Oak Leaf Weekly Update
River Oak Charter School
8th graders on their week long voyage to Santa Cruz!
News for 2022-23 School Year
In order for all grades to have specialty classes, our staff needed to create a new schedule that allows for all students to experience classes such as art, handwork, music and painting.
For the 2022-23 school year, we are changing the drop off and pick up schedule so our teachers can provide specialty classes. We know this calls for an adjustment, therefore, we are planning for changes in our fee schedule for aftercare before the new school year. Below is the schedule change, and more information will be coming this summer about the aftercare changes:
**Kindergarten has no change to drop off an dismissal times**
Start Time Changes:
1-3 Grades start @ 8:10am
4-8 Grades start @ 8:20am
Dismissal Changes:
1-3 Grades 2:05pm
4-8 Grades 3:05pm
Wednesdays: ALL Grades 1:05pm
Class 6 Knighting Ceremony
"The world needs men and women
Who cannot be bought;
Whose word is their bond;
Who put character above wealth;
Who will make no compromise with wrong.
Whose ambitions are not confined to their own selfish desires;
Who are true to their friends through good and bad,
Who are not ashamed or afraid to stand for the truth."
The sixth grade completed their knighting projects which included community service, an essay, making a sword and shield, and inward reflection on virtues that live strongly in them as well as some that need cultivation. Students were knighted by their queen Mrs. Martinez, in a ceremony Tuesday evening, as they pledged to honor and serve their community, protect those weaker than themself, and commimitt to strive to nurture virtues such as respect, discipline, honesty, and bravery. In closing the class recited this poem, which Mrs. Martinez said touched many of them deeply.
Class 4 Violin Recital
What an amazing group of 4th graders! Most of them were so excited to learn violin this year and I will forever will be grateful for the opportunity to teach them. I am so proud of their performance on Friday, they were so focused and played beautifully. They performed Twinkle star and a French folk song both written for first and second violin!
Thank you for entrusting me to teach them!
Reminder- Lost and Found needs to be claimed!!
Upcoming Events
- 5/31-6/2 Minimum Days
- 5/31 Faculty vs. 8th-grade Volleyball @ 1:00 pm
- 5/31 Class 3 Play @ 6:00 pm
- 6/1 8th Grade Graduation @ 6:00 pm
- 6/2 Last Day of School- Rose Ceremony @8:30 am
River Oak Charter School
Website: https://www.riveroakcharterschool.org/
Location: 555 Leslie Street, Ukiah, CA, USA
Phone: 707-467-1855