The Westgate Wire
August 26, 2022
Allie and I wish you a wonderful weekend!
A few reminders
- Dogs are not allowed on Westgate property during school hours. We ask that parents and visitors stand across the street and away from the easement or sidewalks given the number of students and people around Westgate at arrival and dismissal.
- Please be aware, Erikkson Engineering intends to begin the traffic study at Westgate on Tuesday August 30th before and after school. They will have several personnel outside onsite doing observations, taking traffic counts and also have a drone up in the air over the site taking photos of the general traffic flow.
- We are fortunate to have some wonderful 4th and 5th grade students who are serving as members of our safety patrol. They have been asked to help make Westgate a safe place. Please be supportive if they approach you or your child regarding a concern. They are only doing what Mrs. Yoder and I have asked them to do!
The playgrounds are closed to students other than those supervised by the CAP program before school. Students may play on the playground after school if they are supervised by a parent.
For those of you who watched the end of our Curriculum Night video, we hope you enjoyed our bloopers! Gotta love technology!
Mandatory Safety Drills
During the school year, we practice many safety drills with our students. In addition, classroom teachers review our emergency procedures with their students. This year in collaboration with AHPD and AHFD, our school-wide drills WILL be announced. Parents will also receive an email with detailed information before conducting any drill.
Our first fire drill will be held in early September. The Arlington Heights Fire Department will be present to observe the drill and evacuation.
Once a year, we will conduct a “lockdown” safety drill with all students. The “lockdown” is one of the routine safety drills we practice throughout the year, along with evacuation drills, shelter-in-place drills, and a bus evacuation drills. Students are prepared for this drill before the “lockdown” so they are not unnecessarily alarmed, and it will be announced. Officer O'Leary from the Arlington Heights Police Department will also be in attendance during our practice drill.
Seeking Recess Supervisors
Westgate is seeking Recess/Play supervisors from 12:40-1:10 on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesdays. Please reach out to Allie Yoder at, or 847.506.6802 if interested in further details. Thank you for your consideration!
Fun Fluency
It's not too late to register for the District's elementary world language option, Fun Fluency, for the 2022-2023 school year.
Fun Fluency will offer before or after-school instruction in Spanish and French for all elementary students who sign up. The fee for the year is $295 for one day a week instruction throughout 25 weeks.
For more information and to register for Fun Fluency, visit their website ( and check out your school's flyer below:
Feel free to reach out to the District's World Language Coordinator, Andrea Luessow (, with any questions.
Join PTA
PTA supports the students and families at Westgate. We encourage all families to become members and invite you to attend our PTA meetings. PTA Meetings will be held at 7:00 p.m. in the Westgate LMC (dates below). Parents also can attend remotely via Zoom (link to be shared at a later time). Below are the dates for our PTA Meetings.
Link to the membership application:
All members get a brand new (Our Westgate Wolverine Logo) car magnet.
Calling All Room Reps
Please fill out this form if you are interested in being a Room Rep for your child’s class this school year. Thank you in advance for volunteering, and you will be notified once all the positions have been filled.
Please note that your application does not guarantee you a spot as a Room Rep, as it will depend on the amount of interest there is. Reach out to Shelley Daley from PTA with questions.
Breakfast Available at school starting Monday, August 22nd
Breakfast is offered at your school this year! The cost of breakfast is $1.75. If you qualify for the free/reduced price meal program, you receive breakfast for free or a reduced price of $.30.
Students can enter the main doors starting at 8:45 am and grab a breakfast from the breakfast cart. Students will sit in the cafeteria to eat. Breakfast is open until 9 am. You can view the breakfast menu by downloading the Choosi App below or by visiting the Menu page of our district website (
Important Dates- New Information
- Back to School Block Party- 8/26
- No School- 9/5 and 9/26
- Picture Day-9/21
- Walk to School Day- 10/4
- No School-10/5 and 10/19
- Parent/Teacher Conferences-10/20 and 10/21
- Picture Retakes-10/25
- No School- 11/8 (Election Day)
- Fall Break-11/21-11/25
- Winter Break-12/23-1/9