2025 CAoC Lunar NewYear Celebration
It's TOMORROW!! Jan. 25th, 2025: Year of the Snake 🐍
2024 新春慶祝活動 注意事項
CAoC's Lunar New Year Celebration Information 🧨
⏰ 一月二十五日,9:50am -1pm,Shaker Heights 中學。
January 25th from 9:50am to 1pm, at Shaker Heights Middle School, 20600 Shaker Blvd, Shaker Heights, OH 44122
(二)時刻表 Agenda
- 於前台領取集點卡。十一點前繳回集滿八點以上的集點卡,將喜得禮品。Pick up collect point card at the front desk. You will get reward if collecting more than 8 points before 11.
- 遊戲攤位均設置在體育館裡。遊戲包括抓娃娃機、寫書法、套圈圈、射氣球、打彈珠等等...。Game stands will be set up inside the gymnasium. Games include claw machine, writing Chinese Calligraphy, ring toss, balloon darts, pinball machine, etc.
🎭 表演:10:50 - 11:20 Performance
- 10:50am開始,將由中文書院CSL學生,在體育館為我們帶來傳統舞龍表演。At 10:50, please stay inside the gym and enjoy CSL students' dragon dance performance.
- 表演完畢之後到十二點前,將於餐廳進行中文卡拉OK節目。After the performance until 12 is non stop Chinese Karaoke time.
🧋 小吃:11:20 - 1pm Night Market food
- 若無另行通知,小吃將於11:20在餐廳開賣。由於安全性的考量,小吃攤禁止提前搶購。感謝您的諒解與體恤!Food stands are planned to be opened at 11:20 in cafeteria unless further notice. For safety concern, NO EARLY SHOPPERS ALLOWED. Thank you for kindly understanding!
(三)小吃餐券 Night Market Food Voucher
Only food voucher is required to enjoy the food. Admission is free for all event guests.
💵 兩種購買方式 Two ways to purchase:
- 預售Pre-sale - 1/18前上網訂購餐券,除了贈送10%餐券、免除現場排隊等待的時間外,還能幫助工作人員估算食材數量,一舉三得。To avoid the queuing and waiting, we encourage you to purchase food voucher online before January 18th to get extra 10% voucher!
- 現場購買On-site - 1/25當日10:30-1pm,可在體育場門口售票攤以現金購買。Purchase the vouchers on January 25th, the day of the event, from 10:30am to 1pm on site. Cash only!
All the income will be donated to improve the quality of CAoC's academic and cultural programs. Thank you for your support!
去年2024新年慶祝會活動照片,請點閱 CAoC Facebook 粉絲專頁
For 2024 Lunar New Year event photos, please visit the CAoC Facebook fan page.
Following is the menu for our night market food:
免責聲明 Disclaimer
Welcome to our school's New Year Celebration!
To ensure the smooth running of the event, we would like to make the following disclaimers:
食品及飲品責任 Food and Beverage Liability
All food and beverages at this event are prepared and sold by individual stalls. Our school only provides the venue and assists with management. We do not assume any responsibility for the quality, hygiene, safety, or any other issues related to the food and beverages. Participants are advised to make their own judgments and choices when purchasing and consuming.
個人健康及過敏事項 Personal Health and Allergy Issues
Participants must be aware of their own health conditions. If you have any allergies or health restrictions, please be cautious in selecting appropriate food and beverages. Our school does not take any responsibility for any discomfort or accidents resulting from inappropriate choices or personal health issues.
安全及意外責任 Safety and Accident Liability
The event site may involve risks such as crowded areas and facility use. Participants should pay attention to their own safety. Our school does not bear responsibility for any accidental injuries caused by participants' negligence or third-party actions.
法律限制 Legal Limitations
By participating in this event, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to this disclaimer. This disclaimer is only effective to the extent permitted by law. If required by law, the organizers will still assume corresponding responsibilities.
Thank you all in advance for your cooperation!🦾
We are looking forward to a safe and joyful Lunar New Year! - CAoC ㊗️
恭喜發財 紅包拿來 | Gōngxǐ fācái hóngbāo ná lái 🧧🤲
What does that mean? It's a playful Lunar New Year greeting which is more popular than ordinary "Happy New Year (Xīnnián kuàilè 新年快樂)" among teenagers and close friends. It means I wish you prosperity and good luck, but pass me the red envelope! : )
『恭喜發財 紅包拿來』是什麼意思?