Wrangler Weekly
Week of December 4, 2023
Message from Ms. Bratton, principal
The December roller coaster is here! These are busy, exciting days full of concerts and contests and special events -- AND wrapping up the end of the first semester. We encourage all to check Skyward to monitor grades. Our final exam schedule can be found below. And we encourage you to remind your students to practice good habits: wash hands, cover coughs/sneezes, and not share water bottles -- our school nurse, Mrs. Keith, says we have families calling in to report flu, strep, Covid, and RSV. Let's keep our Wranglers healthy.
As per Comal ISD policy, exams may not be given early. If you know your student will miss exams, please reach out to their teacher. Our process for making up exams is to have students come up on the teacher prep and planning day, January 2, at 9 AM. Students will take test(s) and then contact parent for pick up.
Also, during exams, we do NOT allow students to be signed out of an exam early. This is out of consideration for students who are in the middle of testing. It is very distracting to students to have kids packing up and leaving when they are still testing. Beyond being distracted, the testing student tends to start rushing through, feeling that they too should already "be done." When students are finished taking an exam, they are expected to read quietly or study for another exam.
Please plan "sign outs" around the exam schedule below -- we don't remove students from a room still testing. We ask this in consideration of ALL students, helping ensure they are given the best opportunity to show mastery of this semester's coursework.
Finally, with the holidays approaching, Monday is our LAST DAY for our annual blanket and heater drive. Thank you in advance for helping build our Wrangler Community.
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out. I am happy to help.
P.S. Good Luck at STATE to our Wrangler Wrobotics! I'm up here in Dallas with them -- cowbell in hand -- cheering them on! They are doing GREAT! Last round is Saturday!
Go Wranglers! Go Wrobotics!
Ms. Bratton
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SBMS Attendance for the Week
6th grade - 95.3%
7th grade - 93.4%
8th grade - 94.2%
Total - 94.3%
IMPORTANT: Course Selection Advising Sign Up FOR PARENTS
If you have not yet scheduled an advising session, we would like to invite you as a parent/guardian to attend your student’s advising session and you can attend in-person, virtually or by phone call. Please use the following link to schedule a time that works best for you to meet with your student and counselor.
A-L Course Advising - December M-Z Course Advising - December
A-L Course Advising - January M-Z Course Advising - January
If you are unable or do not wish to attend your student’s advising session, please complete the following form, and we will follow up with an email once your student’s advising session has been completed with a summary of what was discussed. Decline Course Advising
We are very excited to meet to be part of this integral part of your student’s academic journey. Should you have any questions, please feel free to email:
Fall Exam Schedule
Beginning Wednesday, December 13th, students will be taking their fall final exams.
Please note that we will not interrupt a final exam to pull a student out of class early.
Lost and Found Cleanout
At the end of every 9-weeks, we clean out our lost and found. If your student is missing an item, please remind them to check the lost and found cabinet in the cafeteria by the end of the day on Friday, December 15th. We have hoodies, lunch bags, gym clothes and water bottles galore!
Fence Spirit Signs
School Pantry Program
We also wish to recognize our Wrangler Player of the Week, Isabella Joers.
**Silver Parking Space Silent Auction**
🚗Want a break from the car pick up line?
⭐️Bid on our Spring Silver Parking Spot in the front parking lot!⭐️
Help support SBMS PTA upcoming events and teachers’ grants while trying to save yourself from the long lines!
🚙 Drop off and pick up for all semester starting 1/4/23 to 5/31/23.
🎉 The silent auction is active online! Visit the link below to bid. 🍀 Good luck, everyone!
🚨The system will draw automatically on 12/22 at 9pm. It will also auto email the winner!
Link for Silver Parking: https://app.memberhub.gives/8337ab/Campaign/Details
Join PTA
The SBMS PTA organization works hard to support its students, teachers and families. Every PTA membership makes it possible to have a larger voice with the Texas Legislature.
Please join! $8 is the price but the effect is priceless!
By click here, you can also get your SBMS swag like sweatshirts, sweatpants, draw string bags and decals for your tumbler.
While you are there, take a look at our sponsorship opportunities; there are different levels available and we'd love to have you onboard. Let us know if we can answer any questions for you. Thank you for supporting SBMS!
Parking Space Raffle - Closes Dec 15th
Want to bypass the car lines before and after school? Raffle tickets for two front-of-the-school parking spots for the third 9-week period begin online Saturday, November 4, 2023.
Parking spots are valid 1/3/23 to 3/8/23. Best of luck to all! For questions, please email springbranchmiddleschoolpta@gmail.com.
Link for Navy & White Parking Spots: https://app.memberhub.gives/2c7adc/Campaign/Details
Thank you to Rutter Realty Group
How do you properly thank a generous sponsor? Wow! We are so appreciative of Dave Rutter (Keller Williams) for being our Staff Appreciation sponsor.
You should have seen ALL the smiles in the teacher lounge this morning! It’s more than just snacks, gifts, an Amazon gift card drawing and drinks...it’s our staff knowing that Dave Rutter cares about them and supports their hard work.
Community partners like Rutter Realty (Keller Williams) are what’s right in the world. Thank you so much!
Monday 12/4
Tuesday 12/5
Wednesday 12/6
Thursday 12/7
Girls BB vs MVMS, 7th home, 8th away
Boys soccer vs CHMS
Friday 12/8
Saturday 12/9
12/11 Boys soccer at SVMS
12/13 Semester finals for 1st and 2nd periods
12/13 Boys BB vs ORMS, 7th home, 8th away
12/14 Girls BB vs PRMS, 7th away, 8th home
12/14 Semester finals for 3rd, 5th and 6th periods
12/15 Semester finals for 4th and 7th periods
12/15 End of 9 week grading period, Early release schedule
12/18 - 1/1 Holiday Break
1/2 Student Holiday
Save a Life
Scouts USA Opportunity
Bulverde Little League
Important Links
- SBMS Bell Schedule
- SBMS Athletic Calendars
- CISD Academic Calendar
- Comal Parent Center
- Cafeteria/Child Nutrition webpage
- Order Fence Signs and Spirit Gear here
- Tutoring Schedule here
- Hallway Heroes: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20f0c4faaa728a20-20228 And as always, your volunteer background check must be on file for the current school year. The background check may take a few weeks to come back, so please plan accordingly.
Spring Branch Middle School
Email: brandi.norton@comalisd.org
Website: sbms.comalisd.org
Location: 21053 Texas 46, Spring Branch, TX, USA
Phone: (830)885-8800
Facebook: facebook.com/CISDSpringBranchMS
Instagram: sbms_wranglers
Twitter: @SBMSWranglers