Wednesday Folder
January 29, 2025
Good News!
It looks like we are one step closer in getting our leak repaired. Gas will remain off to the building until it is completely resolved and cleared by the city.
Lunch Update
We will continue to offer a hot meal along with the Deli Bag and Yogurt Combo for the remainder of this week while they finalize fixing our leak.
Thursday's Hot Meal Option: 5 count Chic-Fila-A nuggets (we will not be able to offer extra entrees so that we can have an accurate count for all of the lunches).
Friday's Hot Meal Option: Breakfast For Lunch
Thank you for your continued patience and support!
Kids Heart Challenge Update
Happy Wednesday Heart Heroes!
Can you believe we are almost at the end of January??? Maybe you feel like it should be January 54th by now?! Either way, you are doing an incredible job with your campaign, and we appreciate the passion you have for all things heart health! Thank you for being such wonderful heroes to so many!
So here is the LATEST:
Last year Carroll Elementary raised $34,950 online, had 284 kids online and 59 students to complete Finn’s Mission. As of 12PM today, you have $26,206 online, 297 kids learning heart healthy behaviors online, and 63 students who have completed Finn’s Mission! You are only $8,744 away from last year and you still have 9 days to go! SO EXCITING!
Principal Wagnon…don’t forget our Principal Challenge goal to get half of your student enrollment registered! We currently have 297 students registered, and we want to get to 305. Once you reach this number, your school will receive a BONUS $500 in US Games certificates. Keep up the GREAT work!
School Starts at 7:40. Tardy Bell Rings at 7:40
Hello! we need your help with our growing number of students who are tardy in the a.m. We understand that traffic has been heavy and we are asking that you please leave your house a little earlier to help get your students here on time. If the front doors are closed, you will need to walk your student to the front office and sign them in. Please remember to bring your license with you. SW
Lost & Found
As the mornings continue to grow cooler, please be sure to label your child's jackets. We already have many lost jackets and sweaters. : )
Important January Dates
1/30 - 100th Day of School
1/31 - 101 Days of School
Dragon Dads Breakfast!
News From Encore!
January Birthdays!
1/3 - Jeni Walthall
1/5 - Heather Tatum (1/2 birthday)
1/7 - LaDonna Heath (1/2 Birthday)
1/8 - Kyndall Daniel (1/2 Birthday)
1/10 - Kristin Billingsley & Debbie Sheffield (1/2 Birthday)
1/11 - Carrie Fielder (1/2 Birthday)
1/13 - Linda Reusch
1/14 - Alexis Bonus
1/19 - Ann LaBarge (1/2 Birthday)
1/20 - Madison Ellis
1/21 - Allison Valeriano (1/2 Birthday) and Emma Moore
1/23 - Shana Lane
1/25 - Lisa Peipert (1/2 Birthday) & Kila Babcock (1/2 Birthday)
1/30 - Luann Moffett & Rachel Smith (Turner)
Reminder! If your child is absent - PLEASE CONTACT THE OFFICE!
***Please only use this for attendance reporting! If there is a change in transportation, please call the office and or email your child's teacher if it is before noon.
You can call the office at 817-949-4300 ORAsk the Principal!
Safety and Security
We are excited to inform you that our school has enrolled with STOPit!
STOPit is an online reporting tool designed to deter and mitigate bullying, cyber abuse, and other inappropriate behaviors, consisting of an app and a back-end incident management system for school administrators.
More information and resources can be found online at stopitsolutions.com.
Ways to Connect with Carroll Elementary
Email: stacy.wagnon@southlakecarroll.edu
Website: https://www.southlakecarroll.edu/Domain/8
Location: 1705 West Continental Boulevard, Southlake, TX, USA
Phone: 817-949-4300
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1569009640030962
Twitter: @CESSouthlake
District & News Information
Make sure to sign up for the Dragon eBlast, a district communication with all of the latest news, updates and announcements! Also follow the district social media accounts to see all the latest happenings within Carroll ISD: