BSD Family Updates
For Bremerton School District students & families
February 2025
Reminder: Schools will be open on Friday but there is no school on Monday
Schools will be open for regular instruction on Friday, February 14, for snow make-up day #1!
Snow make-up days
As noted in Friday's update, the District had two built-in snow make-up days for the 2024-25 school year (February 14 and May 23). Because we had THREE snow days last week, we've had to add a third snow make-up day to the calendar.
Last night, the School Board approved the updated 2024-25 academic calendar which includes THREE snow make-up days, on which school will be open for regular instruction:
Friday, February 14
Friday, May 23
Friday, June 20*
Note: No school Thursday, June 19 in observance of the Juneteenth holiday.
*Last day of school release times: BHS -10:50 a.m. / MVMS - 11:35 a.m. / Elementary schools - 12:35 p.m.
An Update from Superintendent Colosky
Recent headlines and policy discussions have created some uncertainty for some of our families. We want to reassure you that our commitment to your children remains steadfast. We are dedicated to providing a consistent, high-quality education for every student, and we will continue to prioritize their well-being and academic growth.
While the landscape of education may evolve, our core values—student success, inclusivity, and respect—will not. We remain committed to supporting our students, staff and families. There are laws in place to prevent discrimination and to provide a free, high quality education for all students, and we will remain in compliance with those laws.
Change can bring uncertainty, but we will be a source of stability and calm reassurance by staying focused on our core values. We are here to take care of students and ensure they have the support they need to grow and succeed, and that will not change.
Some resources:
Coming soon: Report cards!
Report cards will be posted in Skyward no later than end-of-day Friday, February 14. Need help accessing your student's report cards? We've got step-by-step instructions on our website! If you need help accessing Skyward, please contact your child's school!
The referral window for highly capable services is open
Students in grades other than 2nd and 5th can be referred by a teacher, parent/guardian, community member or themselves for highly capable service consideration on an annual basis.
Application forms must be completed and submitted within the open referral window for a student to be considered for highly capable identification. For this school year, referral applications must be received by March 14th at 4 p.m.
The application form may be submitted by email, mail or delivered in person to Wendy Bender at Bremerton School District, 134 Marion Ave N, Bremerton WA 98312 or Wendy.Bender@BremertonSchools.org. Completed applications can also be submitted to any school office.
The Multidisciplinary Identification and Placement Committee (MIPC) will review the body of evidence for each student referred. The body of evidence for referrals will be reviewed, but not all referrals will be eligible for further testing.
More information is available on our website.
You are invited to "Stop, Learn & Share" about our bond program!
Do you want to get District communication via text message?
ParentSquare lets you choose your communication preferences! Even if you don't want to use the ParentSquare mobile or desktop app, you can choose to receive communication via text message - and choose if you want them instantly or "digested" and sent once a day around 6 p.m.
Contact your student's school to make sure we have a current mobile phone number for you in Skyward and you should start receiving our notices via text. Or, you can log-in to ParentSquare and add your mobile phone number and adjust your notification preferences to your liking! (You will have to log-in to choose your notification preferences).
Extended family or community members who are not in our Skyward information management system can subscribe to receive District communication, and sign-up for winter weather alerts via Flash Alert.
Kindergarten registration for 2025-26 now open!
Welcome to Kindergarten events coming in March!
Do you have a child who will be starting kindergarten in the fall? Or perhaps you know someone who does? This event is for our incoming kindergarten families! Join us to learn what to expect and things you can do to help prepare your student for kindergarten. You can get help with registration and ask questions!
Late March (dates TBD)
Note: the February 25 & 26 events have been postponed. Please check our website (www.BremertonSchools.org/Kindergarten) for updates!
At the District office (134 Marion Avenue North, Bremerton)
Information will be provided in English & Spanish!
Childcare will be provided!
Jump Start to Kindergarten
We've got a few spots available in our Jump Start to Kindergarten program at Naval Avenue! Visit our website to learn more!
Free teletherapy services for students and staff
Gaggle Therapy provides teletherapy services to students and staff in the District. It is private and
personalized to help you improve mental well-being, self-esteem, confidence, and self-care. Weekly sessions are held with licensed therapists at no cost to the participant.
What's happening at the PAC
See what school and community events are happening at the Bremerton High School Performing Arts Center at www.bhs.bremertonschools.org/pac.
Bremerton School District
Email: communications@bremertonschools.org
Website: www.BremertonSchools.org
Phone: 360-473-1000
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