WMS Friday Forecast
May 31, 2024

From the Principal
Dear RedHawk Parents & Guardians:
And that is what we saw from our RedHawks this year.
We saw strong growth in reading and math. We noticed students taking new risks. And we saw them grow taller and smarter. We blinked, and they grew.
We are proud of your kids! We will miss our 8th graders and wish them the best in high school and beyond. We will welcome some students coming from Thompson and say goodby (for now) to some students moving to Thompson. And we say farewell to our retirees, Mr. Banaz (band), Mr. Hiblrick (psychologic), and Mrs. Salmon (para-educator). We also say farewell to Miss Tyska, who is moving to a school closer to her home, and Mrs. Breinten, who is moving.
Next year, I start my final year before I retire. I want to make it my best. and that means I will need your help to do it. Let's continue to partner together to make Wredling an outstanding middle school.
Enjoy your summer!
8th Grade Awards
Congratulations to all our 8th Grade RedHawks who are moving on to high school! We wish them well in their future endeavors. A special shout out to the following students who received recognition during the 8th Grade Awards assembly.
Christian Alakkatt
Ellis Amezotchi
Hayden Bastian
Kayla Beu
Ved Bhagat
Miles Dill
Ryyhan Essani
Peyton Fraser
Dweny Geeth
Brynn Gibbard
Avriana Hudock
Chloe Mallon
Lilianne Merrell
Sylvia Norris Pizarro
Allan Pixton
Jayden Roy Quines
Milan Sanchala
Riya Shah
Hannah Stone
Brooklyn Thompson
Khai Todd
Hayley Wright
Emma Paige Wright
Zoe Zars
Chloe Mallon - French
Joa Ji - German
Evan Zenker - Spanish
Connor Prestage - Spanish
Owen Zehelein - Winters
Jordan Bentham
Brianna Leycock
Jarratt Tisch
Micah Michaels
Avery Coffin
Krish Thakkar
Aarush Parikh
Micah Michaels
Connor Dell
Blake Johnson
Cooper Guvenoz
Chloe Mallon
Riya Shah - Cover Design
Jon Speciale - Managing Editor
Hayley Wright
Khai Todd
Kiki Furmanek
Wyatt Conforti
Mady Walker - Spirit Award
Jack Bongard - Spirit Award
Trevor Steinkellner - Most Improved Musician
Brooke Thompson - Most Improved Musician
Emma Wright - Most Improved Musician
MaKenna Dorman - Most Helpful
Dweny Geeth - Most Helpful
Parker Lee - Director's Award
Sylvia Norris - Director's Award
Krishna Poruri - Director's Award
Emma Paige Wright (Oboe) - Band Director's Award
Piper Oge (Flute) - Band Director's Award
Giovanna Turi (Clarinet) - Band Director's Award
Natalie Rubin (Alto Saxophone) - Jazz Director's Award
Hunter Hayes (Drumset) - Jazz Director's Award
Mairead Carlson
Gabriel Lotfi
Nora Potts
Taylor Scheifele
Zoe Zars
Nora Potts - Actor
Mae Lumpp - Tech
Brooklyn Schilb
Rowan Slovick
Dweny Geeth
Jacob Bear - RISE Team
Zoe Zars - Infinity Team
David Rodriguez - Team 8-1
Saanvi Thakker - Team 8-1
Jarratt Tisch - Team 8-2
Ava Fabiano - Team 8-2
Adley Wilson - Team 8-3
Brooklyn Thompson - Team 8-3
Alex Lindley - Team 8-4
Rishi Patel - Team 8-4
John Speciale
Max Thunder
Riya Shah
Miles Dill
John Tanig
8th Grade Awards Assembly Replay
Dear D303 Parents/Guardians
A change to the D303 Board of Education policy, aligned with the Illinois School Code, requires that students who complete a high school course in middle school receive credit on their high school transcript. This change benefits students by recognizing their advanced academic achievements.
Students taking a high school course in middle school will receive credit for this course on their high school transcript, and their grade in the course will also be included in their high school grade point average. This includes Algebra I, Honors Geometry, Honors Biology, World Language Courses, and High School Project Lead the Way (PLTW), Introduction to Engineering Design.
Please contact Tina King, Senior Director Of Learning and Teaching, with questions at tina.king@d303.org or 331-228-5845.
Notes from the Office
School Supplies for 2024-2025 School Year
SchoolToolBox.com - This is the fastest and easiest way to get school supplies shipped directly to you! If you prefer to shop yourself, you can find our school supply lists on the Wredling website towards the bottom of this page.
We often get calls asking which box(es) to order as the School Tool Box website can be a little overwhelming.
Generally, the school supplies you will need are in the GRADE BOX at each level (6th Grade Box, 7th Grade Box, 8th Grade Box)
If your child is enrolled in Infinity or RISE, you would pick that box for the appropriate grade level INSTEAD of the Grade Box.
If your child is enrolled in Band/Choir/Orchestra you can also order the appropriate music box by grade level.
Explore/PLTW boxes are also available at each grade level depending upon which elective your child signed up for.
When in doubt… purchase ONLY the GRADE BOX
Notes from the Health Office
School Medication Disposal
Medications that were not picked up at the end of the school day May 30th, will be disposed of according to the D303 policy. This policy also does not allow medication to remain in the health office over the summer for the next school year. Epi-pens and inhalers can be sent home with students. Antihistamines can not be sent home with your child. Medication must be picked up by a parent or adult designee with the parent’s permission.
Looking ahead to the 2024-2025 school year, if your child requires medication or any action plans, your child will need new physician orders and action plans for the next school year. Forms can be found under Health Services on the D303 website or linked directly here:
Make your appointments today with the physician, as these appointments fill up quickly!
School Physicals for the 2024-2025 School Year
Students entering 6th and 9th grade must submit evidence of a State of Illinois Certificate of Child Health Examination form . 6th graders are required to have one dose of the Tdap vaccine and one dose of the meningococcal vaccine (MCV4) on or after their 11th birthday. Also, students entering the 6th and 9th grade must submit evidence of a dental examination completed within 18 months prior to May 15th of that school year.
If your student is entering an Illinois school for the first time, evidence of a physical examination and a complete record of immunizations must be submitted within 30 days of their first day of school.
The health office is closed during the summer months. We will return for limited hours beginning in early August. Please contact me if there are new medical concerns for your child or if your child will need a health plan at school. Our email is Wms-Nurses@d303.org. Our fax number is 331-228-3707. If this number does not work, fax your paperwork to the main office at 331-228-3701.
Have a fun, healthy, and safe summer!
The Wredling Nurse Team
How to Register for Wredling Camps
1. Go to store.d303.org
2. Go to Wredling
3. Choose the sport you want to register for
4. Follow the steps
5. PLEASE MAKE SURE TO GET A SPORT PHYSICAL ASAP. Have a great summer and STAY Active!!
D303 Summer Strings Camp
Please visit the link in Pushcoin for more details! Summer Strings Registration
SCN Girls Basketball
Chess Camp!
TIDE Water Polo Clinic
SCN Summer Camps
STCE Ultimate Frisbee
Click HERE to view the video
D303 Community Backpack
Events & Activities from the surrounding Community
Wredling Middle School - Home of the RedHawks
Website: wredling.d303.org
Location: 1200 Dunham Road, St. Charles, IL, USA
Phone: 331-228-3700
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WredlingMiddleSchoolD303
Twitter: @WredlingD303