Action of the School Board 5.20.24

May 20, 2024
DECA Program National Competition
Coon Rapids High School
Blake Bodenburg, business teacher and DECA advisor at Coon Rapids High School introduced students with top finishes in DECA state and national competition including: Anna Kelly, Samantha Dennis, Aaron Arthur, Jr., Samantha Schulz, Logan Barker, Adreanna Fowlkes, Kelsey Koehler, Denise Roberts, Lilyanna Gagnon, LucyAnn Curfman, Kaylee Birkland, Azaria Banks, and Magret Kamwendo. Bodenberg was also recognized for being named Outstanding DECA Advisor for Minnesota.
Business Professionals of America
Blaine High School and Anoka High School
Holly Boisjolie, business teacher and Business Professionals of America (BPA) coordinator at Blaine High School attended the meeting to recognize students for top performance at state and national competitions to include: Suliyat Adewale, Carly Anderson, Sydney Andrle, Dorcas Aroloye, Ethan Asante, Rusis Bhusal, Jordan Blair, Ayden Deboer, Nolawi Gibe, Leah Holman, Andy Hoang, Kremm Ibrahim, Bellamy John, Nelson Kavi, Hibat Kemer, Ali Khan, Sharon Kimaiga, Reema Krishnan, Vivian Lieu, Maverick Millar, Abdulbasit Muhamed, Silas Murangiri, Silvia Nnadi, Olayide Ogunse, Karma Phunstok, Amogh Patil, Shripad Patil, Huda Rashid, Hailey Rehrauer, Sandara Sihavong, Sudihya Singh, Anushkaa Sinha, Nathan Taylor, Bethel Teklu, Bona Terfassa, Ella Thompson, Devon Torgerson, Yafet Tsegai, Isabelle Wegener, Aurelia Woolhouse, Eliana Zerie, Mary Zins, Jacob Takenhorst, Meia Keleekai, and Tenzin Namdol.
National Presidential Award
Dr. Mary Wolverton, associate superintendent for elementary schools; Jeff Clusiau, principal atRum River Elementary; and Julie Bowman, principal atHamilton Elementary presented the National Presidential Award finalists: Sarah Donovan, Hamilton Elementary and Krista Wyvell-Fink, Rum River Elementary.
The School Board received testimony from Pankuri Goraksha-Hicks, Kaia Hirt, Trinny Mogaks,
DeeDee Larson, Laurel Mohr, Scott Price, Nono Anderson, Noelle Epp, Kathy Tingelstad and
Tiffany Strabala.
The School Board took actions regarding employees and positions in the district in relation to a reporting timeline needed to comply with contracts and state requirements. Matt Brain, director of employee services, presented items for approval. All items were approved on a unanimous vote.
Resolution discontinuing and reducing educational programs and positions
The School Board approved the resolution which incorporates a reduction of non-licensed and administrative positions approved as part of the Phase 1 budget reduction and reallocations on a unanimous vote.
Resolution relating to the termination and non-renewal of teaching contracts of probationary teachers
The School Board approved the resolution on a unanimous vote.
Resolution to rescind the inclusion of certain teachers’ names in resolution terminating probationary teachers
The School Board reviewed terms and conditions of the resolution and approved the resolution on a unanimous vote.
Resolution proposing immediate discharge of continuing contract teachers
The board took action to approve the resolution on a unanimous vote.
Minnesota State High School League (MSHSL) membership
Dr. Josh Delich, associate superintendent for high schools, requested School Board action to approve membership to the Minnesota State High School League for the 2024-25 school year which the board approved on a unanimous vote.
FY25 proposed budget all funds
Michelle Vargas, chief financial officer, presented a proposed FY25 all funds budget timeline for decision making and a series of financial planning assumptions for the district. The board is expected to consider approval of the 2024-25 budget at their June 24, 2024 meeting. By state law, the school board is required to approve a budget by July 1, 2024.
2024-25 proposed district calendar changes
Dr. Jennifer Cherry, executive director of human resources, proposed and presented for approval the 2025-26 calendar amendments to allow dates for teachers to meet state mandated READ Act professional development requirements. The recommendation calendar changes are as follows:
- Friday, October 4 would move from a K-12 school day to a teacher professional development day at the elementary level only. Middle school and high school students will attend.
- Monday, October 7 would move to a teacher professional development day at the elementary and middle school level along with River Trail Learning Center at L.O. Jacob (RTLC), and Two Rivers Transition Program. No school for elementary and middle school, RTLC and Two Rivers. High school students will attend school.
- Friday, December 20 will change from a K-12 school day to a teacher professional development day at the elementary and middle school level, in addition to RTLC and Two Rivers Transition Program. High school students will attend school.
- Friday, January 17 will change from a K-12 school day to a teacher professional development day at the elementary and middle school level, RTLCand Two Rivers Transition Program. High School students will attend school.
The calendar recommendation was approved on a 4-1 vote with Hoekman voting no.
Authorize Education Support Professionals 2023-25 master agreement
Dr. Jennifer Cherry, executive director of human resources, presented to the School Board the Anoka-Hennepin education support professionals 2023-25 master agreement for approval. The agreement is within the budget parameters provided by the school board and it was approved on a unanimous vote.
Labor Relations update
Dr. Jennifer Cherry, executive director of human resources, provided the School Board with an update on the status of negotiations for employee groups consistent with Board Policy 209, Negotiations Code of Ethics. The presentation included an overview of the status of negotiations with the district’s bargaining groups and policy groups.
Policy 213.0 Board Committees, second read -
Tim Palmatier, general counsel, provided a second read of Policy 213.0 for board consideration. The policy provides direction for the structure and operation of committees that serve as advisors to the school board. The board will consider approval at an upcoming meeting.
Policy 509.0 Minnesota Public School Fee Law, first read -
Tim Palmatier, general counsel, provided a first read of Policy 509.0 for board consideration. Approval of this policy will also rescind and consolidate other existing policies including 510.3, 510.5 and 527.0. The board will consider approval at an upcoming meeting.
- Minutes from the 05/06 School Board meeting.
- Retirements, resignations, terminations, layoffs and recalls, leaves and modified leaves of absence, appointments.
- Cash disbursements report.
- Cash balance report.
- Donations and scholarship report.
- Monthly revenue and expenditures.
- Wage administration and terms and conditions for cabinet employees for the 2024-25 fiscal year.
- Wage administration and terms and conditions for unaffiliated administrative employees for the 2024-25 fiscal year.
- Wage and benefit guidelines for community education miscellaneous non-bargaining unit employees for the 2024-25 fiscal year.
- Wage and benefit guidelines for miscellaneous E12 non-bargaining unit employees for the 2024-25 fiscal year.
- Bid #24042B-district wide security upgrades - bid pack 2.
- Immunization exclusions as required by Statute 121a.15.
School Board Work Session, June 10 at 5:30 p.m. at the Educational Service Center, 2727 Ferry St, Anoka, MN 55303.
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