Elementary School Update

January 9, 2025
Upcoming Events
Wednesday, January 15 ~ Gryphon Sale (gently used SHS clothing)(7-11am)
Wednesday, January 22 ~ Beach Day
Thursday, January 23 ~ ES Parent Student Teacher Conferences (4-8 pm)
Tuesday, January 28 – Expo-sciences
Friday, February 7 – ES Carnival
Monday, February 10 – Mid Term Break (school closed)
Need to Know
Parent Student Teacher Conferences ~ Grade 1 to 6 BY INVITATION ONLY (January 23):
Please note that in addition to the late February appointments, we have scheduled the evening of Thursday, January 23 (4-8 pm) to meet with parents at the teacher’s request.
You will receive a form in next week’s mailbag indicating whether or not you will need to book an appointment. The system (url on the form) opens on Thursday, January 16 at 3pm and closes on Wednesday, January 22 at 2pm to book your appointment(s), at which time the system will be shut down.
Appointments must be booked with only those teachers who have requested an interview.
If your form indicates that an interview is not required at this time, please do not book an appointment, as the space is limited.
Boys in grades 2 to 6 are to attend the interviews.
Boys are expected to wear their school uniform.
Parent Student Teacher Conferences for all students will be held on Thursday, February 27 from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm and Friday, February 28 from 8:00 am to 12:00 am.
ASP (After School Program) News: A new semester means new after school program registration! Please find the registration form here. A quick reminder that sign up is done on a semester basis, you must re-register your son even if they were registered this past fall semester. Homework club, Kindergarten club & Extended care options are all available now, keep an eye out for Extracurricular club options and sign up information in the coming weeks. For any questions, please email asp@selwyn.ca.
Beach Day: Our annual Beach Day is January 22! Students are invited to attend school wearing beach wear for the day. Resort rules apply: shirts and shoes are required! The day is meant to allow students to de-stress and have a little fun in the middle of the winter term.
Cold Weather Information: Using the Canadian Pediatric Society guidelines, we will keep the children indoors if the temperature falls below –27C (windchill).
Dress for the weather: We will send the boys out for recess even through the snowy days of winter. Make sure your son has appropriate outerwear, including snow pants, boots, hats, mitts and neck-warmers. Boys must have a pair of indoor-only school shoes to change into for class.
A Message from the PVA: It's that time of year again! As we prepare for the upcoming Selwyn Staff Appreciation Week 2025, we need your help and support! There are 4 different ways to participate and support this special week that will take place February 11 to 14. Please participate in as many of these as you would like! For more details and links to sign-up, click here.
Gryphon Sale News: The Winter Gryphon Sale (of gently used SHS uniform and apparel) will be held in the Rossy Agora on Wednesday, January 15 from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Payment options are cash, debit cards, credit cards or cheques. All proceeds benefit the Nancy Pitfield Scholarship Fund, which helps in offering bursaries to students. If you cannot bring your son, please make sure you bring his measurements!
Snowball makers: Please note that snowball makers are not permitted at the school. If your son has one at school he will be asked to bring it home. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.