The Northliner
May 3, 2024
Correction to the calendar: on May 19, there will be no Social Justice meeting.
The Annual Congregational Meeting will be held after a shortened service.
Sunday Services
Sunday services are held at 10:00 am. Currently our services are held live at UCN and also streamed on Zoom. Coffee hour follows the service. If UCN closes due to weather or building issues, the closing will be reflected on our website, on our office voice mail, and a special email will be sent out, if possible.
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 933 6445 4692
Password: 13800
Services begin promptly at 10 am. If you'd like to join in conversation before the service, you may join the Zoom meeting at 9:50 and wrap up your conversations shortly before 10.
May 5: “Immigration and Us,” Rev. Scott W. Alexander
Scott writes: One of the hottest (and most bitterly contentious) issues as our 2024 national election heats up is that of immigration. For years now, an overwhelming majority of Americans are not satisfied with the way immigration is being handled by the Federal government, most especially at our porous Southern border. How well we address this issue will have enormous consequences for the economic, social, political and moral future of our republic. There will be a follow-up zoom conversation on this sermon on Saturday, May 11 at 10:00 am.
May 12 – Mother’s Day “Are You Rich or Poor in Social Capital?” Rev. Scott W. Alexander
Scott writes: Social capital is a little understood (and lately greatly endangered) societal asset that should be of particular interest to Unitarian Universalist – given our principles and values. Do be with us as we explore this important topic.
* A Celebration of Life for Al Lustig will be held Saturday, May 4 at 11:00 am.
The family warmly invites you to a reception in Al’s memory in the lower level of the church immediately following the service.
To join using Zoom, use this meeting link and ID:
Meeting ID: 976 7506 9206
The zoom event will open at 10:30 am, central time.
* Mary Schleif wanted to let the long-time members know that Dave Schleif entered hospice care last Friday, April 26 after quite some time dealing with progressive heart failure. "He is 96 years old and we've been married 71 years. He is very content and ready for the next chapter." Please contact the office for his address.
From Rev. Scott
Saturday Conversations with the Minister: May 11
"Immigration and Us”
This Saturday morning, 5-11, we will engage in conversation around my sermon topic of the previous week, "Immigration and Us." As you all know, immigration is one of the hottest (and most bitterly contentious) issues as our 2024 national election year. For years now, an overwhelming majority of Americans are not satisfied with the way immigration is being handled by the Federal government, most especially at our porous Southern border. How well we address this issue will have enormous consequences for the economic, social, political and moral future of our republic. Jump on into our zoom session this Saturday and join this important conversation.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 957 4997 0200
Religious Education
Classes will be held this week for elementary and middle school youth. The elementary class will learn about Spirit. Middle school will discuss reaching out.
The nursery will continue to be staffed weekly during the full service.
Outdoor Play
We may have the kids play outside after class or during non-RE activity time. Please bring appropriate clothes for playing outside.
* Social and Racial Justice
Share the Plate Update
The Social Justice Committee has chosen the The Trevor project to receive the Share the Plate donations for May and June. This organization works to build a more inclusive world for LGBTQ+ youth. Their work includes crisis services for youth, research, education, and public awareness and advocacy. Visit the website to learn more about the services provided and the ease with which youth can access these services.
Half of the donations, cash or check, will go to The Trevor Project. Checks can be written to UCN with “Share the Plate” on the memo line. On our website,, you can donate by using PayPal. Thank you for your generosity.
Join in for Fellowship, Food and Fun with a culturally, religiously, and racially-diverse group!!
Thursday, May 16th, 2024 Doors open at 6:00 p.m.
Henry L. Palmer Lodge (parking lot available)
4315 N. 92nd St., Milwaukee, WI 53222
Cost: Adults $55 by April 30th; $60 from May 1-10
Children (12 and under) $25 by April 30th, $30 from May 1-10
Call or text Lucy Friedrichs with questions or comments: 414-305-7961.
* Announcements
Singers and Singer Wannabes!
Rev. Scott requested that we prepare hymns (as a choir) for these upcoming services:
- 5/19/24: Flower Communion & Annual Meeting - #21 “For the Beauty of the Earth”
- 6/2/24: Guest John Corrado and Rev. Scott - #7 “The Leaf Unfurling” (music by John Corrado)
- 6/9/24: Intergenerational Summer Celebration - #38 “Morning has Broken” and/or #44 “We Sing of Golden Mornings"
I’m planning to rehearse with anyone that can make it at 9:15 before services on these dates: 5/5, 5/12, 5/19, 5/26, 6/2, 6/9.
Hope to see many of you!
Janet Jensen
Blood Drive at UCN
Everyone is welcome to give blood on Monday, May 13 in the Fellowship Hall, between 1 and 6 pm.
Wedding Shower for Liam and Taylor
Let’s join together for a wedding shower on Saturday, June 1st, 6:30 pm– 8:00 pm, in the UCN Fellowship Hall for cake, snacks, drinks, and well wishes!
Please go to
by May 26th for registry information and to R.S.V.P.
For more information, please contact Judy DeLillo or Katie Egan-Bruhy
The following people visited our church recently:
- Rebekha Neu, Mt. Pleasant
- Karen Dorece, Mt. Pleasant
- J. Nathan Couch
Thanks for visiting us. We hope that you come back soon!
Eclipse Glasses
An organization is collecting eclipse glasses to send to South America for the October eclipse. If you have some you don't need to keep, drop them off at the office by May 15, and we'll add yours to our envelope.
Photos Needed!
Just a reminder to send in your photos for the directory. The directory lists each person individually, so a picture of each adult is preferred. However, we can split a photo if necessary. Send them to
Good Grief Group
Grief Group will be held Wednesday, May 8 and 22, and June 5, from 10:00 - 11:30 am. Please contact Judy DeLillo at 720-935-0851 with any questions.
Events at UCN
- "Qi Gong and Tai Chi" is held most Saturdays at 11 am in the Fellowship Hall. Call Diane at
307-763-0903 for details. First class is free for UCN members. - There will be one Wisconsin Singer Songwriter concert at UCN in May. Go to for details.
- Al-Anon meetings, offering recovery for families and friends of alcoholics and drug addicts, are held every Tuesday morning at 8:30 am in the Clara Barton room and online.
Thank you for supporting the groups that use our facilities.
Community Events
The Sienna Retreat Center in Racine has plenty of events and activities, including a Forest Therapy session on May 19. Information at:
* Calendar
Calendar through May 12
Meetings are held via Zoom, unless stated.
- Saturday, May 4, 11:00 am: Al Lustig Celebration of Life
- Sunday, May 5: RE Classes (Betsy Muellenbach)
- Sunday, May 5, 11:30 am: First Sunday Lunch (Jane Cartwright)
- Monday, May 6, 7:00 pm: Building Committee (Brian Bunzel)
- Wednesday, May 8, 10:00 am: Good Grief Group (Judy DeLillo)
- Thursday, May 9, 6:30 pm: Sunday Services (Julie Konik)
- Thursday, May 9, 6:30 pm: Capital Campaign (Ed Ahrenhoerster)
- Saturday, May 11, 10:00 am: Conversation with the Minister
- Sunday, May 12, 11:30 am: Social Justice (Leigh Hoftiezer)
- Monday, May 13, 1-6 pm: Blood Drive - Fellowship Hall (Sherri Mounts)
- Monday, May 13, 6:30 pm: RE Committee (Betsy Muellenbach)
- Thursday, May 16, 6:00 pm: Membership Meeting (Dan Lusk)
- Saturday, May 18, 9 am-3 pm: Scout Building Project - lower level
- Sunday, May 18: RE Classes (Betsy Muellenbach)
- Sunday, May 19: Annual Congregational Meeting (Ed Ahrenhoerster)
The monthly calendar for UCN events, not including rentals, can be seen on our website at:
Please remember to contact Lyn,, to reserve rooms for your meetings, rehearsals, ceremonies, etc. To hold an event or ceremony at UCN, contact Lyn for date availability, facilities use forms, and answers to your questions.
All church committee meetings are open; visitors are welcome. Contact the committee chair (listed on the calendar above) for details or to receive the zoom info for a meeting. For information on classes and groups that meet at UCN, as well as future meeting and event dates, please see the website,, or call the office, 262-375-3890.
* Reminders
Service and UUA Information
Service Assistants are needed for Sunday Services. Please contact Julie Konik ( if you can help.
The Sunday Services Zoom Team is looking "for a few good zoom hosts." Please contact Gerry Schmitz or Dan Lusk if interested.
Sunday Announcements: If you would like to have an announcement read at the service, please prepare it using the Spoken Announcement Guidelines, and send it to Joy Schroeder ( or Julie Konik ( or that Sunday's Service Assistant by the FRIDAY BEFORE the service, and they will relay it to the worship assistant.
- Reserving the Projector: If you will need the projector for a given date, please remember to sign the “Projector Reservation Signup List” on the clipboard on the table outside the office in the north lobby.
- UU Women's Connection offers retreats, newsletters and resources for women:
- You are encouraged to subscribe to MidAmerica Region's newsletter, News page. More information at .
- Join us June 20 - 23 for an all-virtual General Assembly 2024. For information, go to
General Information
Becoming a Member of UCN is very easy. Simply make a pledge of record, sign our Membership Book, and provide contact information for our records. We also provide New to UU and UCN Classes in the Spring and Fall. It is not necessary to attend the classes, however they are very informative, providing information about Unitarian Universalism and our church (its history and how it operates). For more information, you can contact Dan Lusk (262-234-9406).
Rev. Scott will never ask you to buy a gift card for him. Please don't fall for these scams.
- Caring Circle: a group of people who may be willing to bring meals, help with transportation, make visits, pick up groceries, etc. for members and friends of UCN in temporary need. Sign up at church or virtually:
First Aid Kits are located near the elevators on each level. Each kit is in a white box and mounted on the wall. AED Machines are near the first aid kits. If you have any questions, please contact Brian Bunzel, Building Committee Chair, at (262) 573-0045 or
Are you or someone you know in need of help with basic food supplies? The Family Sharing food pantry is here when you need us. Our Mobile Pantry travels to locations in northern and southern Ozaukee. We also offer in-person shopping and deliver groceries to senior living complexes. Call us for more information. 262-377-0634 x125.
UCN is now able to accept donations via PayPal.
Food Barrel: Don’t forget to grab a food item out of your pantry for the food barrel as you leave for church. Donations go to the Ozaukee Food Alliance.
Scrip Fundraiser: Scrip Cards are still a great way to support UCN. Use cards for carryout or online purchase with ScripNow!. There are 3 ways to buy or reload your cards: ScripNow! (Pay online, use online or in person), PrestoPay (buy or reload cards) or at UCN. If you have a special request or questions about Scrip, contact Mark Muellenbach. To sign up, use the code for UCN: 1F3EE5A9248LL
If you order from and tell them UCN recommended them, UCN will earn a $50 gift card.
Support Black-Owned businesses: "MKE Black" offers a list of Black-owned businesses you can reference:
If you would like to donate directly to Family Promise, the only shelter for homeless people in Ozaukee County, please send your donation to them, with “UCN Member” written in the memo line. This will give UCN credit for the donation. Their address is: Family Promise of Ozaukee County, 136 W. Grand Ave., Port Washington, WI 53074.
The Social Justice Committee has an OPT-IN email list for anyone who would like to be notified on short notice to provide a physical presence at social justice activities. Please contact Sherryl Andrus,, to be added to the list.
Monthly Fellowship Gatherings
UUsOutToLunch meets on the first Wednesday of every month at noon, and sometimes at suppertime during daylight savings time. Couples, singles, men & women are all welcome, long-term commitment or not. Each month, a different member of the group takes the responsibility of choosing a restaurant at which to meet and eat, and emails the rest of the group with the particulars as to what and where, requesting yay or nay from the emailed recipient, so that reservations can be made if required. Join us! Email
First Sunday Lunch: Join us after the service in the Fellowship Hall for lunch and fellowship on the first Sunday of the month, November through June.
UUs Coffee & Conversation (Ladies' Lunch & Levity) meets on the third Monday of every month at Mequon Fiddleheads, 10530 Port Washington Rd. Stop in anytime between 12:00 and 1:30 for something to eat, a good cuppa, and chewy conversation. We meet in the back room.
* Submitting Content for our Publications
Please submit articles for the Northliner to To keep the Northliner from becoming cumbersome to read, you are encouraged to keep these articles short, and to run them only twice. The deadline for submitting articles is every Thursday at noon. Items submitted later might not be proofed for errors or published.
Please contact Todd Zumach ( to submit articles for our website.
* Contact Information and Links
Minister, Rev. Scott Alexander: cell phone (preferred): 772-359-0602. Office phone: 262-375-4748. Email: . Rev. Scott will generally be in the pulpit the first three Sundays of the month and in his office the first two weeks of the month.
UCN Office Hours: Tuesday through Friday, 9 am to 2:30 pm. Contact Lyn at 262-375-3890 or The office is closed for holidays and bad weather. Please do not reply to the Northliner; we do not receive messages sent to, but if you are having trouble receiving the Northliner, please add that address to your contact list.
Information on our Share the Plate Recipient
For more information about UCN, see our website or call the office at
Unitarian Church North
Location: 13800 N. Port Washington Road, Mequon, WI, 53097 USA
Phone: 262-375-3890