Kelly Community Newsletter
October 14th, 2024

Coming up...
- 10/17 - Great Oregon Shake Out (Statewide Earthquake Drill)
- 10/18 - Latino Network / SUN Movie Night, 5:00 PM
- 10/21 - Picture Day
- 10/25 - PTA Popcorn Friday Fundraiser
- 10/30 - End of Q1
- 10/31 - Dental Sealant at Kelly
From Jeff Waters, Principal
We're just two weeks from the end of the first quarter - I can't believe it. This school year is flying by! At Back to School Night this year, we shared that improving attendance is a major goal at Kelly this school year. We know that the more our students are at school, the more they will learn and grow and the better prepared they will be for middle school, high school, and beyond.
Historically, November and December have the some of the lowest rates of attendance in the whole school year (see graph). As we come into the winter months, we know that getting here every day will be a challenge. It's darker in the mornings, people are inside more often and are likely to get sick, and there are many important religious and cultural holidays during this time that pull our families in different directions. That's a lot for families to balance! Please take care of yourself and your family first, and thank you for working hard to get your student to school as often as possible.
There are a bunch of good and timely updates below, including information about Picture Day, Lost and Found, Family Movie Night, the Great Oregon Shake Out, and preparing for changes in weather. Happy Fall!
In the service of students and families,
Jeff Waters
2024-2025 Early Release Schedule
Students will be dismissed at 11:50 on the following eight Wednesdays for staff development:
- October 23 (NEXT WEEK!!)
- November 20
- December 18
- February 26
- March 19
- April 23
- May 21
Picture Day!
School picture day is Monday, October 21st. Today we are sending home picture order forms with student. If you want to order pictures, please fill them out and return them to your classroom teacher.
You also have the option of ordering them online through Dorian Studio.
We look forward to seeing our staff and students all dressed up for Picture Day next week!
Great Oregon Shake Out
Every year, schools across the state participate in a statewide Earthquake Drill. This year, that drill will take place on 10/17/2024 at 10:17 am. During an Earthquake Drill, staff and students will drop, cover, and hold on. After our drill, we will evacuate the building - this part of the drill will look just like a fire drill.
Emergency preparedness is one of the most important things that schools can do. We never know what can happen or when, and getting our students back to their families better each day is our #1 priority. Please reinforce the importance of these drills at home.
For more information about the Great Shakeout, visit their website.
Lost and Found - Come Check it Out
Recognize any of these clothing items? If you have noticed that something is missing, it might be in our Lost and Found. Check in at the office and let us know that you are hoping to take a look at the Lost and Found and we will help get you set up.
The school will donate lost items to Goodwill 2x per year (once in December and once in June).
Prepare for Fall Weather
The weather has been pretty nice so far this Fall, but we know that rain is right around the corner. We will only let students play outside when it is safe and they have a choice to be under the covered shelter AND we want to give students that opportunity to play outside - even if it's raining.
Please send your student to school prepared with a rain jacket and / or umbrella. If you need assistance getting your child winter clothing, please reach out to our Counselor, Ms. Kangas at mkangas@pps.net.
Kelly Spirit Wear sales are back! Check out our online store to purchase Kelly sweatshirts, tees, and bags. Two logo choices are available in a variety of shirt styles. https://www.bonfire.com/kelly-elementary-shirt-sales/
Family Resource Navigator at Kelly
We are excited to announce that SUN and Latino Network will staff a Family Resource Navigator at Kelly this school year. If your family needs assistance with food, housing, utility bills, physical and mental health, childcare, or connection, belonging and language support, reach out to Antares Argueta at arguetaa@latinet.org and see the flyer below for other ways to connect.
PreK Early Learners Program Registration Open
The Prek Early Learners Program is still accepting applications for our two classrooms at Grout Head Start. Students need to live in PPS Boundaries, be 3 years old by September 1st and meet income eligibility requirements. Please use the following QR Code to complete an application for enrollment for this year. Contact us at PreKPrograms@pps.net if you have questions!
Help to spread the word, please share with family and friends who have preschool age children.