Weekly Update
August 8th, 2023

March 4-8, 2024
Message From the Principal
End of the 3rd 9 weeks is on Friday March 8th. We will have a half day of school this day and will be dismissing at 12pm. Late work will NOT be accepted after 12pm on Friday March 8th. We give students plenty of opportunities to get caught up on their work, we offer ASAP Monday-Thursday and we offer small study halls during our monthly celebrations for students to get help on their missing work. Teachers update their grades every Wednesday so you would be able to see accurate grades.
I would take the time this weekend to look at your child's grades and have a conversation with them on their plan to complete their work. As always they can stay for ASAP.
Attention 7th and 8th Grade Parents
Don't forget to sign this and send it back
On March 5th the 7th and 8th graders will have the opportunity to attend a presentation on the story of Cooper Davis. This presentation educates students on the dangers of substance abuse, explore healthy alternatives and support others when speaking about mental health. We need parents to sign the attached form for their 7th or 8th grader to attend. Students should be bringing these home Monday, if not you can print the form of and send it with them or fill it out digitally and email it to me. All students who return the form opting in or out will receive 10 points of extra credit to use in any class they would like.
After School Program
Don't forget to sign up for ASAP if your child is needing some extra help or time to complete their work. This 9 weeks we will be able to offer it 4 days a week to help students get caught up on missing assignments and get extra assistance and homework they might not understand.
The after school program is offered from 3:30-4:30pm.
Monday- Mrs. Kahler
Tuesday- Mrs. Clark
Wednesday- Mrs. Patterson
Thursday- Mr. Hicks (Mr. Baker's student teacher)
If you would like your child to stay please fill out the form below.
Students and Staff of the Week
This year the Leadership class has decided to change how student and staff awards are given. This will be done twice a month, with 1 boy and 1 girl winning from each grade level. One week we will have girl winners and one week we will have boy winners. The leadership class was able to get some Gift Card donations from local businesses to add to the award gift package. Teachers are also asked to be more thoughtful and provide the why with their nomination. When teachers nominate students they are looking for the following:
5th Grade- Ray Cosby
6th Grade- Ledger Brown
7th Grade- Giddeon Willett
Connecting with the Counselor
5th Grade
This week, 5th Grade Students learned about the Human Services Career Cluster - teacher, lawyer, school counselor, nanny, therapist, social worker, paramedic. As we learned more about the jobs that fit into this cluster, we started to discover that many of the people in these clusters have some similar personal qualities such as good listeners, empathic, cares about people.
6th, 7th Grade
This week, students explored some careers on Xello. They researched four different careers and found information about salary, education and what a daily routine might look like. I would encourage you to ask your students about the careers that they researched.
8th Grade
Students are getting prepared to do their Job Shadow Experience next Wednesday! This week, students worked on the interview questions that they will get to ask their host. We also talked about some soft skills that students will use while they are in a professional business setting. All 8th grade students will be bringing home a yellow paper with more information about their individual placement as well as a parent permission section to cut off and return to school. I'm so excited for them!
All Things Activities and Athletics
Scholars Bowl- League Scholars Bowl is at Nemaha Central at 4pm. ALL team members are able to go but we are only able to bring 1 7th grade team and 1 8th grade team to compete. The top scores from the season make up the league team.
Track starts on March 5- Make sure you have paid your fees if your child is wanting to go out and if they have not done a sport all year they will need to make sure they have a physical on file. Parent meeting will be on March 5th at 5:15pm in the Middle School Gym.
If your child is in art this semester they will need to make sure the fee gets paid. Even if they were in art 1st semester there is another fee for 2nd semester.
Let's Talk About Food
Cost for Breakfast is $2.10- we start serving breakfast at 7:30 am
Lunch cost is $3.25- We are offering a hot meal, a sandwich and a salad option please make sure you let your child know what is on the lunch menu so they know what they would like when their teacher takes lunch count.
JWMS Calendar
Events for the week of March 4-8
Scholars Bowl at Nemaha Central
First day of track practice- students will stay at the school for practice parent meeting to follow at 5:15pm
Fundraising money and forms are due to the office.
Track Practice
Booster Club Meeting at 6pm
Band and Vocal concert for 6-8th grade students
Friday- End of 3rd 9 weeks- last day to turn in work for your 3rd 9 weeks grade.
Half day dismiss at 12:00pm
Booster Club Business
Please see the flyer below in regards to our Booster Club Fundraiser. Forms and Money are due on Tuesday March 5.