December 13, 2024
12/16 -12/20 K-8 Spirit Week
12/19 Grade 7/8 Power Puff game
12/20 CGS House Party CGS is the BEST!
12/20 Early release day US 11:15 LS 11:45
Our library is looking great. Our generous volunteers have been working hard to shelve all of the books. We are moving closer to student book exchange! Stay posted!
Congratulations, CGS Band!
The Grades 5-8 band displayed all of their hard work and practice as they performed a wonderful assortment of holiday songs at their concert on Wednesday. Thank you to Mr Smith and volunteers for helping to make the night a succes!
Merrimack Valley Celebration of Lights
🚗💡🚦Please cosider visiting this festive attraction! It is so close to home!
Time on Learning
Teachers work hard to plan and provide high-quality lessons. They are packed with collaborative opportunities, strategy modeling, examples and time to practice skills. It is critical that students are present and engaged to obtain the objectives of the lesson.
We are experiencing a growing trend of students coming to class late then asking to leave to get breakfast, or leaving for extended periods to access the water filling stations. These events are compromising engagement and understanding.
As of 12/16/24
- Students who want breakfast must enter the cafeteria upon arrival at school. Students will not be allowed to leave class to obtain breakfast after they have entered the classroom.
- Water filling stations must be accessed during transition times. Transition times to/from special classes, breaks before WIN block and transition to/from lunch/recess are the approved times. Since students are allowed to carry water bottles with them, they will not be leaving during instruction to find a water filling station. Staff will be mindful and use their judgment during extenuating circumstances like hot days, exertion and student coughing etc. Please communicate any needs or questions to homeroom teachers.
SEPAC update
The Methuen Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC) warmly invites you to join today! We are dedicated volunteers committed to supporting families of students with special needs. Connect with us for valuable resources and support.
Right now, we're excited to partner with our amazing PTOs to enhance and foster inclusivity at our school events. We are looking for enthusiastic volunteers from each school to join our mission! Your involvement can truly make a difference in fostering a welcoming environment for all families.
If you are interested in volunteering or would like more information, please reach out to us at:
Email: methuensepac@gmail.com
Together, we can create a supportive community for all students and their families!
Methuen SEPAC
Special Education Parent Advisory Council
(978) 291-8258
Collective Bargaining Agreement as of 12/9
The Methuen School Committee is actively bargaining with the Methuen Education Association for Unit A (teachers) and Unit C (program assistants). In an effort to be transparent about the process and information being shared, there is a link on the MPS website titled collective bargaining updates
Please donate!
Please help our CGS students in need of coats for the colder weather by donating to the Peerleader Coat Drive. Thank you for your continued support of our students!
Connect with a Parent Ambassador
Our CGS parent amabassadors have been connecting with families by providing welcome emails and access to school information. These thoughtful ambassadors can serve as knowledgeable resources to any CGS caregiver seeking guidance. The ambassadors are willing to support caregivers with questions related to Infinite Campus, Spirit Days, Google Classroom, school lunch and clubs/activities along with other topics. If you would like to connect with a CGS ambassador, please click the link to locate the correct ambassador for your child's grade.
Thank you to all of our CGS Ambassadors for helping to build great partnerships!
Attendance Matters
Handle with Care
If a student is experiencing any personal difficulty at home, we would like to provide additional support at school. We understand that you are not always able to share details and that is OK. If your child is coming to school after a difficult night, morning or weekend, please email the teacher with the subject “Handle with Care.” Nothing else will need to be said or asked, unless you want to share.
This will let the teacher know that your child may need extra time,
patience or care during the day.
CGS Spirit Wear
We are so excited to offer our ONLINE CGS Student Spirit store! Students and STAFF can show their pride for CGS in whatever style they choose! We will continue to have CGS “We are proud WEDNESDAY.” Each Wednesday CGS staff and students are welcomed to show their spirit in blue and white or CGS apparel. Funds raised will help support our positive school culture.