PCMS Weekly Update
August 30, 2024
![PCMS Weekly Update August 30, 2024](https://cdn.smore.com/u/90da/4320c85ecb66c1c30f0479107996788d.jpg)
Good Afternoon PCMS Families!
We’re still off to a great start! We’re in week 2 of learning about many new parts of our middle school day (our binders, planners, block schedule, Advisory, etc). And they’re doing a great job and working their way through it! Thank you to all of our 7th and 8th grade families who came to our Back to School Night this week! It was great to have you meet your child’s teachers and see their classrooms where all the magic happens! Remember that next week is a short week with the 3-day Labor Day weekend!
Enjoy the extended weekend! GO PIRATES!!
(and for those keeping score at home, we’re hanging tough with the Lost & Found: it’s only 6-0 after Week 2)
🧡 Check Out What We Did This Week!
🚌 School Tip & Reminders
🏈 First PCHS Home Football Game
As we gear up for our first home football game at Platte County High School tonight, we want to remind students and families of the expectations at Pirate Stadium. Elementary and MIDDLE SCHOOL students need to be accompanied by an adult to enter Pirate Stadium. There will be a section where our middle school students can sit with their friends at the south end of the stadium. This week, the high school shared the following expectations for all students and guests entering Pirate Stadium. We reviewed these expectations with our middle schoolers today:
1. Ok to sit or stand in the bleachers - not ok to gather anywhere else around the stadium
2. No changing seats
3. No jumping over rows
4. Hands to yourself at all times
5. Stairs must be clear at all times
6. Ok to use the restroom/concession stand but must return to your seat immediately- no hanging out behind the bleachers
7. Throwing anything will result in removal
8. We must keep the stairs at the south end of the stadium free at all times for fans entering/exiting.
We want our students and guests to be there, be loud, be proud and cheer on their Pirates, but in a way that respects all in attendance. Parents, thank you for your help with this and GO PIRATES!
Digital Tickets
All Platte County R-3 athletic event tickets are now digital only. We no longer accept cash as the gate. Fans will purchase tickets online through GoFan or by presenting a card or mobile payment option at the ticket gate. Prices remain the same; a regular season game is $5 for adults and $3 for students. Below is our link to our digital tickets; please share this with any of your friends and family members that plan on attending our events and tell them to purchase tickets in advance to avoid long lines.
Digital Ticket Link:
Please note:
- PCR-3 staff members are admitted free to home and away regular season events by showing their staff ID at the gate. Please have your ID ready to show the gate workers.
- PCHS students and fans aged 55 and older are admitted free with a valid ID to regular season events.
- Everyone (including PCR-3 staff, PCHS students, and senior citizens) must purchase a ticket to any tournament or post season event.
Middle School/Elementary Attendance at PCR-3 Events
All middle school and elementary students (ages 6 and up) must purchase a digital ticket and must be accompanied by a supervising adult to attend PCR-3 athletic events. Middle school and elementary students are not allowed to be dropped off. If they do not have a supervising adult, they will not be allowed to attend.
Live Streaming
Most of our PCHS athletic events will be streamed on PCR3 Activities Youtube. Please share this link with friends and family members who are unable to attend in person.
📸 Fall Pictures
Pictures were taken this past Tuesday. If you would still like to order pictures, you may send your order to the office on Tuesday, 9/3. You may also order online below. Online ordering will also close on Tuesday, 9/3.
📘 Middle School Parent/Student Handbook
Please review the 2024-25 Middle School Parent/Student Handbook with your students. Then return the signed form that was sent home today to the front office by September 6. You can find the handbook here.
🍎 PTO Information
PTO Spirit Wear Shop will close on Monday, 9/2! So get those orders in now! The PTO will be at the Tailgate tonight with some of the Spirit Wear items for cash and carry.
Also, there will be a PTO Meeting on September 11th at 6pm at Pizza Shoppe.
PTO needs help with running concessions during Volleyball, Wrestling and Basketball this year. They need student and parent volunteers. Consider signing up below.
You can still join the PTO by filling out the following form. The membership is $7.
📝 Missouri Assessment Program (MAP) Results Now Available
If your child participated in PCR-3's Missouri Assessment Program (MAP) testing or End-of-Course (EOC) testing in the Spring of 2024, assessment results are now available.
2023-24 Students in Grades 3-11 (now in Grades 4-12): Hard copy results will be coming home with your child TODAY.
The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) publishes a Guide to Interpreting Results that provides additional details about the content of the Individual Student Reports. Please see the guide linked here: MAP Grade-Level Assessment Spring 2023-24 Guide.
Please keep in mind these assessments are only one piece of information your child’s teacher looks at to determine how your child is performing. The Platte County R-3 School District uses multiple methods to frequently monitor student achievement and provide a more complete picture of your student’s progress towards grade level proficiency on the Missouri Learning Standards. If you have questions about how your child is performing in school, please contact your child’s teacher.
📣 PCHS Cheer Super Saturday
PCHS Cheerleading is sponsoring their 38th annual “Super Saturday" cheer clinic on Saturday, September 14. Participants are invited to perform at the October 9 Victory Supper during Homecoming week. See flier for details and click here to pre-register.
🎨 PACE - Pirates After Class Events for 6-8 Grades
We are excited to again launch our after-school program for middle school students - PACE.
Here are a few details about the program:
Program will start on September 17
Tuesday, and Thursday 3pm-4 pm
1st quarter will only have a 4 week short session while the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th quarter will be 7 weeks
PACE focuses on Lifestyle Activities - Depending on the strengths of our staff, activities will be offered that are outside of the realm of sports.
Activities offered 1st Quarter will be Board/Digital Games and Art Club.
Please take some time to review the slideshow for all details.
Please click on the form below to sign your kids up to attend PACE. Students can sign up for one activity per day. If you have any questions, please contact the PACE coordinator, Tyler Crawford (crawford.tyler@pcr3schools.org).
🍩 6th Grade Pastries with Pirates
At PCMS, we have a long-standing tradition of welcoming our extended Pirate families to enjoy breakfast with their middle school students. We are happy to announce we will be again hosting our 6th Grade Pastries with Pirates breakfast on Wednesday, Sept 18 at 7am. 6th-grade students are encouraged to invite special family member(s) to join them. This could be grandparents, mom, dad, aunt, uncle, or any other significant person in the student's life. We’re looking forward to seeing you on the 18th!
✍🏻 Parents: Please Complete our Stakeholder Requirements Survey by September 15
Platte County School District is reaching out to our parents and community members to gather feedback that will inform the development of our updated Strategic Plan for 2025-30. Please complete the short five-question survey linked below by September 15. Thank you for your feedback!
💻 One 2 One Chromebook Insurance
If you did not register for Chromebook Insurance during Registration, we highly encourage you to do so as this gives you insurance protection. The price for this insurance is $30. However, if you qualified for Free/Reduced Lunch last year, the $30 enrollment fee is waived, but you do still need to register. Click on the link here for more information and to register your Chromebook. Here is a video to walk you through the process. Feel free to call our office if you have any questions. The deadline to register is October 1st.
📆 Upcoming Events
- NO SCHOOL - Labor Day
Sept 10
- C-Team Football vs New Mark @ Platte Purchase Middle School, 5 pm
Sept 11
- C Team Volleyball @ Summit Lakes, 4 pm
Sept 12
- Football vs Liberty North @ Platte Purchase Middle School, 4 pm
🏴 Pirates ROCK Character Trait for SEPTEMBER: Pride
Pirates R.O.C.K. (Raising Outstanding Character Kids) is a program designed to surround our families with examples of strong character traits through school experiences, at home, and reinforced in their community. Each month our community focuses on a specific character trait and students are recognized for exhibiting these traits: Self Confidence, Pride, Responsibility, Citizenship, Compassion, Individuality, Self Control, Integrity, Perseverance, Respect, Honesty, and Cooperation.
August's #PiratesRock trait is Pride: a feeling of self respect & worth.
💼 Thank You to Our Pirates ROCK Star Business Partners!
Email: tomlinson.kristie@pcr3schools.org
Website: http://www.pcms.plattecountyschooldistrict.com
Location: 900 Pirate Drive, Platte City, MO, 64079
Phone: (816)858-2036
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/plattecitymiddleschool/