St Joseph's Catholic Primary School
Newsletter 17.1.25
This week...
Despite the cold weather, we've all still enjoyed playing and learning outdoors this week! Have a look at our Twitter/Facebook accounts to see fun photos of our EYFS children exploring the icy water tray in their outdoor area!
Well done for another positive week, attendance-wise. We are seeing this slowly improve and thank you for your support with this.
Thank you, as always, for supporting us to
Live, love and learn with the Lord.
Mrs Ronicle
Feel free to follow our social media accounts. Our Twitter has the most photos/videos, but we also have a more limited Facebook account too, designed for those who don't use Twitter!
Our virtue this week is: Friendship
We have been exploring what it means to be a good friend to others and have been celebrating examples of friendship around school. It's something we do really well at St Joseph's and our children are such wonderful role models!
Please make sure you let us know when your child demonstrates any of our virtues at home - it's lovely to celebrate these in school too!
Inclusion Review
This week, one of our Executive Headteachers from the Trust came into school to conduct a review on what inclusion looks like at St Joseph's. She was impressed with the vast range of support we offer our children and families and we have received a glowing report.
Helping every child and family feel loved and valued is something we feel really passionately about so we're delighted to have this external validation. Our staff work very hard to nurture everybody in our school community, so it's lovely to be able to celebrate how inclusive St Joseph's is, and how well-supported our children are!
Special Lunch
Please see the poster below, advertising our special Valentine's lunch for 14th Feb!
You should have received a form to complete for bookings.
Please contact our office if you haven't received yours!
Family Views!
We asked families for quotes about why they choose St Joseph's for their children and we have had some really beautiful words in response! So beautiful, in fact, that we have made a new display in our School entrance area to showcase these. If you would like to add to this, please email any quotes (they don't need to be lengthy at all!) to our school office:
Tik Tok - Family Advice
Please see below for a useful guide about children accessing Tik Tok, and how we can keep our children safe at home and online:
Attendance Update
Whole School Attendance this week: 94.61%
This week, our attendance is in line with National Average, which we're pleased about - we know the huge benefit that good attendance has on children's wellbeing and attainment!
This week, we have been learning...
St Francis Class (Nursery / Reception)
We have been learning all about Mae Jemison and her achievements as the first female African-American space engineer! We have been building rockets and talking about our own hopes and dreams for the future. Watch this space - future astronauts coming soon!
St Bernadette Class (Year 1/2)
As part of our Geography, Science and English learning, St Bernadette's having making fact files about African animals. This week, they presented their research to the class!
St Patrick Class (Year 3/4)
In DT, we started our topic on quesadillas. We thought about what a quesadilla is, where they're from and the differences between them, fajitas, tacos and burritos.
St Therese Class (Year 5/6)
In RE this week, we have established the link between Passover, The Last Supper and the Eucharist. The children were able to reflect on artwork showing these and thought about how they made them feel, links in the images and what they noticed. They also reflected on each other's responses to agree or disagree.
Award Winners!
As announced during our weekly Celebration Assembly this morning:
Stars of the Week
St Francis (Nursery and Reception): Theo S
St Bernadette (Year 1 and 2): George
St Patrick (Year 3 and 4): Skyla
St Therese (Year 5 and 6): Theo
Headteacher's Award (for showing our virtue of Friendship): Frankie P
Teampoint Winners
St Mark and St Luke
Reading Raffle Winners
Jack, Teddy, Owen, Rae, Daisy
Upcoming Dates
EYFS Oral Health Workshop: Monday 20th January
Year 5 / 6 Football Tournament (Sherburn High School): Friday 24th January
KS2 Forest School: Wednesday 29th January
YoYo Whole School Assembly and Worshops: Monday 3rd February
EYFS and KS1 Trip to Askham Bryan Wildlife Park: Tuesday 4th February
KS2 Forest School: Wednesday 12th February
School closes for half term holiday: Friday 14th February
KS2 Forest School: Wednesday 5th March
World Book Day: Thursday 6th March
KS2 Forest School: Wednesday 2nd April
KS1 Tri-Gold Festival (Barlow School): Friday 4th April
Friends of St Joseph's
Please remember that FoStJ have a stock of pre-loved uniform.
If you have any uniform that has been out-grown but still has life left in it, please donate to us so we can pass it on.
If you need any uniform please let us know us know by e-mailing us (e-mail address below) or speaking to the office or Mrs Ronicle.
As ever, any help and support is appreciated so please do get in touch with us!
Our email address is:
Please find and follow us on Facebook
Shout Outs!
POLICE Notice to families
Please see the following information from the Police about Electric scooters:
How to get in touch
If you have a query or concern, please feel free to speak to me (Mrs Ronicle) at the gates in the morning; your child's class teacher at the end of the day; or our school admin team at the front entrance or via phone/email.
If this is not possible, feel free to phone or email the office who can forward any messages to staff.
Location: Station Road, Tadcaster, UK
Phone: 01937 832344
Twitter: @StJosephsTad
We are a proud member school of the Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust: