
MLE News - What's Happening!!!!
I hope everyone is enjoying their Monday. Join us on Facebook for quick updates, reminders, etc. you can join us by clicking HERE. or a flyer with the QR code was sent home last week.
Tutoring AM & PM Opportunities
Tutoring (for all students that are Tier 3 on iRips)
Before School (virtual): Tuesday's and Thursday's (8:15 - 8:45am)
- Sign-up HERE
After School (in person): Monday's and Wednesday's (4:00 - 4:30 pm)
- Sign-up HERE
Migrant Ed. Tutoring (by invitation ONLY)
After School: Monday, Wednesday, & Friday (4:00-4:35pm)
- if you have any questions please reach out to Mrs. Anderson alicyn.anderson@matsuk12.us
Parent Volunteers
A Big Thank You to Our Amazing Volunteers!
First and foremost, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who takes the time to volunteer in our classrooms. Your support makes such a difference for our students and staff!
To help ensure a smooth and productive experience for everyone, here are a few friendly reminders for our volunteers:
Coordinate with Your Teacher
Please work with the teacher to set up a schedule that works for everyone. This helps the teacher plan ahead and have everything ready for you, keeping the classroom running smoothly.Maintain a Professional Environment
To help students stay focused, we ask that volunteers keep side conversations to a minimum and focus on working with the students assigned to you. Additionally, please remember to use kid-friendly language and maintain appropriate physical boundaries (e.g., if a child wants a hug, it’s okay to gently redirect to a high-five or fist bump).Beginning/End of day
- We love volunteers and we want parents to come in classrooms but with that said the beginning and end of each day is a busy time for greeting and/or dismissing students. We ask that unless you have pre-arranged visits during these times that you wait in the lobby area or contact the teacher via email/class dojo/etc. if you want to schedule a meeting before or after school.
Thank you for your commitment to creating a positive and productive learning environment for our students. We couldn’t do it without you!
Dates to look forward to
Monday - January 20th - MLK Jr Observance - No School
Monday - 2/10 - Parent/Teacher Conferences - No School for students
Monday - 2/17 - Parent /Teacher Conferences - No School for students
Friday - 3/7 - 3/16 Spring Break
Monday - 3/17 - School Resumes
Winter is here.....
This is a reminder to send your students in appropriate gear. If you need help getting gear please reach out to your childs teacher or the school nurse. Students are expected to go outside to a temperature of -10.
Notes from the Nurse
Nurse Hannah is back. The Human Growth and Development lessons have been rescheduled for February 20th and the 21st. Permission slips were sent home, please reach out to Nurse Hannah if you did not receive one from your child/children.
Title Information
We are still missing quite a few of these forms. Teachers will be reaching out to you as this helps support our students here at MLE. Some of you filled these out at conferences but if you did not please take a moment to fill out this form for each child as it helps in determining our CEP eligibility (free breakfast/lunch). If you have already filled one out you do not need to do another but one does need to be completed for EACH child that attends MLE.
Job Opportunities
MLE currently has a few positions open. If you are interested in working at our amazing school please apply HERE.
Currently we have 3 - 0.875 Positions available - Tutor Advisor Position and 2 Paraprofessional Position. We would love to have you join our team while helping our community excel.
Playground Behavior
This is just a reminder to talk with your child/children about the difference between play at home and play at school. At school it is important that we keep our hands to ourselves and no rough housing. What may seem fun and harmless can end up hurting others unintentionally. Students are starting to play a little too rough. In addition, we are having some issues with our older students using inappropriate language out at recess. Please discuss with your children that we need to be respectful of those around us and some of the things that are being said are not things we say at school (especially elementary school). Our recess monitors do an amazing job watching our kiddos and keeping them safe but they cannot physically be everywhere all at once, so being safe and respectful of others is a priority.
Bus Riders
Just a reminder while riding the bus, students need to follow the directions of the bus driver. The bus drivers responsibility is to keep your children safe. Students will have assigned seating on buses and the expectation is that they are not distracting the driver and staying in their seats. Please reiterate this at home. We have kids with allergies, please remind your students that we cannot eat on the bus, if students are given permission to do so by the bus driver the expectation is that they are cleaning up after themselves. Students should not be using devices on the bus, there are many reasons for this rule, if you have questions please reach out to Mrs. Milwicz in the office. If students are not following expected behavior or using devices they may be written up by the bus driver. Bus expectation information can be found HERE.
Lunch Menu for the month of January
*Not sure why 1/30 is blank on the menu but I checked again today and it is still blank so I will have to ask our cafeteria staff if they know what we are having that day and I will just announce over the intercom in the morning.
After-School Activities & Tutoring
If activities are cancelled we will let you know as soon as we can.
Tutoring (for all students that are Tier 3 on iRips)
Before School (virtual): Tuesday's and Thursday's (8:15 - 8:45am)
- Sign-up HERE
After School (in person): Monday's and Wednesday's (4:00 - 4:30 pm)
- Sign-up HERE
Migrant Ed. Tutoring (by invitation ONLY)
After School: Monday, Wednesday, & Friday (4:00-4:35pm)
- if you have any questions please reach out to Mrs. Anderson alicyn.anderson@matsuk12.us
Battle of the Books
Grade 5 - Tuesday in the library until 5:30pm
Grades 3-4 - Wednesday in the library until 5:30pm
Yearbook Club
(will update this information Tuesday morning)
Art Club
Wednesday until 5:00pm
Monday & Wednesday until 5:00pm
Tuesday & Thursday until 5:00pm
Good News Club
Thursday's until 5:00pm
Responsibility Focus: Responsibility Chart
This week we are focusing on Self-Control. What is self-control? How do you expect your kiddos to control themselves when they are excited, angry, or sad? The more we can model what we expect the easier it will be for our kiddos to understand and mimic those expectations, causing less frustration at home and at school. When your child is feeling a little "extra" in any category, try sitting down with them and sharing what your expectations are so they can apply it to future feelings.
School -Wide Skills: CHAMPS
We will focus on Activities. We will focus on our expectations when students are involved in different activities. Teachers will model these expectations and students will model them for each other. How can you model for your children what specific chores should look like when they are completed correctly? What does a clean room look like? How do we sweep the floor or vacuum? What does taking out the trash look like? Do we have to grab all the dishes out of our rooms or just the easy ones?
Teacher and Staff Updates
Spirit Wear
MLE's colors are teal and purple. We encourage students to wear school colors on Friday's. Each Friday we collect the percentage of kids with school spirit and the classroom with the highest participation rate gets the lynx in their classroom.
OPTIONAL: To order Spirit Wear you can go to Meadow Lakes Elementary School Lynx Custom Apparel and Merchandise - SpiritShop.com
School Closure/Delayed Start Reminders
Looming winter weather is a reminder that it is the commitment of MSBSD and Meadow Lakes Elementary to keep as many students in-person learning as safely as possible, as many days as possible.
All delays and closures by region (MLE is Region 5) will be posted on the district website, linked here.
A reminder that at this point in time the MSBSD is no longer doing Remote Learning days. If their is a school closure students will not be expected to log in or complete work, however, as parents/guardians you are always welcome to have your children continue working on skills like reading or math facts as you see fit.
Technology Support
StopiT: A new way to keep our kids safe - Here is the link to the parent video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hpg-bli0xas
It takes a team and you are all appreciated,
Marci Milwicz (Principal)
(907)352 - 6100 (office)
(907)352- 6107 (direct line)
Kasia Heinert (Assistant Principal)
(907) 352-6149 (direct line)