Hornet Herald
September 10th
We hope you enjoyed your weekend!
Hello HHES Families,
It has been a busy two weeks welcoming back all of our students. It is fun to see our campus full of student voices again. One of the best parts of welcoming students back is the huge smiles that overcome their faces when they see friends they haven't seen all summer. It's one of the best moments to witness.
It has been fun visiting classrooms and talking with students. Getting into classrooms and experiencing learning with students is a great way for us to form connections with students. These experiences are the best parts of our week.
We appreciate all of you and your patience with us as we begin this school year. It's sometimes a little difficult getting back into the swing of things. We've noticed that every day our systems get a little bit faster as everyone becomes a little more familiar with routines.
Frequent and timely communication is important to us. This bi-weekly newsletter is where you will find important information for all grade levels. You can also find information on our Facebook page. Please help us by reading this newsletter to ensure that you are up to date with important information.
We are excited to work with all of you and move #upwardtogether!
Mr. Robertson & Mrs. Colpron
Hand Foot and Mouth Disease
Please review the following information:
Picture Day!
Retakes will be Tuesday, November 1st.
Change of Plans Communication
Parent Drop-off & Pick-up
Handicap Accessible Spots
- These spots are reserved ONLY for families with handicap placards
Parent Drop-off
- Doors open at 7:40am
- Pull ALL THE WAY up before letting your student out
- Be as quick as possible
- Adults are waiting inside the commons to ensure your student makes it to their classroom safely
- School begins at 8:00am
Parent Pick-up
- Have your tag and pick-up number displayed (if you need a tag please call the office)
- Pull all the way forward, as close to the car in front of you as possible
- Buckle students in car seats as quickly as possible
- If the back-end of your vehicle is going to hang out past the white lines of the lane, please wait before pulling into a lane. This prevents a back-up and we can quickly move cars into lanes.
- We do our best to get your students out as quickly as possible. Please remind your students to be listening for their names.
Morning Drop-off Map
Parent Pick-up Map
Thank you for helping us get our students to school on-time.
School ends daily at 2:15 pm, except for Wednesdays when it ends at 1:15.
REMINDER: Lunch & Breakfast Change
If you want to add money to your child's account you can do this through Skyward Family Access, or you can bring money to our front office and we will add it to your child's account.
If you don't want your student to have a lunch or breakfast from school, please talk with them about your expectations.
Do you want to volunteer?
Please use the following link to submit your volunteer clearance for the 2022-23 year.
Important Dates
Character Trait: Responsibility
September 20th 5th Grade Band Rental Night
September 23rd PWT Bingo
September 26th 5th Grade Band Begins
September 27th Picture Day
Character Trait: Safety
October 14th No School, Teacher In-Service Day
October 17th - 21st Bus Safety Week
October 17th & 18th Hearing/Vision Screening
October 24th - 28th Conference Week (students released at 11:15am)
October 25th Late Night Conferences
Hockinson Heights Elementary
Website: https://hhes.hocksd.org/
Location: Hockinson Heights Elementary School, Northeast 164th Street, Brush Prairie, WA, USA
Phone: (360)448-6420
Facebook: facebook.com/HockinsonHES/