Warhawk Weekly January 13, 2025
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The Hall Way...
Hello Warhawks!
Welcome Back and Happy 2025! I hope all of our Northwood families had a wonderful holiday season and were able to enjoy time with friends and family over break.
Students and staff are off and running into the new quarter! Please encourage your student to start the second semester off strong. I love the opportunity and energy fresh starts bring. There are many ways our students can embrace the start of the semester...
be an active participant in their classes
work collaboratively with their peers
ask questions
try a new activity or sport
reach out to staff when they need support
We will be mailing home Quarter 2 Report Cards this week and they will be available in PowerSchool. Included in the mailing will be a copy of your D200 Student Fee Statement (if you have an outstanding balance). We also are finalizing the honor roll recognition for the second quarter and will share the list next week.
The Warhtawk Weekly is our newsletter for families and students. Each week we will share important updates and information. Please contact the school office with questions and/or concerns you have now or anytime throughout the school year. Together we can provide a positive environment for our students to PREPARE, PRACTICE, and successfully PERFORM in all aspects of being a Warhawk!
Bethany Hall
Northwood Principal
Highlights This Week:
Upcoming Club Meetings, Girls Intramurals
Save the Date
Friday, January 17
Picture Retake Day (More Info Coming Soon!)
Monday, January 20
No School - Martin Luther King Jr Day
Monday, January 27
- PTO and 8th Grade Dance Committee Meeting - 6 pm in NMS Library
Thursday, January 30
Half Day - DIsmissal at 12:35 pm
Picture Retake Day - Friday 1/17/25
NMS Picture Retake is coming soon on Friday, January 17
- If you're satisfied with your child's picture, no further action is required.
- IIf you purchased and were unhappy with your Picture Package, please send your Picture Package to school with your student on Retake Day. Your Retake Picture Package will be produced and shipped to the school four weeks after Retake Day. Please note, if your child is photographed on the original and Retake Picture Days, the Retake picture will replace the original picture in certain products, like the yearbook.
- Students who were absent for Picture Day should come to school prepared to have their picture taken.
- If you have not preordered, please use the Retake Order Code 88825JL to place your order at https://inter-state.com/FlyerEntry/88825JL. To see your Order History, check your Inter-State Account.
- Find answers to Retake Day questions here.
8th Grade Updates
8th Grade Orientation Activities for WNHS
Student Course Sheets are due to Mrs. Dechant, Mr. Wilson, or Mrs. Ducharme (Science Teachers) on Monday, January 13. The WNHS Counselors will be visiting on Tuesday, 1/14, to work with students on their schedules for next year.
Check out the letter below for all of the details for the WNHS Class of 2029.
8th Grade Dance Parent Committee
It is hard to believe, but our 8th graders are about to enter their last semester of middle school! We will be sharing more information soon about all of the festivities this spring for the NMS Class of 2025, but we need to start planning for the dance.
The 8th Grade Dance will be held in May and we would like to put together a parent committee to begin planning this special event for our students. Please use the link below if you would like to be a part of the 8th Grade Dance Committee. We will have our first meeting at the PTO Meeting on January 27 at 6:00 pm.
8th Grance Dance Committee/PTO Meeting has been rescheduled to 1/27/25 at 6 pm
Activity Bus
Need a ride home after a club meeting or tutoring?
Northwood has an Activity Bus at 4:30 pm on Monday - Thursday.
Students that currently receive transportation can sign up to take the activity bus home at 4:30 pm on Monday - Thursday. Please use the sign up sheet below to reserve your seat each week.
SIgn ups are required each week to ensure that you are included in the activity bus route.
NMS is Looking for PTO Members
Looking for a way to support Northwood? We are looking for parents to join our PTO. Please sign up below so we can have a list of interested parents.
We will have our next meeting on Monday, January 27 at 6 pm in the NMS Library
NMS Spiritwear
The NMS Spiritwear webpage is open! Thank you for suppoeting the NMS PTO!
Handle with Care - Social Work Support
If your family is experiencing difficulties at home, we would like to provide additional support at school. We understand that you are not always able to share details and that’s okay. If your child is coming to school after a difficult night, morning, or weekend please let us know. Please leave one of us a message on our confidential voice mail or fill out our online Handle with Care form (linked below). This will let us know that your child may need extra time, patience, or help during the school day.
School Social Workers
Lexi Carter 815-206-4655
Tiffany Moore 815-206-4650
Patty Whalon 815-206-4656
D200 Events and Community Connections
Keep in Contact with Northwood!
Office Hours: 7:30 am - 4 pm
Phone: 815-338-4900
24 hour Northwood Attendance Line: (815) 337-8618
Please call the 24 hour attendance line if your student will be late or absent to school
Principal - Bethany Hall bhall@wcusd200.org
Assistant Principal - Tyler Carlson tcarlson@wcusd200.org
Secretary to the Principal - Chris Maldonado cmaldonado@wcusd200.org
Secretary to the Assistant Principal - Sarai Butler sbutler@wcusd200.org
Registrar - Robin Simandl rsimandl@wcusd200.org
Nurse - Karli Kush kkush@wcusd200.org