Satz Weekly Buzz
Week of Feb. 3, 2025

Week-at-a-Glance 📆
Week of March, 10, 2025
Monday, March 10th - A Day
Tuesday, March 11th - B Day
Wednesday, March 12th - C Day
Thursday, March 13th - D Day
Friday, March 14th - A Day
7th Grade: Recess First
8th Grade: Lunch First
Upcoming Events
- SEPAC Mtg. - Wed. March 12th - 7:00 p.m. HHS Library
- Spring Sports Practices/Tryouts begin - Mon. March 17th
- Dr. Reggie Wright Assembly - Mon. March 17th 8:00 am
- Rising 7th Gr. Orientation - Mon. March 17th - 6:00 p.m.
- District Concert - Tue. March 18th - 7:00 p.m. HHS Aud.
- School Closed - EID al-Fitr: Monday, March 31st
- End of MP3: Tuesday, April 1st
ATTENTION: Satz Health Lessons
Time Sensitive Information Regarding Health Class
Please review the communication from Mr. Casale, Supervisor of Athletics, Health & Physical Education, regarding our upcoming Health classes. This information is time sensitive, we kindly ask that you take time to review the letter and complete the form by no later than Mon. March 17th. We will be adding a link here later today for your reference.
Caught Living Holmdel Blue 💙
We are #satzproud of the following students for Living Holmdel Blue
- Dominic Sottile
- Caitlin Lavin
- Elle Foster
- Colin O
- Savannah Galuten
- Zayd Elachhab
- Greyson Everest
- AJ Ardise
HFEE Innovation Fund Mini-Grant Applications are Now Open!
The Holmdel Foundation for Educational Excellence (HFEE) is excited to announce that the 2025-2026 Innovation Fund mini-grant application process is now open for teachers, staff, and students! The HFEE Innovation Fund supports innovative and creative projects that enhance the school curriculum and enrich the learning experiences of Holmdel’s Pre-K through grade 12 students.
For the year 2025-2026, each Innovation Fund mini-grant for teachers is $3500, and for students, it is $2000. This year, due to an increase in financial commitments, HFEE Innovation Fund will be able to award a smaller number of grants than the previous year - therefore, the application review process will be even more rigorous.
The 2025-2026 Innovation Fund mini-grant application link for STUDENTS can be found here and in an email sent by Mrs. Simonelli - check your email students!
The 2025-2026 Innovation Fund mini-grant application link for TEACHERS/STAFF can be found in an email sent by Mrs. Simonelli.
- All Teachers/Staff applications must be submitted to the Building Principal no later than March 25, 2025. No extensions to this deadline will be granted.
- All Student applications must be submitted to the Building Principal no later than April 1, 2025. No extensions to this deadline will be granted.
Don't forget to check out the list of groundbreaking projects made possible by the HFEE Innovation Fund for the previous academic years as well as videos of prior innovative funded projects on our HFEE website: https://www.hfee.org/innovationfund.
Please contact the HFEE Mini-Grant Chairperson, Chandana Rao, at innovationfund@hfee.org with any questions.
With gratitude,
The HFEE Trustees
Reminders 🚨
Backpacks must be stored in your lockers. You may carry your materials or use a string bag or canvas bag. For more information please read Locker/Backpack Use at Satz School.
Remember all students are encouraged to purchase a lock to secure their lockers and personal items. We are not responsible for lost items. You can visit the guidance office in between classes and during lunch to purchase one. $10 cash only.
Cell Phone/Headphones/Earbuds/Smart Watches/Gaming Devices - a reminder that all electronic devices should be stored in your backpacks, lockers or left at home during the school day. Students may use their phones before and after school, not during lunch/recess..
Lockers must have a school lock, students should lock their belongings in their locker. We are not responsible for lost or stolen items.
Satz Science Fair!
We are thrilled to announce that we are expanding our Science Fair to include the Satz School this year! Please click here to view the letter with specific information.
Guidance News
Buzzed In March Newsletter
Satz Library News
March-ing Into the new Complex Library News
As the weather warms up, we welcome you to the latest library newsletter, filled with tips on doing research, book suggestions, and a chance to win the next Best Estimate Contest!
Donate Your Unused LEGOs to the Satz Library!
Help Us Build Something Amazing!
Do you have LEGO pieces lying around that are no longer being used? We would love to take them off your hands! Your generous donations will be used not only in the Satz Library but also for an exciting collaborative, cross-curricular LEGO Build-Off Project inspired by the book The Stars Beneath Our Feet.
How You Can Help:
Donate any used or new LEGO pieces—big or small, every brick counts!
Drop off your donations at the Satz Library or the Main Office.
Your contribution will help spark creativity, teamwork, and innovation in our students! Thank you for your support!
Spring Sports
Season will begin tryouts the week of March 17th
William R. Satz School Coaches & Contact Info:
Baseball: Mr. Saler (dsaler@holmdelschools.org)
Softball: Mr. Sherman (dsherman@holmdelschools.org)
Tennis: Ms. Kalajian (skalajian@holmdelschools.org)
Boys Track: Mrs. McCafferty (cmccafferty@holmdelschools.org)
Girls Track: Mrs. Diorio (kdiorio@holmdelschools.org)
Nurse Schulhafer (cshulhafer@holmdelschools.org)
Track & Field:
Mon. March 17th - Practice all Runners
Tue. March 18th - Practice all Field Events
Wed. March 19th - Practice all Runners
Uniforms Room 206
Thur. March 20th - Practice all Field Events
Fri. March 21st - Practice all Runners
Mon. March 17th - Tryouts 3:15 p.m. Bus @ Village Sch.
Mon. March 17th - Fri. March 21st - Practices 3:15 p.m.
Thur. March 20th & Fri. March 21st from 4:30 - 6:00 p.m.
Mon. March 24th - Makeups 4:30-6:00 p.m.
Academic Competitions: Humanities: Mr. Bell
Academic Competitions: Math: Ms. Cantwell & Ms. Hoheb
Academic Competitions: Science Olympiad: Ms. Suppa & Mrs. Fox
The State Tournament will be held on March 11, 2025.
The AWC would like to remind everyone that they are always collecting new or gently used supplies for local shelters. They can be dropped off in the vestibule in front of the Main Office at Satz.
Art Club: Mrs. Bayers
Builders Club: Mrs. Asaro & Ms. Villacres
Chamber Ensemble: Dr. Riso
Critical Lens Club: Mrs. Crimoli
Drama Club: Dr. DeVivo & Dr. Riso & Mrs. Mannuccia
Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA): Mrs. Finnegan
Jazz Band: Dr. Riso
Satz Jazz Band meets once a week on D days @ 7:30 am before school. (You can be dropped off at the entrance to the High School, the band room is off the commons.) Jazz Band Interest Form
Jazz Band is for students who can already play an instrument and read music.
The ensemble will prepare music and perform at the band concerts.
We need Saxophone, trumpet, trombone, flute, clarinet, guitar, piano, bass, tuba, drumset.
Model UN/YAG (Youth & Govt): Mr. Harris
Feb. 24 Meeting #3
March 3 Meeting #4March 10 Meeting #5
March 17 Meeting #6
Newspaper Club: Mrs. Imbro
We will have a club meeting on March 12, in room 111 during the second half of unit lunch. We’d like to celebrate the publication of our winter edition, as well as talk about some new ideas for the spring issue. Please do everything you can to attend. Feel free to bring snacks to share (party style).
Robotics Club: Mr. O'Keefe
Student Ambassadors/Youth Alliance: Mr. Bruce
Student Council: Ms. Crowley & Ms. Shea
Yearbook: Ms. Drew & Ms. Rossetti
🎵 Introducing the Yearbook Theme: Satz Wrapped! Inspired by Spotify’s annual “Wrapped”
Next Meeting is 3/12 for ALL MEMBERS - LUNCH Rm. 123 --> We will be discussing our plans to meet our deadline for mid-April, as well as final photographers and artists assignments.
This month, the yearbook editors and graphic designers met to design pages off of our winter sports teams and events. We can’t wait for you to see our hard work!
The art team has updated our yearbook bulletin board to showcase some winter events. Take a look next time you’re near the science/social studies 120’s hallway! It will be updated soon as we begin to capture memories from our spring sports and events!
The staff continues to take pictures during spirit weeks, events, and sports games to capture memories throughout the year.
The staff would like to remind everyone to order their yearbooks as soon as possible! Prices have increased!
We have officially collected all 8th grade baby pictures, and the submissions are now closed. Thank you to all who have uploaded a picture!
To order a Yearbook:
Go to yearbookforever.com and enter our school name. Prices start at $50 and will remain the same for the rest of the school year!
Add your favorite pictures from the school year!
While we have an awesome staff at work, including photographers, artists, and editors, YOU can contribute photos:
Use the app Yearbook Snap or go to yearbookforever.com
Enter the code: hawks
Select the appropriate folder
Upload your memories!
Satz Wrapped!
Satz Wrapped for the week of March 3rd took time off for SEL week and "unplugged" day! They will be back this week! If you missed our last Satz Wrapped check it out below!