Hawk News - First Day Reminders
Hays Middle School Newsletter

We're SO excited to see you, Hawks!
Tuesday, August 13: First Day of School!
- School Day: 8:15 am-3:30 pm
- HMS Bell Schedule For the first week of school, we will run an 8-period schedule every school day. Block days will begin the second week of school. We will make sure everyone has a copy of their schedule, makes it to their classes, has lunch, and connects with their teachers and friends!
- Returning students should bring their charged Chromebooks to school everyday. Those who are new to PISD will receive their Chromebook during the first week of school.
- Students do not need to carry all of their supplies on the first day of school. Teachers will provide students information about which items are needed for which classes.
- Hays is a No Phone Zone! All personal cell phones and devices, including headphones, earbuds, etc., should be off and invisible during the instructional day (8:15-3:30). They may be used before and after school. Parents, thank you for helping us maintain an excellent learning environment at Hays without the distraction of personal devices!
Back to School Basics
With the opening of Jackson Elementary school next door, we expect heavier traffic around campus in the mornings and afternoons. Arrival and dismissal procedures can be found here. Especially as we start the year, we appreciate your patience during morning and afternoon carpool times. While we will work to ensure that arrival and dismissal is as efficient as possible, student safety is always our first priority.
Walkers/Bike Riders
If you are walking or biking to school, please plan to cross Hillcrest at Aragon Lane so that a crossing guard can help you safely cross the road.
Personal Devices
Student devices (phones, earbuds, headphones, etc.) may not be used during the instructional day. They can be used before school, but need to be put away when the bell rings to transition to 1st period. If devices are out during the school day, staff will collect the device and turn it into the front office. On the 1st and 2nd offenses, students may pick up their device from the office at the end of the day. On the 3rd offense, parents will need to come to the office to pick up their child's device. Keeping personal devices off and invisible during the instructional day will allow us to maintain a focus on learning and appropriate socializing while kids are at school!
Lunch menus can be found here. Meal prices are as follows (this does not include specialty or a la carte items):
Secondary Breakfast: $2.15
Secondary Lunch: $4.00
Money may be added to student lunch accounts here. Note that funds added to meal accounts will not be available until the next day.
Nurse Rau is in the process of verifying immunization records and following up with parents. As a reminder, students will not be able to access their schedules if immunizations are not up to date. Use this link to view immunizations required for K-12.
Bus routes are now being added to Skyward, so please check there for the latest updates. This year transportation services are utilizing the StopFinder app, which is fully integrated with Prosper ISD routing software, GPS and other communications tools to provide accurate, real-time data. The app includes bus schedules and allows parents to set up notifications to track their child’s route, view the bus’s location and receive updates on arrival times and delays. Use this link to find out if your child is eligible for transportation.
Schedule Changes
All student schedules are available for viewing in Skyward. If you notice any errors in your child's schedule, please complete the change request form linked below. Additionally, refer to the chart provided to determine if a schedule change is allowable for your student.
2024-2025 Request to Change Schedule Form
*No schedule changes after 8/14/24!
HMS Counselors: Gina Keller (6th Grade), Kim Smith (7th Grade), Melody Jones (8th Grade)
Prosper ISD App
While we will continue to post current events on our Facebook and Twitter pages, you will be able to find the same content utilizing the Live Feed feature on our website (https://www.prosper-isd.net/hays) as well as via the Prosper ISD App! In addition to the feed, there are several other features on the app that we hope you will enjoy using as you stay connected with HMS and Prosper ISD!
*Click here for instructions on how to find and use the feed.
Helpful Links
2024-2025 Prosper ISD Academic Calendar
Hays Middle School
14441 Hillcrest Road
Frisco, TX