- Practice asking your son/daughter any of the questions we practiced the past few months (listed above).
- www.rockalingua.com is a great website to practice new and old material.
- Pick anything around your house that your son or daughter does not know how to say in Spanish and have them describe it with as many categories as they can (categories: is it a thing? person?animal? size, color, es... what is it used for, is it a place? Se usa para... where is it found usually? Está en... Is is clothing?,Is it food? Salty, delicious, sweet? Does it have any body parts? etc...
- Encourage students to do the healthy activities we have been learning about more often. Some are: leer/ reading, jugar afuera/ play outside, pasar tiempo con amigos y familia/ spend time with friends and family, escuchar música/ listen to music, tocar un instrumento / play an instrument, hacer ejercicio / exercise, jugar deportes/ play a sport, beber agua/ drink water, nadar/ swim, caminar/ walk, montar en bicicleta/ riding a bike, dormir/ sleep, cuidar a una mascota/ take care of a pet, dibujar/ draw, escribir/ write,etc...
Extra resources:
Los 7 hobbies que te hacen más inteligente (info video)
Habitos saludables (song)
Comer Saludable (dance Zumba)
Práctica de acciones (game)