The Eagle Express
August 26, 2022
Important Dates
Fri., Aug. 26 - Dads’ Club Meeting at The Garage on Britton (7pm)
Sat., Aug. 27 - Time & Talent - Outdoor Workday (9-11am)
Sun., Aug. 28 - Happy birthday, Miss Robertson!
Tues., Aug. 30 - Happy birthday, Mr. Blagg!
Tues., Aug. 30 - Spirit Tee Tues/2pm Dismissal
Tues., Aug. 30 - Eat & Earn for PTO at Texas Roadhouse (5pm-close)
Thur., Sept. 1 - School mass (8:15am)
Mon., Sept. 5 - Labor Day (NO SCHOOL)
Tues., Sept. 6 - Happy birthday, Mrs. O’Connell!
Tues., Sept. 6 - Spirit Tee Tues/2pm Dismissal
Thur., Sept. 8 - Grandparents Day
Thur., Sept. 8 - School mass (8:15am)
Fri., Sept. 9 - Happy birthday, Ms. Brown!
Fri., Sept. 16 - Teacher Professional Day (NO SCHOOL)
Sat., Sept. 17 - Eagle Run - 8-10am
Mon., Sept. 19 - Staff Archdiocesan Safety Training (NO SCHOOL)
Fri., Sept. 23 - Parent Conference Day (NO SCHOOL - conference info coming soon!)
Check out the calendar on the school webpage for more
Time & Talent Opportunity this Saturday!
We need a dozen or more workers to help relocate and clean up some of the big toys in the EC Outdoor Classroom this Saturday morning beginning at 9am. We are also going to continue dismantling the garden beds and brick border west of the reading plaza as we prepare for playground expansion.If you can help, please bring…
wheelbarrows, wagons or carts
work gloves
water, etc.
Older students can help earn family Time & Talent as well. Log hours in FACTS.
Calling All Bakers & Sweet Treat Makers!
We Need Academic Bowl Coaches!
Register for 3rd-8th Academic Bowl!
Register your child to participate in Academic Bowl for 2022-23. More info on our school site. Practices begin in September/October depending on coach's schedule.
***Registration closes September 19th***
3rd-4th grade teams (primary level) will compete only in the online tournaments. Five online tournaments will take place after school from November through February.
5th-6th grade teams (upper elem. level) will compete in person with buzzers at area schools November through March.
7th-8th grade teams (mid level) will compete in person with buzzers at area schools November through March.
Teams may be combined into one by level depending on sign up and coach availability.
The fee to participate is $25 per student, which will be billed through FACTS incidental accounts in October. This helps cover the cost of registration. No child will be turned away if they cannot pay the fee. Please contact Kim Hattaway with questions.
Save the Date for Grandparents Day!
Join Cub Scouts!
PTO News
Eat & Earn for St. Eugene! You’ve seen it on the school calendar, but maybe you don’t know what an Eat & Earn is? PTO works with local restaurants to organize fundraiser nights for our school. Partners include Johnnie’s Charcoal Broiler, Ted’s Cafe Escondido, and more! When you see the Eat & Earn signs out at carpool or notice it’s an Eat & Earn night on the calendar, that’s your chance to help raise money for our school simply by eating or ordering out from the Eat & Earn location, and mentioning our school. Last year Eat & Earns raised more than $700 for our school! Always feel free to share our Eat & Earn nights with friends and family!
Upcoming Eat & Earns
Texas Roadhouse (N. Penn & Memorial) - August 30th from 5pm to close
Ted’s Cafe Escondido (N. Penn & 150th) - September 7th from 5pm to close
- Panera (4225 W. Memorial) - Tues., Sept. 13th from 4-8pm
If you have questions about fundraisers, Eat & Earns, etc, visit the PTO site or Facebook group for more info.
Pay Your PTO Dues!
New Spirit Wear!
Deadline Extended!
Sign Up to Help at the Eagle Run!
Support Eagle Volleyball!
Safe Environment - PLEASE REVIEW
ALL ARCHDIOCESAN/PARISH/SCHOOL EMPLOYEES & ADULT VOLUNTEERS who have contact with minors or vulnerable adults must complete the new online Safe & Sacred Training (2020) including a background check. Until all steps have been completed in the online training portal, employees and volunteers may not serve at the parish/school or organization. Please complete this google form to send in your name and email address to Jennifer Goodrich so that she can send you information to begin the process!
Eagle Excellence
Parish News
Sign Up for the 2022 Catechetical Conference! This annual event gathers Catholics from around the archdiocese to grow in faith and mission. The day-long conference offers Mass, two keynote speakers (including our own Fr. Jerome!), an array of breakout sessions, vendors, and networking opportunities. The Catechetical Conference continues to grow and includes people of all ministries including Parents (as the first catechist), Young Adult Ministry, Childrens Ministry, Marriage & Family Ministry, Small Discipleship Groups, and more! Conference is Sept. 17th. Details and registration at
View the Latest St. Eugene E-Pistle! - The E-Pistle comes out every Monday and Thursday. Catch up on parish news and notes from our priests at the church’s website!
Please Pray For...
Pray for our staff, students and their families. We are grateful to be back together at school, and pray that the school year is full of engaged learning, collaboration, patience, and love. I Please pray for the recovery of Mrs. Blevins who had surgery today. | Please pray for the mother of Mrs. Aleman as she recovers from surgery. | Please pray for Mr. Mason, husband of Mrs. Mason, who is recovering from surgery this past week. Please pray for for the healing and comfort of Sasha, granddaughter of Mrs. Belva Neal.
If you would like to include something in the Prayer Requests section, please contact Kim Hattaway at
Quick Links
The Catholic School of St. Eugene
Location: 2400 West Hefner Road, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 72120
Phone: 4057510067