Spartan News
November 2024

Lagos Elementary School January 2025
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Welcome 2025
Spartan families,
Looks like we are starting off 2025 with an Artic blast! I guess that will definitely get us up and moving!
As we start this new year, you may see a new face in the front office. Please welcome Ms Lenington to our team. We are also welcoming a couple of other staff members to our campus. Ms Ware has joined our special education team and Ms Melannie Martinez has joined us as a new 2nd grade teacher! We are excited to have all of them serving alongside us.
As always, we encourage you to get involved and feel comfortable on campus. There are many things that you can help with. See the section below that details possible ways you can participate on campus. Connect with Ms Steele to hear about how you can get involved!
Please keep an eye on the weather and dress your children appropriately. If you are in need of warm clothing, please reach out to our parent liaison, Ernesta Steele, for assistance. We want everyone to be warm :) This is also a good time to remind everyone that the doors to the school do NOT open until 7:00. Please don't drop off your children before 7:00 and make them stand in freezing temperatures.
The district will be watching the weather and will keep us posted on any possible changes. For now, we are planning on having school from Wednesday through Friday.
Wishing us all a year of health and happiness,
Ms Parker
Thank you to those families who already took time to send in a shout out! We read them at our last staff meeting and handed the teachers a certificate. They were so excited. Keep them coming!
Also, remember that our front office, our custodians and our kitchen staff are all supporting your children each day. Show them some love too :)
I am blessed to hear so many nice things about our campus and our staff. But, the teachers and staff need to hear it too! Here is your opportunity to tell them how amazing you think they are!
Take a moment to fill out this form and tell us who you want to thank or give a shout out. We will take your comments and turn them into a nice certificate to post on the teacher's door! What a nice surprise for a teacher!
Thank you for taking time to make someone feel special.
News from our Lagos ES PTA
Happy New Year!
We are so proud to announce that Lagos now has a full PTA board! We will use this space to help promote PTA news and information each month. To show you how dedicated the PTA board is, they have been collaborating over the holiday and have arranged to welcome teachers back with a light breakfast and hot coffee! So amazing to see them working behind the scenes to get started.
Here is your PTA board:
- President: Ms. Domeshia Dickson
- Vice President: Mr. Vicente Colunga
- Treasurer: Ms Monet McMorris
- Secretary: Ms Charlotte Nelson
They are still looking for parents to join PTA and to help lead committees for things like fundraisers and special events. Stay tuned for more information on how you can participate!
Need Volunteers!
Please consider supporting our students and staff! Connect with Ms Steele, our parent liaison, to hear about how you can volunteer on campus!
Opportunities to help:
- be a crossing guard at arrival and dismissal
- unload cars and greet students in the morning
- with supervision in the cafeteria
- with game time on the stage in the cafeteria
- tutor students in basic math, reading and learning letters /sounds
- teachers during science lab times
- in the office to greet and check in parents on awards days
- in our library
- help with our garden
- facilitate games at recess
We need you!!!
Monthly Fire Drill
Dear Manor ISD Caregiver,
The week of Jan 13 - 16, we will participate in a safety drill. In the event of an actual emergency situation, caregivers will be notified. Please ensure that your contact information is updated in Skyward Family Access.
Manor ISD participates in the following drills throughout the year as part of our ongoing student safety initiatives.
Fire drill/evacuation
If you have any questions, contact the Manor ISD Police Department via phone at 512-278-4398 or email at
This month we will practice a fire drill.
Front doors open at 7:00
Please remember that the front doors do not open until 7:00. Unfortunately, we do not have enough staff members to open the front doors any earlier. This means that no one is watching children left outside by themselves and as the temperature drops into the 20s, 30s and 40s, this may be uncomfortable and unsafe.
Remember that almost everyone has access to our school buses so students can stay warm and be supervised until they come in to eat breakfast.
If you are interested in volunteering to supervise and be responsible for children who are left unattended before 7:00, please contact the front office so we can show you where to apply to be a volunteer. We happily welcome your support!
Spartan Events
- Jan 6: Staff PD day
- Jan 7: Teacher planning day
- Jan 8: Students return to school 😎
- Jan 13: Coffee with the Principal, 3:15 in the library
- Jan 20: No school
- Jan 21: Wear Tie-dye clothes
- Jan 22: Wear polka dots
- Jan 23: Wear blue for peace (It is peace week)
- Jan 24: Dress like your future career!
- Jan 24: 2nd 9-week Awards Ceremonies. Teachers will send additional information.
- Feb 4: 100th Day of School!!
- Feb 5: Reading Interim 3-5 graders
- Feb 7: Class and Spring Photos
- Feb 11: Math Interim 3-5 Graders
- Feb 12: Science interim 5th Graders
- Feb 14: Party Day, 2:00-Teachers will send out more information
- Feb 17: No School
- Feb 18:
- TELPAS Testing begins for all Emergent Bilingual Students
- Fundraiser: Zoo Crew visits the school! More details coming later
Coffee with the Principal
Just a friendly reminder...
Come join us for the next Coffee with the Principal on
Monday, January 13 at 3:15.
Topics will include an update on PTA, a glance at the activities of the upcoming semester and maybe even a guest speaker.
A Spanish translator will be in attendance.
Stay Connected to the great things happening at Lagos!
Call the office & leave a message, 512-278-4360
Use your Talking Points App
Location: 11817 Murchison Street Manor, TX 78653
Phone: (512) 278-4360
Lagos Calendar
MISD Calendar