Bulldog Bark
Week of November 13th

Raymond B. Stewart Middle School
- Our MISSON is to create a legacy of excellence with the support of our families and communities.
- Our VISION is to empower ALL BULLDOGS to become productive and compassionate members of society.
- Our theme for 2024-2025 is Bulldogs Unleashed!
Principal's Message
Hello Bulldog Families,
As we continue to focus on November’s Resiliency Skill, Gratitude, I want to take a moment to express my heartfelt appreciation for the students at Raymond B. Stewart Middle School. Our students are the reason I do this job. Watching them grow, learn, and mature everyday brings me the joy and motivation to do my best.
Pajamas and Dress Code: As the weather begins to cool off we are seeing an increase in students wearing pajamas and bringing blankets to school. The student code of conduct specifically states pajamas are not appropriate for the school setting but can be worn as part of a special event or dress up day. We know many of our students enjoy the comfort of pajama bottoms, and we are asking help from parents to assist us in reminding students they may only wear them on dress up days. We are also asking that students leave blankets at home. Unfortunately, blankets often become a distraction to learning and are not appropriate for the school setting.
Holidays: As we approach the holiday season, please remember that if you need assistance for Thanksgiving or Christmas, you can contact our main office at (813) 794-6500. Alternatively, your child can reach out to their favorite teacher so we can complete the necessary paperwork. If you are in need for Thanksgiving we are asking that you please let us know by the end on Monday 11/18, so that we have enough time to meet your needs.
If you’re interested in donating to a family in need, please connect with our school Social Worker, Kathryn Mackenzie, by calling the main line or emailing her at kmackenz@pasco.k12.fl.us.
Thank you for taking the time to read this week’s Bulldog Bark newsletter and for being our partner in your child’s education.
Joshua Borders
Raymond B. Stewart Middle School
(813) 794-6500
Monday 11/18:
Girls Basketball Game vs. AAI (A)
Boys Soccer practice 2pm-4pm
*Memory Monday: Dress as your favorite
book or movie character
Tuesday 11/19:
Girls Basketball& Boys Soccer Practice 2pm-4pm
*Twin Tuesday: Dress the same as a friend
Wednesday 11/20:
Boys Soccer Practice 2pm-4pm
Girls Basketball game vs. TWEMS (H)
*Wacky Wednesday: Wear Mismatched clothes
Thursday 11/21:
Boys Soccer game vs CSRMS (A)
Girls Basketball Practice 2pm-4pm
*Thankful Thursday: Wear Orange and Black
Friday 11/22:
Boys Soccer & Girls Basketball Practice 2pm-4pm
*Free Your Mind Friday: Wear a hat on your head
and be thankful for a free mind while on break.
Pre- Purchase a Yearbook
Happy Birthday Shout out on Marquee
Raymond B. Stewart Middle School
Zephyrhills, FL 33542
Contact us: 813-794-6500