Harmoniously blending the work of redemption and education
BCCA Families,
Rebekah and I recently watched a show about raising animals. The main purpose of branding is to know which farmer/shepherd the animal belongs to. Revelation tells us that the people of God have a seal on their forehead (7:1-8). When you look around, sometimes it is easy to see who has this mark. They are the people who always selflessly help others. The type of person who inspires you to do the same.
You can see this with younger people too. It warms my heart when I see a student go out of their way to help others. There is nothing that beats the feeling of watching one of your students behave like a child of God. There are many things that can make younger children upset and cause them to lash out at each other, but this year has been something special at BCCA. While conflicts do arise between children (as they always do/will), the students have behaved incredibly well.
It is a great feeling to be a part of a school that cultivates followers of God. It takes all staff members, church members, parents, volunteers, etc. to properly raise children and seeing us succeed in this at BCCA tells me that everyone putting in work is doing well and we are seeing the fruits of our labors in children who are being raised as God’s people.
I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.
1 John 1:4
Lucas Smith
BCCA Principal
March 5 - School Picture Day
March 8 - 12 - MAPS Testing Week
TBD - Garden Day: Please send an extra set of clothes!
March 15 - 19 - Spring Break - No School
March 22 - First Day of 4th Quarter
March 24 - Parent Teacher Conferences (Half Day)
March 30 - Science Fair 6pm
Pavilion Update!
Highlights from Spirit Week!
Thank you families for your children's participation in our Spirit Week activities. Looks like it was fun! Monday ~ Career Day, Tues~ crazy hair/hat day, Wednesday ~ world culture day, Thursday ~ Decade day, and Friday ~ Dress down day. Way to go!
School Picture Day (March 5)
MAPS Testing (March 8 - 12)
Parent/Teacher Conferences (March 24)
Science Fair (March 30)
Taking learning outdoors
Tearl King
Garden Coordinator
Managing the Mind
Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect. Romans 12:2 NLT
It’s easy to think that my problems have more to do with my circumstances—heavy responsibilities, little resources, a personal struggle I’m facing—and less to do with how I think. That is, I tend to be much more concerned with what’s happening around me than what’s happening in me.
But the truth is, God is far more interested in changing my mind than my circumstances. I want God to change my circumstances and take away the pain and sorrow around me. Those issues are important, but God wants to first deal with what’s going on in me.
Here are two daily habits to help you cultivate a healthy mind:
Feed your mind with truth.
Good calories help you grow stronger and give you more energy. Bad calories harm your body. The same is true with your thoughts. For a healthy thought life, you need to feed your mind with truth, not poison or junk.
Jesus tells us about healthy “mind food” when he told Satan, “Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.” Matthew 4:4 NIV
The Bible is your soul food. It’s how you keep your mind healthy throughout the week.
Focus on the right things.
“Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.” Philippians 4:8 NLT
What are the good things you should focus on?
Think about Jesus. When you think about Jesus, you become more like him. So when you’re ready to give up, think about Jesus.
Think about others. Everything in the world teaches you to think about yourself and no one else. But the Bible says that life is not about you. You’ll only know the real meaning of life when you learn to give your life away.
Think about eternity. Life is about more than the here and now. Too often we have short-term thinking. The Bible says, “Think about the things of heaven, not the things of earth.” Colossians 3:2 NLT
Learning to manage your mind will change your life and your family. God gave you your mind. Feed it with truth. Focus on right things.
Love Always,
Pastor Randy Mills