Principal's Message
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Hola Tigres!
Dear Georgia Brown Family,
Thank you for an amazing fiesta last Thursday! It was a wonderful event where our Georgia Brown Family enjoyed time together. We estimate that we had about 600 attendees, and it was truly a joy to see everyone come together. This event was made possible thanks to our dedicated parents, PTO, and staff. Your support and involvement are what make Georgia Brown such a fantastic community. Looking forward to more great events ahead!
Red Ribbon Week
LCAP Survey
We are seeking site representatives to participate in our LCAP Parent Advisory Committee this year. The first LCAP meeting will be on November 18th at 5:00 p.m. in the District Office Board Room. Please complete the survey if you are interested in being Georgia Brown's representative in the LCAP Advisory Committee.
Georgia Brown Survey~ Uniforms
I wanted to provide you with an update on the ongoing discussions around a potential uniform policy. First and foremost, I want to emphasize that the decision to move forward with a uniform policy is a school-based decision, not a district-wide initiative. This is something that Georgia Brown's parents have initiated and we are working to gather input to determine if there is enough parent interest to move forward.
Last year, a survey was sent out to gauge interest in discussing a uniform policy. At that time, there was a strong interest expressed. However, we currently have fewer than 100 responses, and in order to move forward, we need to see nearly 100% of the Georgia Brown parent community complete the survey, with at least 90% indicating a desire to do so.
The survey will remain open for the next 2 weeks, and the final results will be communicated on November 1st. I encourage you to take a few minutes to complete the survey and share your thoughts on this important matter. Thank you for your time and consideration. If you have any further questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out.
PTO News
PTO Survey
Last call to fill out the PTO survey for staff and parents! Winners of the Starbucks Gift Cards will be drawn next week!
5th Grade Science Camp
We are excited to welcome back the tradition of sending our 5th grade class to science camp at Camp Keep By the Sea! To learn more about Camp Keep and the wonderful opportunities our 5th graders will have, please visit: See the attached flyer and stay tuned for more information to follow regarding sponsorship and fundraising opportunities! If you want to get involved with sending out 5th graders, please contact PTO at
Parent University Session on the Seal of Biliteracy
Parent University Session on the Seal of Biliteracy. During this session, I will also discuss the Biliteracy Pathway Recognitions for 6th and 8th graders in the DI program. The Seal of Biliteracy is available to any senior who demonstrates proficiency in two or more languages. It's never too early to start considering this recognition as we continue to encourage the benefits of bilingualism and multilingualism.
Message from Subdirectora Topjian
Attendance Winners
Maestra Quintana's class had 98.5% attendance this week! Thank you for being here every day!
Spirit Wear Winner
Maestra Zepeda and Maestra Delgado had the highest percentage of spirit wear! Way to go Tigers!
Spanish Speaking Countries Door Decorations
As mention previously, our classes have been working on learning about different Spanish speaking countries. Check out the pictures below of the door decorations they did!
Volunteer Packets
I am pleased to inform you that Volunteer Packets are now available online. If you have not yet completed a volunteer packet and wish to volunteer, please take a moment to complete the packet linked below. Please note, if you plan to volunteer over 20 hours during the school year or participate in field trips, you will need to be fingerprinted. Thank you for your commitment to our students and school!
Canned Food Drive
Coming up...
- Red Ribbon Week
- ELAC Meeting in the Library at 6:00 PM
- Veterans Day- No School
- Dismissal at 1:15 for k-3rd and 1:25 for 4th-6th
- Culture, Climate, and Community Committee @ 3:00
- Lunch with Your Tiger k-2nd (More info to come)
- Pastries With Parent- PTO 7:00-8:00 AM
- PTO Meeting @ 5:30 PM
- Lunch with Your Tiger for 3rd-6th (More info to come)
- Thanksgiving Break