Principal Message
November 15, 2024
Dear Roadrunner Families ~
Highlights from the week include:
- Under the advisement of Loura Williams, Counselor, interested 4th and 5th Grade Students attended a training on how to support peers during recess as a Conflict Manager. The training resumes Monday, Nov. 18.
- 4th Grade Students doing an amazing job performing during their evening concert.
- Monthly PTA meeting where families came together to discuss and plan future community events.
This month we will continue working on:
- Getting deeper into learning! Check out specific classroom newsletters/Teacher communication to learn more.
Below are a few important dates/info to tuck away:
Important Upcoming Dates:
- November 21-26: Elementary Conferences - HALF DAY for Elementary
- November 27: HALF DAY for Elementary
- November 28-29: Thanksgiving Holiday - NO SCHOOL
- December 2: Teacher Work Day - NO SCHOOL for Elementary
- February 5-7: 5th Grade Camp (more info coming soon)
Change to Start Time - Friday, Nov. 22
NOTE: Friday, Nov. 22nd is NOT a late start day. Students will start their day at 8:30 with the day ending at 11:30 for early release.
Family School Climate Survey
The Renton School District is conducting a survey about school climate. The survey includes questions about your perceptions on topics such as student engagement, school environment, and school safety.
The data will be used by the school and district to better understand similarities and differences in school climate. Your answers are confidential. At no point will any report identify any individual or their responses.
The survey should take about 5 minutes to complete. When answering, please think about the school your child currently attends. If you have children at more than one school, please complete one survey for each school.
Survey Link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/RSDFAM2024
See QR Code below.
When to Stay Home
Deciding when a student can go to school can be a difficult decision for parents to make. When trying to decide, use the guidelines below and seek the advice of your health care provider.
Online Spirit Wear Store
Renton Park has launched a new spirit wear store! Free shipping on orders over $75.
Visit the store here: https://1stplace.sale/99293
Lost and Found
Our lost and found is OVERFLOWING!
Please take a moment to visit the Lost and Found for coats, hats, lunch boxes, and water bottles.
Did you know spending just 5 minutes a day listening and talking to your children can have remarkable results? Having short, meaningful talks can build family bonds, give children a strong sense of support and self confidence, and strengthen their communication skills.
Each week I will pose a question for you to consider discussing as a family. I would LOVE to hear how it's going so feel free to stop me and share you experience.
NOTE: I'll be bringing these to my family as well :).
Question to discuss as a family this week: What do you think grown-ups worry about?
Late Night Teacher Dinner
Our teachers will be staying late on Thurs. 11/21 for Parent Conferences. Please help PTA provide them with a chili dinner to get them through their long night. You can sign up at the link below to bring food or help with set up or clean up. Thanks for your support!
SAVE THE DATE: Grade Level Concerts
Get your cameras ready! We're excited to announce that in-person grade-level evening concerts are happening again this year. All concerts will be held in the Renton Park café with a 6:00 start time. Below is the schedule for this year:
- February 13: 3rd Grade
- April 3: 1st Grade
- April 24: 2nd Grade
- May 15: Kindergarten
- June 5: 5th Grade
Join the PTA! Become a Member! (Meeting attendance not required)
Click here to sign up: https://www.rentonparkpta.org/pta-store
Need help with the cost of membership? PTA received a grant to boost membership and cover the member fee if it's not in your budget.
Send a brief email to 4thestudents@rentonparkpta.org with questions or to get the coupon code to enter at membership check out!
Daily Bell Schedule: Monday - Thursday
Daily Bell Schedule: Friday
School Breakfast/Lunch Meals FREE
Thanks to a state and federal funding, Renton School District will again provide breakfast and lunch meals free to most students this school year. All students can eat school breakfast and lunches free except at Risdon Middle School, Hazen High and the H.O.M.E. program. Unfortunately, the federal Community Eligibility Provision formula left us unable to include these schools.
Important note: While not required for free school meals, families are strongly encouraged to complete this Child Nutrition and Education Benefit form to help students and families receive important resources like: before and after school academic and enrichment programs; resources for classrooms; guidance and college counselors; health and wellness services; state summer grocery debit cards (SunBucks), and more. Submit your completed form to RSD.mealform@rentonschools.us or drop off at your school.
REMINDER: Please complete the Meal Application! It is available at https://www.rentonschools.us/ departments/nutrition-services-warehouse/meal-applications. All students at our elementary schools receive one free breakfast and lunch each day. However we ask for you to complete a meal application in order to ensure your child's school qualifies for federal and state funding that is determined by parent income levels. You may also be eligible for other benefits such as reduced fees for programs and activities.