6/7 Lions Pride ~ Orgullo de Leon
James John K-5 News & Updates~Noticias y Informacion
James John School Website
Que maravilloso arcoíris de sonrisas/Our wonderful rainbow of smiles.
Mensaje del director/Principal's Message
Estimadas familias de James John,
¡¡¡Es el boletín de la edición dominical!!!
No olvide que de 10 am a 4 pm hoy es nuestra Mural Block Party.
Tenemos una semana más de clases, estamos emocionados, los estudiantes están emocionados hasta las ardillas que viven en nuestros árboles están emocionadas. Tenemos a nuestros pequeños terminando el jardín de infantes y a nuestros alumnos de quinto grado terminando su tiempo aquí en la escuela primaria James John.
Si actualmente es padre de familia en jardín de infantes, la celebración de su promoción se llevará a cabo el 14 de junio, de 8:30 a 10:00 a. m. También el 14 de junio es nuestra celebración de promoción de 5to grado. Padres de 5to grado la celebración comenzará a las 12:15 p.m. y finalizará aproximadamente a la 1:15 p.m. Las boletas de calificaciones se enviarán por correo a casa la semana después de que terminen las clases.
El último día de clases es el próximo viernes 14 de junio y la Academia de Aceleración de Verano (Escuela de Verano) comenzará el lunes 1 de julio de 2024.
¡tengan una maravillosa tarde de domingo!
Con mucho aprecio,
Mr. Castillo
Dear James John Families,
It’s the Sunday Edition Newsletter!!!
Don’t forget from 10 am - 4 pm today is our Mural Block Party.
We have one more week of school, we’re excited, the students are excited even the squirrels that live in our trees are excited. We have our littles finishing Kindergarten and our 5th Graders finishing their time here at James John Elementary.
If you are a current kindergarten parent, their promotion celebration will be held June 14th, from 8:30 -10:00 am. Also June 14th is our 5th grade promotion celebration. 5th grade parents the celebration will begin at 12:15 pm and end at about 1:15 pm. Report cards will be mailed home the week after school ends.
Last day of school is this coming Friday, June 14th and Summer Acceleration Academy (Summer School) will begin Monday, July 1st, 2024.
Have a wonderful Sunday afternoon!
With Much Appreciation,
Mr. Castillo
MAIN OFFICE ~Oficina Central
Phone: (503) 916-6266 Email adiazde@pps.net & nnarescarrillo@pps.net
Teléfono:(503) 916-6266 Email:adiazde@pps.net o nnarescarrillo@pps.net
Sunday June 9th - Mural block party 10-4pm
domingo 9 de junio - celebracion del mural 10-4pm
Monday June 10th - 1st grade field trip 10-1:30
lunes 10 de junio - paseo de 1 grado 10-1:30
Friday June 14th - Kinder & 5th grade promotion / Last day of school
viernes 14 de junio - Promoción de Kinder & 5to grado / Último día de clases
Looking forward/mas adelante
Summer vacation / vacaciones de verano
Monday, July 1st - Summer school begins
lunes 1 de julio - Escuela de verano
Block party/fiesta de mural
Please join the Charleston Avenue Street Mural Block Party, Sunday, June 9th from 10 am to 4 pm.
There will be refreshments and snacks and our street will be closed for community and family fun while we paint using paint by numbers.
Únase a la fiesta del mural de la calle Charleston Avenue, el domingo 9 de junio de 10 am a 4 pm.
Habrá bebidas y refrigerios y nuestra calle estará cerrada para diversión comunitaria y familiar mientras pintamos con pintura por números.
Community resources/ recursos de la comunidad
Del 16 de junio al 31 de agosto de 2024. Lee, Renueva y Repite en la Biblioteca del Condado de Multnomah.
Portland Parks and Recreation
Portland Parks & Recreation (PP&R) announces its 2024 Summer Free For All (SFFA) events and activities. All programs are free and everyone is welcome to attend! Program start dates vary, so visit the Summer Free For All webpage for complete details or call the Customer Service Center at 503-823-2525.
Amazon wish list/ lista de deseos de amazon
PTA Information / informacion del PTA
Easy Ways to Donate
Venmo: @JamesJohn-Elementary
James John Elementary PTA page / Página de la PTA de James John
James John Elementary page / Página de la Primaria James John
James John PTA FB page / Página de James John PTA FB
PPS Volunteer Training page / Página de voluntarios PPS
James John Social Worker Resource Site / Sitio de recursos de la trabajadora social de James John
Volunteering at James John-Voluntario en James John
If you are interested in volunteering in the school, or help chaperone a field trip visit or school event: https://www.pps.net/volunteer
Si está interesado en ser voluntario en la escuela o ayudar a ser chaperón en una excursión, visita: https://www.pps.net/volunteer
James John Elementary True North
At James John Elementary, our staff is committed to taking a collective responsibility to educate the whole student to achieve their highest academic and social potential. We are committed to providing inclusive spaces that nurture strong relationships with school staff and peers to allow students to be themselves.
We will achieve our purpose by sharpening our reflective practices and develop our language around identity and culture to ensure students feel welcomed. We will examine our data driven instruction, curriculum and assessments to be aligned with what our students need to meet district and state standards - our student’s demographics will no longer be predictors of academic achievement. We are building the stepping stones for future leaders who will have the confidence to be innovators for a better future for all.
Email: nnarescarrillo@pps.net
Website: pps.net/jamesjohn
Location: 7439 North Charleston Avenue, Portland, OR, USA
Phone: 503-916-6266
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JamesJohnSchoolPTA/
**Stay up to date on information about the things happening at school or in the neighborhood by following us on Facebook, Instagram or on our Website!
**¡Manténgase actualizado con información sobre lo que sucede en la escuela o en el vecindario siguiéndonos en Facebook, Instagram o en nuestro sitio web!