Weekend Wire
September 15, 2024
Welcome to Westwood!
9/20--Friday Flag
9/20--PTA Movie Night (details below)
9/30--District Professional Growth Day--Non Student Day
10/1-First Full Day of School for Kindergarten
10/4-Friday Flag
10/8--Fun Run Kick Off Assembly 7:55 Parents invited
10/11--Picture Day
10/17--Fun Run
10/18--Friday Flag
10/25--Make Up picture day
10/31--Minimum Day 11:45 Dismissal
We will start the year introducing you to all of our amazing staff members! This week, we are showcasing our Second Grade teachers, Rayna Matsushita, Lisa Ducote, Elise Allen, Renee Ostrander, Darcy Setzler and Rachel Varga.
Dear Families,
Next week, our school will focus on the character strength of Open-Mindedness. This means being willing to consider new ideas and try new things. It involves looking at situations from all sides and not jumping to conclusions.
Open-mindedness is about seeking out and fairly weighing evidence, even if it goes against our own opinions or goals. Open-minded people listen to different viewpoints, including those that are less popular. They are often good listeners and provide balanced advice, which makes them great friends and confidants. This strength helps individuals form meaningful and lasting relationships.
To practice and encourage the character strength of open-mindedness at home, please visit the Positivity Project’s mobile-friendly P2 for Families. There, you will watch a video clip together and discuss a quote and three questions related to open-mindedness.
Thank you for your support!
To ensure our students are set up for success on the playground, we will b teaching playground games during PE. Each week, the entire school will focus on one specific game.
Grass Area
Running is allowed
Students can play red light green light, Simon says, or have races.
Students can sit on the benches or grass area
Chase or tag games are not allowed.
Digging or playing with the brick planters is not allowed.
Students must stay on grass. No climbing or walking on dirt hillsides.
What is the School Site Council?
The SSC is made up of five staff members and five parent/community members, each serving a two-year term. We currently have two openings for parent/community representatives for the 2024-25 and 2025-26 school years. Members are expected to attend all meetings, with our first Zoom meeting scheduled for October.
Voting is open until Wednesday, September 25, 2024.
Westwood has over 840 students, and we need your help to ensure a smooth and safe dismissal. We are requesting that all parents, family, friends and caregivers to wait behind the yellow line on the pavement for your student. This will reduce crowding around the teacher dismissal area and improve safety for all. Thank you!
Hello Art Corps Volunteers! We are gearing up for another great year! If you signed up to be an Art Corps classroom lead, classroom helper or maybe missed the sign ups and just want to learn more about the program - Art Corps Volunteer Orientation is happening Friday September 20th at 8:30 AM in the Westwood MPR. Looking forward to seeing you all there!
2024-2025 yearbooks will be amazing! Order them now so you don't have to worry about them at the end of the school year and receive 10% off!
Add your photos so your student is represented in the yearbook!
1. Click here: https://web.treering.com/school/231813/2024/school-content/school-photos
2. Sign in and it will take you to School Photos 24-25 page
2. Click on appropriate folder and then click on Add Photos and upload your photos
3. Now your student will be represented in the yearbook!
About Us
Bill Egan
Email: kholmes@powayusd.com
Website: https://westwood. powayusd.com
Location: 17449 Matinal Road, San Diego, CA, USA
Phone: 858-487-2026
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WWESRoadrunners
Twitter: @RoadrunnersWwes
Nondiscrimination Philosophy and Policy Statement
The Poway Unified School District (PUSD) is an equal opportunity employer/program and is committed to an active Nondiscrimination Program. PUSD prohibits discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and bullying based on actual or perceived race, color, ancestry, national origin, nationality, immigration status, ethnicity, ethnic group identification, age, religion, marital or parental status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or gender expression or association with a person or a group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. For more information, please contact: Title IX/Equity Compliance Officer, James Jimenez, Associate Superintendent of Personnel support Services, Poway Unified School District, 15250 Avenue of Science, San Diego, CA 92128, 1-858-521-2800, extension 2121, jjimenez@powayusd.com. For students, you may contact Title IX Coordinator/504 Coordinator Jamie Dayhoff, Director of Attendance and Discipline, Poway Unified School District, 1-858-521-2840, jdayhoff@powayusd.com.