Week of August 26, 2024
A Note from our Principal:
A lot of things have been going on at FCMS lately. We now have the fall sports teams underway
including cross country, football, dance energy, cheerleading, and volleyball.
Our recent back to school dance was a huge success with close to 300 students attending in grades 6, 7, and 8 from all schools in Franklin County. This was the first time FCMS has opened its doors to all students in the county for a dance. The kids had a great time “shaking a leg” and having dance competitions led by our dance ceremony master, Mr. Sherwood.
Our transportation department has worked out the first day kinks and is now running
buses efficiently. Students have now realized that they can actually get to their lockers and to class in time for their next class to begin. The stress level is slowly fading away.
A big SHOUT OUT goes out to the staff for helping students with getting acclimated to their surroundings and to our students who have been resilient during the first few weeks of school. Thank you all for making FCMS the very best!
Trent Liggett
This week in Athletics:
Cross Country
Monday 8/26 6:00pm @ Greensburg
The whole team crossed the finished line with 7 achieving personal bests!
Thursday 8/29 6:00pm vs. Rushville
Tuesday 8/27 5:30 @ St. Michael's 7th grade Won!
Thursday 8/29 5:30 vs. Rushville
Back to School Dance ft. DJ Fresherwood
Friday night FCMS welcomed all 6-8th graders in the county to join us for a back to school dance! Students and staff danced to music played by special guest DJ, Mr. Sherwood. Students also enjoyed playing cornhole in the cafeteria. Special thank you to Mrs. Kercheval for offering concessions for the students.
From Mrs. Edwards's FACS Classes:
Grilled Cheese always tastes good on a Friday morning. Creating Banana Trifles is sweet as well. It is a joy cooking with students. Some of the students have been cooking for a while and others, this is their first time to cook. Regardless of their skill or knowledge, cooking with your friends and learning something new is always a win!
7th grade made Banana Trifles!
8th grade made Grilled Cheese Sandwiches!
We are putting together a livestock skillathon team and a soils judging team for the middle school FFA. If any students are interested in participating, please see Mrs. Riffle this week for more information.
FFA Members and families are needed to help run the gates at the Antique Machinery Show on September 28-29, they need to check their emails for a link to sign up!
September 14 - 6:30 - 9:30 PM - Free Barn Dance at the FC 4-H Fairgrounds (Food, Games, Dance) - All are welcome to attend.
September 17 - District 12 FFA Kick Off Event at South Ripley after school- sign ups start on September 3. Transportation is provided.
From Mrs. Riffle:
The Exploring Ag and Intro to Ag students spent class Friday at the FFA Kick-Off Meetings with the FCHS ag students. They learned about upcoming FFA events then played games and enjoyed some ice cream!
From Mrs. Smith's Social Studies:
In Ms. Smith's class last week, we started discussing the Age of Exploration and what it was like to be a European explorer headed for the new world. We simulated life aboard a boat headed to the New World by randomly assigning roles aboard, discussing our duties aboard, coming up with our explorer names, and examining aspects of life like the food we would eat and the illnesses we could contract. In the image attached, this is my 3rd period class in their groups based on their roles discussing what their duties would be.
Our second week in FCA we had a total of 28 teachers and students in attendance. Students enjoyed homemade treats while learning about the story of Daniel and his unwavering faith in God--even when he faced being thrown into a den of hungry lions.
Students also discussed bullying in relation to the events of the story, connected it to their real lives, and then discussed ways to stand up for themselves and others when or if an incident occurs in the future.